Find Permutation of numbers in range [L, R] having X peaks and Y valleys

Given integers L, R, X and Y such that (R > L ≥ 1), (X ≥ 0) and (Y ≥ 0). Find the permutation of the numbers in range [L, R] such that there are exactly X peaks and Y valleys present in the permutation. Print Yes and the permutation if the permutation is found. Otherwise print No.

Note: In an array arr[] there is a peak at ith index if arr[i-1] < arr[i] > arr[i+1] and valley at ith index if arr[i-1] > arr[i] < arr[i+1],  where 0< i < N.


Input: L = 1, R = 3, X = 1, Y = 0
Output: Yes, arr[] = { 1, 3, 2 }
Explanation: 1 peak is required and no valley is required. 
Clearly arr[0] < arr[1] > arr[2], arr[1] is the peak.

Input: L = 4, R = 8, X = 4, Y = 1
Output: No
Explanation: There is no such permutation of size 5 with 4 peaks and 1 valley.

Input: L = 3, R = 5, X = 0, Y = 0
Output: Yes, arr[] = { 3, 4, 5 }
Explanation: 0 peaks and 0 valleys are required. 
The sorted array has no peak or valley.


Approach: There can be following five cases. Follow the approaches mentioned for each case.

Case-1(No possible permutation): The first and last element of the permutation does not contribute to the numbers of peaks and valleys. 

  • So if (X + Y) > (R – L – 1) there will be no permutation which satisfies the numbers of peaks and valleys.
  • Also if absolute value of (X – Y) > 1, there will be no such permutation, because there is exactly 1 valley between two peaks and vice-versa.

Case-2(X = 0, Y = 0): Follow the steps mentioned below.

  • Create an array arr[] of size (R – L + 1) and store the numbers in range [L, R] in sorted order in the array.
  • Print the array.

Case-3(X > Y): Follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Create an array arr[] of size (R – L + 1) consisting the numbers in range [L, R] in sorted order.
  • Consider last (X + Y – 1) elements to assign X peaks and Y valleys.
  • Iterate from i = (N – 2) to i = (N – (X + Y – 1)). where N = (R – L + 1)
    • In each iteration swap arr[i] with arr[i+1] and decrement i by 2.
  • Print the array

Case-4(X < Y): Follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Create an array arr[] of size (R – L + 1) consisting the numbers in range [L, R] in sorted order.
  • Consider first (X + Y) elements to assign X peaks and Y valleys.
  • Iterate from i = 1 to i = (X+Y).
    • For each iteration swap arr[i] with arr[i-1] and increment i by 2.
  • Print the array.

Case-5(X = Y): Follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Create an array arr[] of length (R – L + 1) consisting the numbers in range [L, R] in sorted order.
  • Consider first (X+Y) elements to assign the (X-1) peaks and Y valleys.
  • Iterate from i = 1 to i = (X+Y).
    • For each iteration swap arr[i] with arr[i-1] and increment i by 2.
  • After the iteration is complete swap the last two elements of the array to get one more peak.
  • Print the array.

Given below is the implementation for the above approach:


// C++ code to implement the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Utility function to build the permutation
void BuildMountainArray(int L, int R, int X, int Y)
    int N = (R - L + 1);
    // Case-1: permutation cannot be built
    if (((X + Y) > (N - 2)) || abs(X - Y) > 1) {
        cout << "No" << endl;
    else {
        // Vector to store the permutation
        vector<int> res(N, 0);
        for (int index = 0; index < N;
             index++) {
            res[index] = L + index;
        // Case-2: X = 0, Y = 0
        if (X == 0 && Y == 0) {
            cout << "Yes" << endl;
            for (int index = 0; index < N;
                 index++) {
                cout << res[index] << " ";
            cout << endl;
        // Case-3: X > Y
        // Consider last (X+Y+1) elements
        else if (X > Y) {
            for (int index = N - 2;
                 index >= (N - (X + Y + 1));
                 index -= 2) {
                     res[index + 1]);
        // Case-4: X < Y
        // Consider first (X+Y) elements
        else if (Y > X) {
            for (int index = 1; index <=
                 (X + Y); index += 2) {
                     res[index - 1]);
        else {
            // Case-5: X = Y
            // Consider first (X+Y) elements,
            // it will give (X-1) peaks
            // and Y valleys
            for (int index = 1; index <=
                 (X + Y); index += 2) {
                     res[index - 1]);
            // Swap last 2 elements,
            // to get 1 more peak
            swap(res[N - 2], res[N - 1]);
        // Print the required array
        cout << "Yes" << endl;
        for (int index = 0; index < N;
             index++) {
            cout << res[index] << " ";
        cout << endl;
// Driver code
int main()
    // Input
    int L = 1, R = 3, X = 1, Y = 0;
    // Function call
    BuildMountainArray(L, R, X, Y);
    return 0;


