GirlScript Summer of Code (GSSoC’24) Interview Experience for Contributor

So, in this article I would be sharing my journey that how I got to know about GSSoC’24, how is the registration done, what is the selection process, etc.

It all started just a few days back in the month of April 2024. It was 11 April (if I’m not wrong) when I had applied for their Core Team positions. In that, positions were open for Content Writer, Graphic Designer, Leaderboard Specialist, Discord Manager, etc. So, I applied for Content Writer position. But after few days I got the rejection mail from GirlScript Summer of Code (GSSoC) citing that they will not be moving with my application. After few days, I got to know about that they are hiring for Campus Ambassador position as well. I applied as soon as I saw that LinkedIn post on my feed, checked all the relevant details and opened the Google Form. I had filled all the details that they required from my side.

Few of the questions that they asked from me were:

  • Do you have any previous experience with GirlScript?
  • How do you plan on promoting GSSOC’24 and opensource literacy in your campus?

So, I had written the answers as nicely and as briefly as I could. But this time, I didn’t got the rejection mail but also I didn’t get the selection mail as well. But I am getting a feeling that I was rejected because the event was going to start in a few days.

Now, I would be sharing that how I got selected as a Contributor. So, on 21st April I was scrolling through my feed on LinkedIn. I refreshed my feed and the first thing that I saw on my feed was the GirlScript Summer of Code post. In that post, it was written that they have opened the applications for Contributor position. As soon as I saw that, the first thing that I did was I opened the Google Form and filled all the relevant details to the best of my knowledge. Also, one thing that I wanted to share is that you should have a Discord account before applying for these positions (it is not mandatory but you should have one).

So, few of the questions that they asked from me while I was applying for Contributor position are as follows:

  • Why do you want to participate?
  • What do you expect from this program?

On 30th April, I got the selection mail. This was my interview experience for the different positions at GirlScript Summer of Code (GSSoC’24). So, one thing that I would say from this interview experience is that there is a huge amount of competition. You have to be the best in the field that you are applying for and give your best shot.

All the Best!!

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