Google SWE STEP Interview Experience for Internship 2022

Google India had released the applications for SWE Summer STEP Intern 2022 in November. There was a resume screening round initially. Once my resume was shortlisted, I received the mail for my interviews. Those who had applied through referral had to go through another telephonic screening round. I didn’t have that. I had 2 rounds of interviews and they were eliminatory. Meaning if we didn’t perform well in the first interview, we wouldn’t get a chance to take the second interview. Both my interviews were scheduled on the same day i.e. 11th February. We were asked to keep the questions confidential so I will not be giving out the questions. However, I will talk about the topics of my questions.

Interview 1: I had my first interview at around 10 am. I was given a shared editor similar to Google Docs. I was super nervous as this was my first interview. The interview began with a brief exchange of introductions and then I was given the question. It was a question using maps. I took a while to understand the question and then I took a moment to think of the approach. I couldn’t come up with the approach immediately but I was continuously communicating with what was going on in my mind. The interviewer corrected a mistake in my thought process and then I was back on the right track. I coded a recursive approach and she was satisfied with my approach. Then she gave a follow to of the same question. I couldn’t think of the optimized approach right at the first go so I coded an O(n ^ 3) approach. She said my approach was correct but it needs to be optimized. By now we were almost at the end of the 45 min time slot for the interview. I told them the optimized approach which she said was correct but I didn’t have time to code it. The interview ended with a discussion on time complexities. I also asked her a few questions about Google as a company. Overall it was a pretty good interview. I would say both the questions were of medium level. The interviewer kept helping me out whenever I was stuck and she kept giving hints whenever I needed them.

Interview 2: My second interview was scheduled for the afternoon. We again started an exchange of introductions. Then the interviewer typed out the question in the shared editor. The question was on arrays and was an easy one. I made a mistake here and I started thinking immediately about the optimized approach. I started coding it as well but halfway through it, I realized that I was making a mistake. I then started coding the brute force approach. After I was done, the interviewer asked me to optimize it. I thought for a bit and with one hint from him, I optimized my code. Then the interviewer gave me a follow-up to the same question. I thought about it for quite some time but felt completely stuck. However, I kept telling the interviewer what I was thinking. He told me that I was thinking in the right direction so I tried to code what I was thinking. I reached the optimal solution eventually. We discussed a bit about the time complexity of my code and he also asked me about the range on INT_MAX and INT_MIN. After this, I asked him a few questions about Google and then I was done with my interview.

Both my interviews went well but I wasn’t sure if I would get the offer or not. After a long wait of 17 days, I finally got a mail that I had received the Google SWE STEP Internship Offer. 

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