GTest Framework

What is Googletest?

  • It is a test framework i.e., a software tool for writing and running unit tests.
  • It is a library for writing C++ tests.
  • It is based on xUnit architecture which is a set of “Frameworks” for programming and automated execution of test cases.

Why Googletest?

  • Googletest helps us to write better C++ tests.
  • Independent and Repeatable: Googletest isolates the tests by running each of them on a different object.
  • Portable and Reusable: Googletest works on different Oses (Linux, Windows, or a Mac), with different compilers.
  • When tests fail, it should provide as much information about the problem as possible.


  • TestSuite:It is used for grouping related tests.
  • TEST(): It exercises a particular program path with specific input values and verify the result.

Basic Concepts:

  • Assertions:
    • A statements that check whether a condition is true.
    • Output: success, nonfatal failure, or fatal failure(aborts the current function).
  • Test fixture class:
    • Collection of multiple tests in a test suite that need to share common objects and subroutines.

In below lines * represent multiple character such as EQ / NE / LT / LE / GT / GE.

  • ASSERT_*: Generate fatal failures when they fail, and abort the current function immediately. (possibly skipping clean-up code that comes after it, it may cause a space leak).
  • EXPECT_*:Generate nonfatal failures, which don’t abort the current function.
  • Examples:
Fatal assertion Nonfatal assertion Verifies
ASSERT_TRUE (condition); EXPECT_TRUE (condition); condition is true
ASSERT_FALSE (condition); EXPECT_FALSE (condition); condition is false
ASSERT_STREQ(str1, str2); EXPECT_STREQ(str1, str2); the two string str1 and str2 have the same content
ASSERT_STRNE(str1, str2); EXPECT_STRNE(str1, str2); the two strings str1 and str2 have different content
ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(str1, str2); EXPECT_STRCASEEQ(str1, str2); the two string str1 and str2 have the same content, ignoring the case
ASSERT_STRCASENE(str1, str2); EXPECT_STRSTRCASENE(str1, str2); the two strings str1 and str2 have different content, ignoring the case

Simple tests:


  • A macro to define and name a test function.
  • Use the various Googletest assertions to check values.
  • If any assertion in the test fails (either fatally or non-fatally), or if the test crashes, the entire test fails. Otherwise, it succeeds.
   TEST(TestSuiteName, TestName) {
... test body ...

Test Fixtures:

  • Using the Same Data Configuration for Multiple Tests.
  • Derive a class from ::testing::Test. Start its body with protected:, as we will want to access fixture members from sub-classes.
  • If necessary, write a default constructor or SetUp().
  • If necessary, write a default destructor or TearDown().
  • Use TEST_F(), instead of TEST().
TEST_F(TestFixtureName, TestName) {
... test body ...

Invoking the Tests:

    • Returns 0: All tests are successful.
    • Returns 1: otherwise.


A factorial function:

int factorial(int n)
// If n < 1;
return -1;

// Else factorial = n!;
return factorial;

TEST(FactorialTest, FactorialOfZeroShouldBeOne)
ASSERT_EQ(1, factorial(0));

TEST(FactorialTest, FactorialOfPositiveNos)
ASSERT_EQ(1, factorial(1));
ASSERT_EQ(24, factorial(4));
ASSERT_EQ(120, factorial(5));

int main(int argc, char **argv)
testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();

Command Line Arguments:

  • Dump the output into XML format by passing:


  • If want to run multiple times:


  • Debugger invoked on failure:


  • Not all the tests needs to be run all the times:

–gtest_filter=<test string>

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