Google STEP Interview Experience Internship 2022

Round 1 (Resume Selection Round): The shorter and the plainer the better it will look!

One should make a resume precise and short because it will create the first impression on the evaluator. Try not to make a resume longer than 1 page. There are many such websites like Overleaf, Novo resume, canva, resume genius, indeed, etc. from where you can get free templates.

Do’s and Don’t of making a resume:

  • Avoid putting your photograph on your resume.
  • Never exaggerate any achievement.
  • Always write what is true otherwise you will be caught and it will create the wrong impression.
  • Always put the projects about which you are much confident because there are chances that they might ask you something related to the projects.
  • In the education section, put 10th and 12th grades too (Especially for STEP Internship).
  • Always write about true hobbies and interests because you might be interrogated about the same.

Round 2(Telephonic Interview): This round mainly focuses on the oral 15 minutes rapid-fire quiz round that they will take. Mostly 5 to 6 questions are asked.

Important topics:

Some Tips:

  • They just wanted to check whether or not you are technically inclined or not.
  • &The basic knowledge about data structures and algorithms will work.
  • Before going to the interview just brush up on your basics about DSA and the programming language you are comfortable in.
  • You can work with any programming language you like not necessarily it be C++ or Java.

Round 3: Technical Round  1: This round is a bit more difficult than the previous rounds. Here there will be a F2F interview wherein you will be asked to code about the questions given to you. It will be for 45 minutes where you are expected to solve at least 2 questions. If you do competitive programming then it will be your plus point. Some platforms: w3wiki, LeetCode, InterviewBit, CodeForces, CodeChef, and Coding Ninjas.

Important topics:

Some Prerequisites and Tips before the Interview:

  • Prepare a brief introduction about yourself.
  • Be patient mentally.
  • Prepare some questions you will ask the interviewer when asked to do so.
  • Have a sound sleep.
  • Be present for the interview on time.
  • If you won’t be able to present at the said time feel free to reach out to your recruiter.

During the Interview:

  • Be a good listener.
  • Think loud. Never create an awkward silence during the interview just speak whatever comes into your mind.
  • Ask Questions. Interviewer sometimes knowingly didn’t disclose some important points about the question given to you, just to check your presence of mind and thinking capability.
  • Analyze the question and whatever solution come to your mind just give him.
  • Then try to optimise your solution to better complexity.
  • If you are stuck somewhere, interviewer will give you hidden hints so be a good listener.
  • Be polite, not passive.

After the Interview: Just wait for the results and meanwhile try to analyze your mistakes and setbacks. Also, try to solve the problem which you were not able to during the interview.

Round 4 (Technical Round 2): This round is the deciding round and the most crucial level of your process. This round will be your score changer. The requirements and tips are the same as in round 3. You need to be more attentive and cautious. All the things remain the same as in round 3 but here the level of questions being asked will be more advanced than in the previous one. After the interview, Your entire performance during all the rounds will be evaluated, so just try to give your best in all the rounds.

All the best!

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