Nagarro Interview Experince For Software Developer

Nagarro is a globally renowned software services and consulting company. Nagarro was hiring for a Software Developer or Commando Software Developer for Betech CS Student BAtch 2023. I will share my interview experience as a Software Developer in this article. It was a campus placement. Nagarro also hired MCA for QA Tester job profiles.

The interview process is divided into rounds let’s discuss each one by one. After every round candidates were eliminated only those who came under the top list got calls for further rounds.

Round 1: Online Test (60 minutes) – Aptitude + Technical

The first round of an online test conducted on the Mettl platform was a combination of two sections. 

Aptitude Section (15 Questions): This section covers various topics on verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, logical reasoning, and some general aptitude tests. All questions were to evaluate your problem-solving and logical thinking abilities.

Technical Section (25 Questions): This section contains questions from Data structure and algorithm, Like you got some code snippets, In that you have to find errors or predict the output. 

Round 2: Online Assessment (3 Hours)

This Online Assessment round had five questions from Data Structures and Algorithms on the same platform. This assessment consists of five challenging questions. To be considered for the Software Developer role you must complete three questions successfully and for the Commando Software Developer role must solve all the questions successfully. Questions are mostly from Tress and Graphs. Some questions are String and Array-based. Everyone got a different set of questions and approaches to Dynamic Programming. 

Difficult level: Medium – Hard.

Round 3: Technical Interview (Approx 1 Hour)

The third round was more over-asked from the technical side only which was conducted on Microsoft Teams. 

The interviewer started with my introduction so in the introduction I mentioned all my achievements and whatever I have done in my graduation mostly related to technical also I mentioned my resume so he asked some cross questions related to that like what you learned new from this contest, which approach you used to manage the event as a co-organizer, what are you responsibility in that event. 

Then he started asking Technical Questions on computer science topics related to your core programming language, including data structure, algorithm analysis, computer networking, operating systems, DBMS(Database Management System), and OOPs Object Oriented Programming. If you are reading or learning in your lectures because all the questions are basics only as the interviewer checks the technical knowledge 

In the second half, he discussed Coding Questions and SQL queries, So he asked me to solve one question from Data structure and algorithm from the BruteForce approach and asked me to write a pseudocode he checked my approach to solve the problem. One or two SQL-based questions like how to delete duplicate rows in SQL and ways to count the rows in a particular table.

Last Round: The HR Interview

The last but the most important part of the selection. So I started this interview with my brief introduction and then he asked some of the behaviour questions as fresher they are not expecting more from you but you must know about the organization’s work culture and how Nagarro gives value to their client. 

After the whole selection process and waiting for 3 days I got a message in the mail that was “SELECTED”. 


My interview selection process in Nagarro was a test of my skills and knowledge. This experience helps in various aspects as a fresher So, try to get the experience of the interview process you will learn a lot more things. Problem-solving abilities and a strong foundation in computer science. I hope that sharing a glimpse of my interview experience with Nagarro helps you in any way or provides a valuable reference for preparing for interviews with top-tier tech companies.  

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