Goldman Sachs Interview Experience for Technology Analyst (1.8 Years Experienced)

Hey guys, I got interviewed with Goldman Sachs for the role of Technology Analyst. I was approached by HR through Linkedin.

Round 1(Online Assessment): (HackerRank – 90 mins) (10th December 2021)

Two medium problems.

Round 2(CoderPad Round): (Duration 1 hr) (27th January 2022)

SUPER DAY (5th February, 022): 3 rounds of interviews of 1 hour each happened on the Super day, which took the entire day.

1st Round:

  2. Find the length of the loop in the array, where a[i]= I?
  3. Some general programming questions like, in methods do we pass the arguments by value or by reference? Why don’t we recur for a large set of elements? (Since recursion uses the stack, it could lead to StackOverflow)

2nd Round:

  1. Low-level design of an Ice Cream parlor. They asked me to design the classes and methods for managing an ice cream parlor with various types of ice creams and multiple orders from multiple customers.
  3. Deep dive into the project I was working on in my current company.

3rd Round:

  1. Deep discussion of the current project.
  2. Lot of questions and scenarios discussed on CICD pipelines, Java & Spring. (Since I was working on it)

Hiring Manager Round (14th February 2022): A brief discussion on the work in his team and my goals and aspirations.

Verdict: Accepted Offer 

The entire process took a lot of time. Please be patient and brush up on your basics.

All the best!!!

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