Grofers Interview Experience | Set 3 (On-Campus for SDE)

Initial round was CV shortlisting. They didn’t declare any criteria.Just selected 50 random CV’s I guess. I guess i was lucky to get through this round. The second round was puzzle round.They made us solve 4 puzzles on paper.

1. A man walks on the edge of a regular pentagon.At any point he decides to move away from the pentagon at any angle.After walking a certain distance he turns back and points himself to the center of the pentagon.What is the probabality he would be able to see three edges of the pentagon?

2. 5 pirates and 100 gold coins

3. 100 prisoners with red/blue hats

4. Make 4 equilateral triangles with 6 match sticks.

I solved all the four puzzles correctly. Didn’t make it through this round.

Shortlisting criteria – Confidential


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