Hexaware Interview Experince

Hello, Everyone.

I am sharing my interview experience in HEXAWARE Technologies for the GET (GRADUATE ENGINEERING TRAINEE) role. It was on-campus virtual recruitment that was held in our college ( College of Engineering and Management, Kolaghat). The total recruitment process consists of 4 steps.

  1. Online test: It contains an aptitude test that has 45 MCQ questions consisting of Reasoning, numerical, and verbal ability and it was held on a superset platform for 45 mins time. This test also contains another section for domain-based questions where MCQ questions from the domain of your stream will come like for me as I am from CSE I was asked 15 pseudo code questions and 15 computer fundamentals questions for and total time of 30 mins. The total test duration is 75 mins. 

    This test was easy to moderate for me in our college 206 students applied for this test and 58 gets selected for the next round. 

  2. Communication Round: It was the 2nd round after qualifying for the online test that happened on the same day of the test after 3-4 hrs. from the recruitment team I got the mail for qualification and test link. This test is held on the Mettl platform which checks reading and writing skills along with some grammatical questions. In this test, I had to record my voice by reading a sentence that I heard and also I had to read from the screen and recorded it. Some verbal ability questions are there and I spoke about some topics that are displayed for 1 min. A Noise free room and good-quality earphones with a mic are recommended for this round. It’s an easy round for me. From 58, 33 students were selected for the next round.
  3. Technical Interview: It was held after 1 week of the communication round. We received mail with a superset interview link and time slot for my interview. At the time of the interview, I didn’t have to wait. My slot was from 2.30 pm and at 2.30 pm it started. It was 25 min -35 mins long on average, in my case, it was 30 mins long. There was only one panelist who had my CV before him I guess and the 1st question he asked me that “tell me about your latest project” as mentioned in my CV then he asked In which programming language I was comfortable and I said C. Then he asked me to open notepad and write a code of finding the 2nd maximum of an array and after it was done he gave me another code of removing vowels from a string. I was able to do so. Then he started asking basic questions on DBMS like what is normalization what is the right outer join, and how can I sort records in DBMS with some basic OOP questions like what is inheritance and polymorphism. I gave all the answers in detail with real-life examples. I like to mention that it was my first ever TR interview but the panelist was very calm and encouraging and I didn’t feel nervous. Lastly, he asked if I have any questions or not, and I asked about the review of my performance and his answer was very positive I asked How can I update my answer he told me to learn new technologies. Then in the evening, I received the qualification mail for the next HR round along with the Interview link and time slot. 16 students qualified for this round. I can say that my experience in this Technical Interview is one of the best and after giving the interview I felt more confident and satisfied.
  4.  HR Discussion: It was the last round which was held the day after the TR happened. It was also started on time on superset. As a panelist, an HR ma’am was there who asked my intro and about my projects, and about the syntax of inner join which I answered pretty well. Then she started asking some situation-based questions where I fumbled a little but she was very supportive and gave me confidence. Then she told me about 2 years bond Hexaware has and the Maverick training program and asked me about relocation, and family background. It was more like a discussion as the name suggested. All the 16 students who have qualified along with me are qualified for this round. I can say that if anyone qualified for the Technical round then it is like 95% sure that he was selected for GET.

The day after the HR discussion I got the selection mail from our TPO and then after some days I got my Letter of Intent from Hexaware.

In conclusion, I can say that the total recruitment process was very fast and also very good. They want students who have a clear base knowledge of their domain.

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