Grofers Interview Experience for SDE-1 off campus – May 2019

Grofers interview experience in Grofers Bangalore Office in May 2019
I visited their Bangalore Office Twice

1) First visit – 3 Technical rounds – 1 Machine Coding, followed by 2 Face to Face technical Rounds
All processes took place in their Bangalore Office within a span of 5 hours

First Round on HackerRank
3 coding questions – [1.5 hours]

Given two integers a and b find LCM of these two. No.s lies between 1 and 100. (20 PTS.)

You are given a Grid of size n*m containing integer values 0, 1 or 2. You are initially in Grid at a place with value 2 (There will be only one such point in Grid). 1 denotes a plant (the place where you can’t move). 0 mean an empty, place where you can move. If you can move in all four adjacent directions (if the place is empty) you need to find minimum no. of moves to get out of the Grid (You can get out of any edge of the Grid from the place where it is empty). N and M are of range [1, 100] (50 PTS)

You are given a no. D.And also two no.s a and b. You can perform the following four operations any no. of time.
Add a to the no.
Subtract a from the no.
Add b to the no.
Subtract b from the no.

Given an array of n integers, you need to know how many no.s you can reach starting from D.
N is of the range [1, 10e6] all integers involved are of the range [-10e7, 10e7]
[50 PTS]
Hint – use the diophantine equation

I had scored 110 out of 120 PTS. 2 tests failed in 2nd question due to memory over limit

1st Interview Round – Technical F2F [60 Minutes]

You are given a binary tree. You need to print the sum of nodes at every level
First print level no. then print sum of nodes at that level.

You are given a string. You need to write a function such that if there are two adjacent elements in the string, they disappear.
Eg – abcccd will be converted to abcd,
Eg – dddaad will be converted to the null string

Discussion of projects on my resume.
Suppose your nephew comes to your home who is 10 years old, You need to explain to him a computer science concept of your choice,
What would you explain to him and how? I didn’t have anything in mind. I explained to him
Euclidean algorithm for finding GCD and also told him it’s geometric interpretation.
I chose the GCD finding algorithm because it was used in the test.

2nd interview Round – Technical F2F [60 Minutes]

Discussion about projects from resume.
Given two sorted array, you need to find the kth smallest element of these two arrays. I could not optimize more than O(k) complexity, binary search solution exists.
subset sum problem – Given an array of integers, and a no. k is it possible to find a
A subset from the array with a sum equal to k?
Questions on LinkedList, given two linkedList head pointer, find their intersection
Point if they are intersecting. More Questions on Linked List
I had worked on nodejs and javascript in my company, He started asking me
Questions related to that, what are event loops in nodeJs, is javascript single
Threaded or multiple threaded. What are threads and processes? I could not answer
These questions in details.

After that, I was given a pizza to eat. And a cold drink to drink.
After that HR came. I had done well in my test and my 1st round, but not 2nd round. She said they will come up with a conclusion and update me for the same and asked me to leave

After some days HR called me saying I have cleared the interview and she arranged for 2 more rounds the following week

2) Second visit

4th round – Cultural Fit round with Head of Engineering F2F no technical questions
In this round, I was asked questions like
What kind of work I am doing in my present company?
Why do I want to leave my present company?
What is the most challenging technical problem I solved in the present company?
What is my current CTC and expected CTC?
How do we as a whole team work in my current company?

I explained to him how people at my current organization are split up into different teams, How product manager head over the requirements of a project from the engineering team and how the team leads work.
After that he explained to me how they work at Grofers, How teams are split up and all, they also have an engineering team in Gurgaon, he explained to me how both the teams at Bangalore and Gurgaon get along.
All in all, it was a discussion of will a person from outside in the team structures/culture they have at their workplace

5th Round – Technical Face 2 Face.

Discussion over projects in Resume.
Discussion overwork in the current company.
Then he asked me a puzzle to solve.
Given an L shaped farmland, you need to divide it into 4 parts, such that area of each part is the same and the shape of each part is also the same.
Then he asked me to design a database schema so that I can do some queries over it.
Suppose there are some different type of offers like buy x get y free, buy x no. of a product and get some discount, buy x product in y quantity to get all at a FLAT price, and other kinds of offers.
I need to design a database so that I can do the following type of queries:-
In which offers x item is involved, what is the minimum price I can get an item x. Etc.

After that, I was asked to leave.

A few days later, I received a mail from HR saying, I have not made it. She also gave me detailed feedback on my interviews after I asked her to do so, as I was thinking I could make it.
Overall very good interview experience

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