GeeksforGeeks Work Experience As A Student Chapter Chairperson

Hello, fellow Beginner!

I am thrilled to share my journey as the w3wiki (GFG) Student Chapter Chairperson at my college. This role has been a transformative experience, filled with learning, challenges, and immense satisfaction. Here’s a glimpse into my exciting adventure.

The Selection Process:

My journey began with an interview conducted by the Ex-Core members of GFG Student Chapter of my college. I was shortlisted for the further process. Then, my Interview was scheduled with the Community Manager at w3wiki. The process was thorough and rigorous, designed to evaluate my leadership potential, organizational skills, and passion for technology. The interview was both challenging and insightful, pushing me to reflect on my strengths and how I could contribute to the GFG community.

Building the Team:

Once selected, my first task was to build a dynamic and enthusiastic team at our college. Recruitment involved reaching out to students who shared a passion for coding and technology. We formed a diverse team with members from different academic years and specializations, each bringing unique skills and perspectives to the table.

Roles and Responsibilities:

As the Chairperson, my primary role was to coordinate with the GFG Community Manager and ensure smooth communication between our chapter and the GFG headquarters. My responsibilities included:

  • Organizing and conducting events and workshops.
  • Promoting GFG activities within our college.
  • Collaborating with the Training & Placement Cell to align our events with student needs.
  • Providing guidance and support to my team members.

Events and Achievements:

With the combined efforts of my team, the college administration, the Training & Placement Cell, and GFG, we organized and successfully conducted several events. Here’s a highlight of our major events:

  • Runtime Terror Coding Contest – This event served as a prerequisite for our “Roadmap to Data Structures and Algorithms” Workshop. It was a great success, attracting numerous participants eager to test their coding skills.
  • “Roadmap to Data Structures and Algorithms” Workshop – This workshop provided an in-depth understanding of DSA, a critical topic for any aspiring software engineer.
  • Festival of Code Quiz Series – We organized multiple editions of this quiz series (1.0 to 1.4), each focusing on different aspects of coding and algorithms. These quizzes were not only fun but also educational, helping students to reinforce their knowledge.
  • Auto-Run 1.0 Coding Contest – Conducted in two rounds, this contest challenged participants to solve complex coding problems under time constraints, fostering a competitive yet collaborative spirit.
  • Clash of Coders Coding Contest – Another high-energy coding contest that tested participants’ problem-solving abilities and quick thinking.
  • “Complete Interview Preparation” Workshop – This workshop aimed at preparing students for technical interviews, covering essential topics and providing practical tips.
  • Solving for India Kiosk Activities and Hackathon Series – These events were part of the larger “Solving for India” initiative, encouraging students to develop solutions for real-world problems.
  • Beginner Placement Assessment Test – An assessment designed to help students evaluate their readiness for campus placements.

Reflecting on the Experience

Being the GFG Student Chapter Chairperson has been an incredibly rewarding experience. It provided me with a platform to enhance my leadership skills, collaborate with like-minded peers, and contribute to the tech community at my college. The role demanded creativity, dedication, and strategic planning, all of which have significantly enriched my personal and professional growth.

Each event we organized was a stepping stone towards building a stronger coding culture at our college. The positive feedback from participants and the visible improvement in their skills were truly gratifying.


Looking back, I am proud of what we achieved as a team. The support from w3wiki and the collaborative efforts of my team members were instrumental in our success. I am grateful for this opportunity and excited about the future of our GFG Student Chapter. To anyone considering taking on such a role, I highly encourage you to do so – it’s a journey filled with learning, growth and countless rewarding experiences.

Thank you, w3wiki, for this incredible opportunity!

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