Innogent Technologies Interview Experience For MERN Stack Developer

Hi Beginner

I am a certified MERN Stack Developer (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js).
Today I’m going to talk about my interview experience in Innogent Technologies, situated in Indore.
Innogent Technologies is an IT company where Ito go for a walking drive through my college SAGE University, Indore.

In Innogent Technologies the interview is going to be of 3 rounds

General questions, related to your projects, some theoretical questions based on your knowledge and experiences and the skills which you are mentioning on your resume. This round is generally for checking the communication skills of a candidate.

The second round is a little bit advanced in which, the interviewer asks some tricky questions from you and may also he or she can give you a to complete a task in a certain amount of time.

The third round is an HR round where the HR ask some general questions to you like,

  • Why you want to join our company
  • Where you want to see yourself after 3 or 5 years in future
  • Salary discussion

Ok so that’s the overview and let’s dive into what they asked from me as a MERN Stack developer

First Round

  • Tell me about yourself
  • Tell me about your projects
  • Which is the toughest project for you, which you mention on your resume
  • What difficulties you faced, while making this toughest project
  • How did you get rid of the problems you faced while making your project?
  • What is rest API?
  • Tell me something about HTTP requests, and what type of HTTP requests you used most while making your projects
  • What is the secure way to store the user’s password, and how can you verify it?
  • Explain Authentication and Authorization
  • Which is the common task you should implement when a user Authentication completed
  • Coding question

Print alternate (odd) Fibonacci sequence from 0 to 100;

Second Round

  • Tell me about yourself
  • What is MongoDB
  • How it is different from MySQL
  • Difference between SQL and NoSQL databases
  • What is the difference between State and Props in React
  • Life Cycle methods in react
  • How can you implement a redux store
  • What is the use of redux in react projects
  • In the end, the interviewer gave me the task of reacting to the app
    In this, I have to create a JSON file that contains the names of 5 different animals and their respective image URLs, and I have to create a menu drop-down button that renders the animals and whenever a user clicks on the name of the animals the image of that animal will be visible in another div.
    Time duration 10 minutes.
    This task has to be completed on the online coding platform STACK BLITZ

So, unfortunately, I did not complete this task in 10 minutes because the laptop that he provided me did not contain the QWERTY key sequences also I got a lot of errors while completing this task because I am very new to the Stack Blitz platform this is my first time when I coding on stack blitz.

So that’s it from my side, I hope this little/short content helps you a lot to crack an Interview in Innogent Technologies as well as any other similar companies.

Best of luck for your future

Thanks for reading.

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