Find the missing digit x from the given expression

Given an alphanumeric string, consisting of a single alphabet X, which represents an expression of the form:

A operator B = C where A, B and C denotes integers and the operator can be either of +, -, * or /

The task is to evaluate the missing digit X present in any of the integers A, B and C such that the given expression holds to be valid.


Input: S = “3x + 12 = 46”
Output: 4
If we subtract 12 from 46, we will get 34.
So, on comparing 3x and 34. the value of x = 4

Input: S = “4 – 2 = x”
Output: 2
After solving the equation, the value of x = 2.

Approach: Follow the steps below to solve the problem:

  • Split the string to extract the two operands, operator and the resultant.
  • Check if X is present in the resultant or not. If so, then compute the value of the resultant by applying operations on the first operand and second operand with the operator.
  • Otherwise, if X is not present in the resultant. Then check if X is present in the first operand. If so, then apply the operation on the second operand and resultant with the operator.
  • Otherwise, if X is not present in the first operand also. Then check if X is present in the second operand. If so, then apply the operation on the first operand and resultant with the operator.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int MissingDigit(string exp)
    // Split the expression into tokens
    stringstream ss(exp);
    string token;
    string expArr[5];
    int i = 0;
    while (getline(ss, token, ' ')) {
        expArr[i++] = token;
    string firstOperand = expArr[0];
    string operatorStr = expArr[1];
    string secondOperand = expArr[2];
    string resultant = expArr[4];
    int res = 0;
    string x = "";
    if (resultant.find("x") != string::npos) {
        x = resultant;
        firstOperand = expArr[0];
        secondOperand = expArr[2];
        int first = stoi(firstOperand);
        int second = stoi(secondOperand);
        if (operatorStr == "+") {
            res = first + second;
        else if (operatorStr == "-") {
            res = first - second;
        else if (operatorStr == "*") {
            res = first * second;
        else {
            res = first / second;
    else {
        resultant = expArr[4];
        int result = stoi(resultant);
        if (firstOperand.find("x") != string::npos) {
            x = firstOperand;
            secondOperand = expArr[2];
            int second = stoi(secondOperand);
            if (operatorStr == "+") {
                res = result - second;
            else if (operatorStr == "-") {
                res = result + second;
            else if (operatorStr == "*") {
                res = result / second;
            else {
                res = result * second;
        else {
            x = secondOperand;
            firstOperand = expArr[0];
            int first = stoi(firstOperand);
            if (operatorStr == "+") {
                res = result - first;
            else if (operatorStr == "-") {
                res = first - result;
            else if (operatorStr == "*") {
                res = result / first;
            else {
                res = first / result;
    string resStr = to_string(res);
    int k = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < x.length(); i++) {
        if (x[i] == 'x') {
            return resStr[k] - '0';
        else {
    return 0;
int main()
    string exp = "3x + 12 = 46";
    cout << MissingDigit(exp) << endl;
    return 0;


import java.util.*;
class MissingDigit {
  public static int MissingDigit(String exp) {
    String[] expArr = exp.split(" ");
    String firstOperand = expArr[0];
    String operator = expArr[1];
    String secondOperand = expArr[2];
    String resultant = expArr[4];
    int res = 0;
    String x = "";
    if (resultant.contains("x")) {
      x = resultant;
      firstOperand = expArr[0];
      secondOperand = expArr[2];
      int first = Integer.parseInt(firstOperand);
      int second = Integer.parseInt(secondOperand);
      if (operator.equals("+")) {
        res = first + second;
      } else if (operator.equals("-")) {
        res = first - second;
      } else if (operator.equals("*")) {
        res = first * second;
      } else {
        res = first / second;
    } else {
      resultant = expArr[4];
      int result = Integer.parseInt(resultant);
      if (firstOperand.contains("x")) {
        x = firstOperand;
        secondOperand = expArr[2];
        int second = Integer.parseInt(secondOperand);
        if (operator.equals("+")) {
          res = result - second;
        } else if (operator.equals("-")) {
          res = result + second;
        } else if (operator.equals("*")) {
          res = result / second;
        } else {
          res = result * second;
      } else {
        x = secondOperand;
        firstOperand = expArr[0];
        int first = Integer.parseInt(firstOperand);
        if (operator.equals("+")) {
          res = result - first;
        } else if (operator.equals("-")) {
          res = first - result;
        } else if (operator.equals("*")) {
          res = result / first;
        } else {
          res = first / result;
    String resStr = String.valueOf(res);
    int k = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < x.length(); i++) {
      if (x.charAt(i) == 'x') {
        return Character.getNumericValue(resStr.charAt(k));
      } else {
    return 0;
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    String exp = "3x + 12 = 46";
// this code is contributed by devendra1


