GAP Inc Interview Experience

Round-1(Online Assessment):

  • The first round comprised 40 questions from aptitude, Logical, and technical portions like HTML, CSS, Javascript, SQL, Operating System, and DSA.
  • Quantitative Aptitude and logical reasoning questions are easily solved with the proper practice. You can practice the aptitude from websites like Indiabix, Beginner for Beginner, etc. as it helps to solve the questions in the online test easily.
  • The technical portions in the assessment were to check the knowledge of the technical concepts.
  • The test contained one coding question
  • Given a string stn containing only ‘x’ and ‘y’. find and replace all occurrences of the substring ‘xy’ with ‘yyx’ . Find the minimum number of operations you need to make so that no substring ‘xy’ is present.
  • Example: ‘xxy’ Output:3
  • if you replace ‘xy’ in ‘xxy’ it will becoms ‘xyyx’
  • ‘xyyx’ -> ‘yyxyx’
  • ‘yyxyx’ -> ‘yyyyxx’
  • so 3 operations.
  • And One question is based on the SQL. Good knowledge of SQL is required to solve the SQL program.

Round-2(Technical Interview):

  • The technical interview is about 40-45 minutes.
  • The interviewer asked me to explain my projects and later asked questions about the project and how it is useful in the real world.
  • Then the interviewer started asking technical questions about OOPS and Java.
  • The interviewer asked them to write the program for printing the pyramid pattern.
  • Given the scenario of the source and destination nodes find the the minimum time required to go from source to destination node and how the minimum time taking path is chosen.

Round-3(Managerial & HR Round):

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • About the project and what is the role I have played in the project.
  • What are the problems faced while doing the project.
  • What do you know about the company and why would I like to join the company.
  • Tell about the strengths and weaknesses.
  • Where do you see yourself in couple of years.
  • Why should we hire you.

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