// Java code for the above approach
class GFG {
  // Utility function to build the permutation
  static void BuildMountainArray(int L, int R, int X,
                                 int Y)
    int N = (R - L + 1);
    // Case-1: permutation cannot be built
    if (((X + Y) > (N - 2)) || Math.abs(X - Y) > 1) {
      // Vector to store the permutation
      int res[] = new int[N];
      for (int index = 0; index < N; index++) {
        res[index] = L + index;
      // Case-2: X = 0, Y = 0
      if (X == 0 && Y == 0) {
        for (int index = 0; index < N; index++) {
          System.out.print(res[index] + " ");
      // Case-3: X > Y
      // Consider last (X+Y+1) elements
      else if (X > Y) {
        for (int index = N - 2;
             index >= (N - (X + Y + 1));
             index -= 2) {
          int temp = res[index];
          res[index] = res[index + 1];
          res[index + 1] = temp;
      // Case-4: X < Y
      // Consider first (X+Y) elements
      else if (Y > X) {
        for (int index = 1; index <= (X + Y);
             index += 2) {
          int temp = res[index];
          res[index] = res[index - 1];
          res[index - 1] = temp;
      else {
        // Case-5: X = Y
        // Consider first (X+Y) elements,
        // it will give (X-1) peaks
        // and Y valleys
        for (int index = 1; index <= (X + Y);
             index += 2) {
          int temp = res[index];
          res[index] = res[index - 1];
          res[index - 1] = temp;
        // Swap last 2 elements,
        // to get 1 more peak
        int temp = res[N - 2];
        res[N - 2] = res[N - 1];
        res[N - 1] = temp;
      // Print the required array
      for (int index = 0; index < N; index++) {
        System.out.print(res[index] + " ");
  // Driver code
  public static void main(String[] args)
    // Input
    int L = 1, R = 3, X = 1, Y = 0;
    // Function call
    BuildMountainArray(L, R, X, Y);
// This code is contributed by Potta Lokesh


# Python code to implement the above approach
import math as Math
# Utility function to build the permutation
def BuildMountainArray(L, R, X, Y):
    N = (R - L + 1)
    # Case-1: permutation cannot be built
    if (((X + Y) > (N - 2)) or Math.fabs(X - Y) > 1):
        # Vector to store the permutation
        res = [0] * N
        for index in range(N):
            res[index] = L + index
        # Case-2: X = 0, Y = 0
        if (X == 0 and Y == 0):
            for index in range(N):
                print(res[index], end=" ")
        # Case-3: X > Y
        # Consider last (X+Y+1) elements
        elif (X > Y):
            for index in range(N - 2, N - (X + Y + 1) - 1, -2):
                temp = res[index]
                res[index] = res[index + 1]
                res[index + 1] = temp
        # Case-4: X < Y
        # Consider first (X+Y) elements
        elif (Y > X):
            for index in range(1, X + Y + 1, 2):
                temp = res[index]
                res[index] = res[index - 1]
                res[index - 1] = temp
            # Case-5: X = Y
            # Consider first (X+Y) elements,
            # it will give (X-1) peaks
            # and Y valleys
            for index in range(1, X + Y + 1, 2):
                temp = res[index]
                res[index] = res[index - 1]
                res[index - 1] = temp
            # Swap last 2 elements,
            # to get 1 more peak
            temp = res[N - 2]
            res[N - 2] = res[N - 1]
            res[N - 1] = temp
        # Print the required array
        for index in range(N):
            print(res[index], end=" ")
# Driver code
# Input
L = 1
R = 3
X = 1
Y = 0
# Function call
BuildMountainArray(L, R, X, Y)
# This code is contributed by Saurabh jaiswal


