Hexaview Technologies Interview Experience (On-Campus)

There was a total of 4 rounds and No HR Round, The eligibility criteria for the hiring process was CGPA 7+ or 70%  throughout, only me selected from my college.

Difficulty level: Medium according to me

Round 1: Coding Round

There were 2 coding questions (easy) conducted on skype. The duration of the round was 40 minutes.

  • Given an array of distinct integers, we need to replace each element of the array with its rank. the minimum value element will have the highest rank.
Output:{ 4,3,6,5,2,7,1}
  • Given an integer N and a Flag
    • If the flag is True then return the sum of even position digits of integer N.
    • If the flag is False then return the sum of odd position digits of integer N.
Input: 43125 and Flag is True
Output: 5 

Tips: Be very active and observe every detail very carefully, don’t hurry and jump on a solution.

I cleared the first round and after 5 days received a mail for the next round on the next day. Out of 30 students, 2 were selected for the next round including me.

Round 2: Technical Round-1

This round was 75 minutes round on skype where I was asked questions from OOPS, DBMS, DSA, SQL.

  • Interviewer: Tell me about Yourself.
  • Me: I Introduced Myself.
  • Interviewer: What are Aggregate functions in DBMS.
  • Me: Explained.
  • Interviewer: Explain Normalization, 1NF, 2NF, 3NR, BCNF.
  • Me: Explained with example.
  • Interviewer: perform query- Insert a value in name Colum in the student table.
  • Me: write the query successfully.
  • Interviewer: perform query- Display 2nd record from the student table.
  • Me: write the query successfully.
  • Interviewer: perform query- Display name column from student table where the third letter of the name is “r”.
  • Me: write the query successfully.
  • Interviewer: Asked Puzzle.
  • Me: Try to Solve but unable to solve Interviewer explains the solution.
  • Interviewer: Asked Puzzle.
  • Me: solved successfully.
  • Interviewer: write a code to sort the array in ascending order using a single for loop.
  • Me: Not able to write solution but explain all sorting Technique.
  • Interviewer: Explain Armstrong Number and write the code.
  • Me: Explained and write the code successfully.
  • Interviewer: Write a code to remove the white space from the sentence.
  • Me: Explained my Approach and write the code successfully.
  • Interviewer: What is Recursion and write the code for recursion Example.
  • Me: Explained and write the code successfully.
  • Interviewer: Difference between Array and linked list and Explain all types of Linked list.
  • Me: Explained.
  • Interviewer: Explain Abstraction and Polymorphism.
  • Me: Explained
  • Interviewer: What is polymorphism Explain its types.
  • Me: Explained
  • Interviewer: perform overriding.
  • Me: performed Successfully.
  • Interviewer: Any questions from your side.
  • Me: I asked one question.
  • Cleared this round and received a call for the next coding round the next day.

     Note- All Query and code performed on Notepad.

Round 3: Coding Round 

This round was conducted on Hacker Earth and there were 2 coding questions and the time was 40 minutes.

  • I solved the first coding question completely with all test cases and half of the second question.
  • Cleared this round and received a call for the next Technical round on the next day.

Round 4: Technical Round -2

This round was 30 minutes round on skype where I was asked questions from DBMS, DSA, SQL, and My Projects.

  • Interviewer: Tell me about Yourself.
  • Me: I Introduced Myself.
  • Interviewer: What is recursion and what are the Advantages of recursion.
  • Me: Explained.
  • Interviewer: write a code to return the sum of all even No present in the Digit N of length M.
  • Me: write the code successfully.
  • Interviewer: write a code to find the frequency of letters from the given sentence.
  • Me: write the code successfully.
  • Interviewer: what is calloc or malloc in C.
  • Me: Explain the malloc but forget the calloc so I told him no idea.
  • Interviewer: perform query- display all duplicate names from the student table.
  • Me: write the query successfully.
  • Interviewer: perform query- display the 3rd highest salary from all departments.
  • Me: write the query successfully.
  • Interviewer: Why do we use Linked list over Array.
  • Me: Explained
  • Interviewer: How do we find the middle element from the linked list-only approach.
  • Me: Explain the Approach
  • Interviewer: What is Indexing in DBMS why do we use them.
  • Me: Explained.
  • Interviewer: Do You Know C++.
  • Me: I said No
  • Interviewer: Explained your Project Deeply.
  • Me: Explained.
  • Interviewer: Any questions from your side.
  • Me: I asked one question.

Result: Selected

Name: chanchal pal

Successfully cleared this Round and received call from HR the next day.

TIP: Be clear with fundamentals (DBMS, OOPs, DSA, SQL) and read about the company before your interview be confident and think before giving your answer.

I hope it will help you. Thank you

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