GeeksforGeeks Work Experience as technical content writer

In December 2020, I got my internship offer for the position of technical content writer in w3wiki. I feel extremely happy to help the community learn and grow, In this I’ll share my experience of getting an internship and my motivation to write articles on a regular interval.

I strongly believe, growing as a community is more important than growing as an individual. Let us make it simple, if I share my knowledge about statistics topic in a community, machine learning enthusiast will use it for a different purpose whereas someone who is working on IoT project uses it differently. By sharing a piece of knowledge with a group of people, it leaves the great impact in a society. In my youtube feed, I found a video about the reasons to become technical content writer at w3wiki. It highly alligned with my vision to help the community. So, I started writing my articles at which took maximum of 7 days to review and publish my article.

As the article guideline suggested, we are not allowed to write a content which contains plagarism of other websites. It was a little difficult for me to figure out a problem statement which is not published on w3wiki or any other portal. After referring many webites, books and spending a day to figure out the topics, I finally chose two contents to draft my article. Once I saw my articles published without any changes suggested by reviewers, I was motivated to publish more articles. After publishing two articles I successfully got my offer letter. It is also good to remember that we become paid content writers after publishing atleast 10 articles on their portal. The factor that motivates me to write regularly is that my friends and family members found my article useful and they messaged me how helpful was my article to them. When I heard their knowledge improvement because of my article, I got really motivated in contributing the community. This internship is for 1 year and I am looking forward to contribute more.

I wish the person reading this blog feels motivated to contribute to the community, learn and grow. Let us grow as a community!

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