Leonardo.Ai Work Experience as Ambassador/Contributor

What is Leonardo Ai

Leonardo Ai is a platform that uses generative AI to revolutionize image generation and content production. It provides a very friendly drag-and-drop interface, pre-trained models, and a variety of tools along with a feature to train your model to generate images all for free and a very good API feature for a very low price package along with additional features and tools.

As an ambassador/contributor for Leonardo AI, I have the opportunity to use this platform to create amazing art, share my feedback with many users who generated images from business to personal usage, and learn a lot about prompting not only for Leonardo AI but for all AI’s.

How I became an ambassador/contributor

My adventure with Leonardo AI began when Mid Journey (another generative Ai) closed all free services and was only available for paid users. So I was looking for some alternative to it and I found Leonardo Ai. Once I joined their Discord, the place was buzzing with community members, staff, and moderators. It was a lively space that amazed me.

As a normal user, I started helping newcomers with my prompting skills over the next two months. It was cool to see people bring their ideas to life with a little guidance. The community spirit was infectious, and I got more involved.

Then, out of the blue, the community manager upgraded my status. I went from a regular user to an ambassador and contributor for Leonardo AI. They appreciated my contributions and gave me some extra perks.

Excited and thankful, I took on my new role. Now, I look forward to continuing this creative journey as part of the Leonardo AI family.

What I do as an ambassador/contributor

As an ambassador/contributor, I have two main roles: helping and promoting.

As an ambassador of India, my main job is to help Indians in the Hindi language with any issues regarding Leonardo AI, whether they are technical or otherwise. I use my prompt engineering skills and my knowledge of the platform to assist them and solve their problems. I also guide them on how to use the platform effectively and creatively. I enjoy helping and teaching others, and I also learn from their feedback and suggestions.

As a contributor, I also help people around the world with prompting and technical issues. I use various models and tools to generate and edit images or train my models using my data and style. I create art for my personal and professional projects, such as character design, concept art, game assets, graphic design, etc. I also share my work on social media and other platforms, where I tag and mention Leonardo AI. I also provide feedback and suggestions to the Leonardo AI team and participate in the Leonardo AI community.

What I have learned and achieved as an ambassador/contributor

Being an ambassador/contributor for Leonardo AI has been a rewarding experience for me. Although it never paid me it gave me a lot of things that might be more worthy. I got to know a variety of people from the Leonardo team like Fraplashy and Robert ( both are in the Leonardo Team).

Both of them are Friendly guys I often had problems making decisions but they always helped me and taught me a lot of things. Ayumi (their discord community manager) is an absolute savant personality, She has managed the community so well that there are no words for it. I never saw any clash in the server or anything that can be commonly seen in other servers.

Other than this other staff members of the server were all amiable. Steve and Cami are the ones who teach me something new every day.
All in over I got a very good experience in the community.

What did I earn?

From all my experience I learned that always going for money isn’t a good option. I never earned a penny from Leonardo but I have a good experience, So many friends who are experts in many fields and I feel with all this I can make something out of my life.
So I would like to say you should contribute to the community if money is not your need. As a programmer go for some open-source projects, contribute with your projects to society and help people all you can.


  • You get to work with a cutting-edge platform that uses generative AI to create stunning art for gaming and entertainment.
  • You get to be part of a friendly and supportive community of artists and creators, who share their work, feedback, and tips.
  • You get to have a flexible and creative work environment, where you can choose your projects, styles, and hours.
  • You get to have a lot of fun and satisfaction in creating and sharing your art with the world.

And very important all this for free!!!


  • You may face some technical issues or errors with the platform,
  • You may have to follow some rules and guidelines from the Leonardo AI team, such as exclusivity, frequency, and quality of your prompts, which sometimes may limit
  • Your freedom and expression are mostly used to stop the NSFW generation.
  • You may have to balance your time and energy between your personal and professional projects, and your ambassador/contributor duties, which may be stressful and demanding but meeting all those people and helping them always excites me and other community members are also very friendly so it’s worth going there every day.

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