// C# implementation of above approach
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG {
  // Utility function to build the permutation
  static void BuildMountainArray(int L, int R, int X,
                                 int Y)
    int N = (R - L + 1);
    // Case-1: permutation cannot be built
    if (((X + Y) > (N - 2)) || Math.Abs(X - Y) > 1) {
      // Vector to store the permutation
      int[] res = new int[N];
      for (int index = 0; index < N; index++) {
        res[index] = L + index;
      // Case-2: X = 0, Y = 0
      if (X == 0 && Y == 0) {
        for (int index = 0; index < N; index++) {
          Console.Write(res[index] + " ");
      // Case-3: X > Y
      // Consider last (X+Y+1) elements
      else if (X > Y) {
        for (int index = N - 2;
             index >= (N - (X + Y + 1));
             index -= 2) {
          int temp1 = res[index];
          res[index] = res[index + 1];
          res[index + 1] = temp1;
      // Case-4: X < Y
      // Consider first (X+Y) elements
      else if (Y > X) {
        for (int index = 1; index <= (X + Y);
             index += 2) {
          int temp2 = res[index];
          res[index] = res[index - 1];
          res[index - 1] = temp2;
        // Case-5: X = Y
        // Consider first (X+Y) elements,
        // it will give (X-1) peaks
        // and Y valleys
        for (int index = 1; index <= (X + Y);
             index += 2) {
          int temp3 = res[index];
          res[index] = res[index - 1];
          res[index - 1] = temp3;
        // Swap last 2 elements,
        // to get 1 more peak
        int temp4 = res[N - 2];
        res[N - 2] = res[N - 1];
        res[N - 1] = temp4;
      // Print the required array
      for (int index = 0; index < N; index++) {
        Console.Write(res[index] + " ");
  // Driver Code
  public static void Main()
    // Input
    int L = 1, R = 3, X = 1, Y = 0;
    // Function call
    BuildMountainArray(L, R, X, Y);
// This code is contributed sanjoy_62.


    // JavaScript code to implement the above approach
    // Utility function to build the permutation
    const BuildMountainArray = (L, R, X, Y) => {
        let N = (R - L + 1);
        // Case-1: permutation cannot be built
        if (((X + Y) > (N - 2)) || Math.abs(X - Y) > 1) {
            // Vector to store the permutation
            let res = new Array(N).fill(0);
            for (let index = 0; index < N;
                index++) {
                res[index] = L + index;
            // Case-2: X = 0, Y = 0
            if (X == 0 && Y == 0) {
                for (let index = 0; index < N;
                    index++) {
                    document.write(`${res[index]} `);
            // Case-3: X > Y
            // Consider last (X+Y+1) elements
            else if (X > Y) {
                for (let index = N - 2;
                    index >= (N - (X + Y + 1));
                    index -= 2) {
                    let temp = res[index];
                    res[index] = res[index + 1];
                    res[index + 1] = temp;
            // Case-4: X < Y
            // Consider first (X+Y) elements
            else if (Y > X) {
                for (let index = 1; index <=
                    (X + Y); index += 2) {
                    let temp = res[index];
                    res[index] = res[index - 1];
                    res[index - 1] = temp;
            else {
                // Case-5: X = Y
                // Consider first (X+Y) elements,
                // it will give (X-1) peaks
                // and Y valleys
                for (let index = 1; index <=
                    (X + Y); index += 2) {
                    let temp = res[index];
                    res[index] = res[index - 1];
                    res[index - 1] = temp;
                // Swap last 2 elements,
                // to get 1 more peak
                let temp = res[N - 2];
                res[N - 2] = res[N - 1];
                res[N - 1] = temp;
            // Print the required array
            for (let index = 0; index < N;
                index++) {
                document.write(`${res[index]} `);
    // Driver code
    // Input
    let L = 1, R = 3, X = 1, Y = 0;
    // Function call
    BuildMountainArray(L, R, X, Y);
    // This code is contributed by rakeshsahni


1 3 2 

Time Complexity: O(N) where N = (R – L + 1)
Space Complexity: O(N)

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