Hexaview Interview Experience (On-Campus) 2023

Embarking on the job-seeking adventure, I recently undertook a rigorous interview process with Hexaview, a company renowned for its tech prowess. The four-round evaluation encompassed a coding assessment, technical interviews, and a final round that ultimately tested my mettle.

Round 1 – Coding Assessment:

The journey commenced with a one-hour coding assessment featuring two diverse challenges on the Coderbyte platform– one rooted in strings and the other in arrays. The crucible of code demanded swift problem-solving skills, setting the tone for the arduous but rewarding path ahead.

Round 2 – Technical Interview 1:

The initial technical interview began with the standard introduction but swiftly delved into the realm of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts. Topics included the dichotomy of abstract classes and interfaces and a succinct exploration of the tree structure within the collection framework. A coding challenge followed, requiring the identification of the two largest elements in an array, with emphasis on elucidating time and space complexities.

Round 3 – Technical Interview 2:

The second technical interview, scheduled two days later, revisited introductory pleasantries before diving into the realm of Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA). A live coding session unfolded and tasked me with crafting a rhombus pattern. Subsequent inquiries delved into the application of DSA principles to real-world scenarios, concluding with an evaluation of values-based questions.

Round 4 – The Final Verdict:

Anticipation hung in the air as I entered the fourth and final round. Beginning with a discussion of hobbies, the interviewer transitioned seamlessly into more probing technical queries. The crux of the matter emerged with a seemingly straightforward question: the distinction between an array and an ArrayList. Despite what I believed to be a solid response, the interviewer remained unconvinced. Post-interview, a self-assessment, and a subsequent Google search left me with a 95% alignment with the expected answer. The ambiguity of the interviewer’s expectations in this particular query remained a puzzle.


In retrospect, the Hexaview interview process was both enlightening and challenging. The intricacies of each round underscored the need for a holistic preparation approach. The outcome, while not the anticipated success, reinforced the subjective nature of interviews. The experience stands as a testament to the importance of adaptability and resilience in navigating the unpredictable landscape of technical evaluations.

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