# Python3 program to find missing
# digit x in expression
def MissingDigit(exp):
    # Split the expression to
    # extract operands, operator
    # and resultant
    exp = list(exp.split())
    first_operand = exp[0]
    operator = exp[1]
    second_operand = exp[2]
    resultant = exp[-1]
    # If x is present in resultant
    if 'x' in resultant:
        x = resultant
        first_operand = int(first_operand)
        second_operand = int(second_operand)
        if operator == '+':
            res = first_operand + second_operand
        elif operator == '-':
            res = first_operand - second_operand
        elif operator == '*':
            res = first_operand * second_operand
            res = first_operand // second_operand
     # If x in present in operands
        resultant = int(resultant)
        # If x in the first operand
        if 'x' in first_operand:
            x = first_operand
            second_operand = int(second_operand)
            if operator == '+':
                res = resultant - second_operand
            elif operator == '-':
                res = resultant + second_operand
            elif operator == '*':
                res = resultant // second_operand
                res = resultant * second_operand
        # If x is in the second operand
            x = second_operand
            first_operand = int(first_operand)
            if operator == '+':
                res = resultant-first_operand
            elif operator == '-':
                res = first_operand - resultant
            elif operator == '*':
                res = resultant // first_operand
                res = first_operand // resultant
    res = str(res)
    k = 0
    for i in x:
        if i == 'x':
            result = res[k]
            k = k + 1
    return result
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # input expression
    exp = "3x + 12 = 46"


using System;
class GFG {
  // This function computes the missing digit
  public static int MissingDigit(string exp)
    string[] expArr = exp.Split(" ");
    // Extracting the operants and operators
    string firstOperand = expArr[0];
    string operator_ = expArr[1];
    string secondOperand = expArr[2];
    string resultant = expArr[4];
    int res = 0;
    string x = "";
    // If x is present in resultant
    if (resultant.Contains("x")) {
      x = resultant;
      firstOperand = expArr[0];
      secondOperand = expArr[2];
      int first = Int32.Parse(firstOperand);
      int second = Int32.Parse(secondOperand);
      if (operator_ == "+") {
        res = first + second;
      else if (operator_ == "-") {
        res = first - second;
      else if (operator_ == "*") {
        res = first * second;
      else {
        res = first / second;
      // If x is present in operands
      resultant = expArr[4];
      int result = Int32.Parse(resultant);
      if (firstOperand.Contains("x")) {
        // If x is in the first operand
        x = firstOperand;
        secondOperand = expArr[2];
        int second = Int32.Parse(secondOperand);
        if (operator_ == "+") {
          res = result - second;
        else if (operator_ == "-") {
          res = result + second;
        else if (operator_ == "*") {
          res = result / second;
        else {
          res = result * second;
      else {
        // If x is in the second operand
        x = secondOperand;
        firstOperand = expArr[0];
        int first = Int32.Parse(firstOperand);
        if (operator_ == "+") {
          res = result - first;
        else if (operator_ == "-") {
          res = first - result;
        else if (operator_ == "*") {
          res = result / first;
        else {
          res = first / result;
    string resStr = res.ToString();
    int k = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++) {
      if (x[i] == 'x') {
        return (int)Char.GetNumericValue(resStr[k]);
      else {
    return 0;
  // Driver code
  public static void Main(string[] args)
    string exp = "3x + 12 = 46";
    // Function call
// This code is contributed by phasing17


// JavaScript program to find missing
// digit x in expression
let res = 0,x;
let result = "";
function MissingDigit(exp){
    // Split the expression to
    // extract operands, operator
    // and resultant
    exp = exp.split(' ')
    let first_operand = exp[0]
    let operator = exp[1]
    let second_operand = exp[2]
    let resultant = exp[exp.length-1]
    // If x is present in resultant
    if(resultant.indexOf('x') != -1){
        x = resultant
        first_operand = parseInt(first_operand)
        second_operand = parseInt(second_operand)
        if(operator == '+')
            res = first_operand + second_operand
        else if(operator == '-')
            res = first_operand - second_operand
        else if(operator == '*')
            res = first_operand * second_operand
            res = Math.floor(first_operand / second_operand)
     // If x in present in operands
        resultant = parseInt(resultant)
        // If x in the first operand
        if(first_operand.indexOf('x') != -1){
            x = first_operand
            second_operand = parseInt(second_operand)
            if(operator == '+')
                res = resultant - second_operand
            else if(operator == '-')
                res = resultant + second_operand
            else if(operator == '*')
                res = Math.floor(resultant / second_operand)
                res = resultant * second_operand
        // If x is in the second operand
            let x = second_operand
            first_operand = parseInt(first_operand)
            if(operator == '+')
                res = resultant-first_operand
            else if(operator == '-')
                res = first_operand - resultant
            else if(operator == '*')
                res = Math.floor(resultant / first_operand)
                res = Math.floor(first_operand / resultant)
    res = res.toString()
    let k = 0
    for(let i of x){
        if(i == 'x'){
            result = res[k]
            k = k + 1
    return result
// Driver Code
// input expression
let exp = "3x + 12 = 46"
// This code is contributed by shinjanpatra



Time Complexity: O(L), where is the length of the equation.
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

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