Get Random Dog Images in Python

In this article, we will discuss how to get random dog images in Python.

Module Needed

It can be done using the random-dog module. It outputs random dogs images using a single LOC and fetches from data set provided by the dog-ceo API


This module does not come built-in with Python. To install this type the below command in the terminal.

pip install random-dog

Once the library is installed, dog module needs to be imported, and the getDoc() needs to be called with the required parameters and returns the desired random image of dog. 


getDog(directory=curr, filename=random_id)


directory : Directory to save image to.
filename : Name of file image to be saved with. Defaults to randomly generated ID. 

Example 1: 


import dog
# saves filename as randog.jpg 
# in current directory

Output :

Using from Command Line

From the command line as well, a similar task can be performed. The command required for it is. 

$ randomdog [file]
file : Path to save image, defaults to current.

This saves the randomly generated dog image to the current or desired path if provided.


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