Features of Definition of Done in Agile

In Agile software development, the term “Definition of Done” (DoD)” is used to ensure Built-in-Quality, transparency and set the right expectations for the product to be developed during an Agile product development.

In simple terms, the Definition of Done(DoD) acts as a guideline to determine task completion.

In this article:

Table of Content

  • Features of a Definition of Done
  • Levels of Definition of Done in Agile
  • Benefits of Multiple Levels of DoD in Agile
  • Implementing and Maintaining Levels of DoD
  • Challenges and Considerations
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs

Definition of Done in Agile

Features of a Definition of Done

The features of Definition of Done in Agile are as follows:

  1. Clear Criteria: DoD is like a set of rules, it tells exactly what needs to be done to finish a task so that the team knows exactly what needs to be done to finish a task. This is like a checklist that prevents misunderstanding.
  2. Agreed-upon Standards: To avoid conflicts, the team agrees on the rules before the development of the software product. When everyone knows and agrees on how to finish a task it helps team members work together efficiently.
  3. Quality Assurance: Consider DoD as a way to ensure high-quality work, it’s like a quality control measure to make sure everything meets a certain standard. For example, DoD might include testing, reviewing the code, and documenting the process, and on top of that it has a quality standard. This focus on quality helps deliver better results and satisfies customers.
  4. Transparency: Here, transparency refers to the communication between the team and client to set clear expectations. When both sides know what needs to be done, this builds trust and helps everyone stay on track.

Levels of Definition of Done in Agile

Levels of Definition of Done in Agile

1. Task Level

At the task level, the Definition of Done defines the criteria for completing single tasks within a specific amount of time. Tasks such as fixing a bug, implementing a small feature, or completing a specific development task. The criteria at this level may include code review, testing, and documentation related to the task.

2. User Story Level

The Definition of Done at the user story level defines the criteria for completing user stories, which represent specific pieces of functionality from an end-user perspective. This confirms that all the criteria for the user story are met, the code is peer-reviewed and approved, tests are passed, and documentation is updated.

3. Feature Level

At the feature level, the Definition of Done defines the criteria for completing larger features, which may consist of multiple user stories. This ensures that all user stories associated with the feature are completed, integrated, and tested. Documentation and also be included in the criteria.

4. Product Level

The Definition of Done at the product level sets the overall criteria for the entire product, which defines that it’s ready for release to customers. This includes testing, performance optimization, documentation, user training, and any other necessary activities for a successful product release.

Benefits of Multiple Levels of DoD in Agile

Multiple levels of DoD offer the following benefits:

  1. Clarity: In each level of DoD, a clear guideline for completion is there which minimizes the misunderstanding within the team.
  2. Quality Control: Multiple Levels of DoD help us confirm consistent quality across all levels of work which enhances overall product quality and customer satisfaction.
  3. Flexibility: Teams can adapt criteria based on the requirements and necessity of each level which allows for responsiveness to change.

Implementing and Maintaining Levels of DoD

Implementing and maintaining levels of Definition of Done consists of the following steps:

  1. Define Criteria: Define clear and specific criteria for each level of DoD that confirm alignment with team objectives and project goals.
  2. Regular Review: Regularly reviewing and updating the DoD based on feedback, lessons learned, and evolving project needs.
  3. Communication: Communicate the DoD criteria to all team members, making sure that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities.
  4. Continuous Improvement: Culture of faster continuous improvement, where the team works to enhance the DoD to get better outcomes.

Challenges and Considerations

While implementing the Definition of Done, teams may encounter various challenges and considerations:

  1. Resistance to Change: Some team members may resist adopting new processes or criteria outlined in the DoD.
  2. Defining Precise Criteria: Defining precise and actionable criteria for each level of DoD may require careful consideration and collaboration which is challenging to complete.
  3. Ensuring Buy-in: Ensuring buy-in and commitment from all team members is important for the successful implementation of the DoD.
  4. Adapting to Change: The DoD should be flexible enough to adapt to changing project requirements and priorities while maintaining its integrity and effectiveness.


The Definition of Done is very important in Agile development. It helps us know exactly when a task is finished and makes sure our work is good in quality. When we have clear goals for what ‘done’ means at different stages of a project, it helps us work better together, get more done, and make sure our customers are happy with what we deliver.


1. Can the Definition of Done change during a project?

Yes, the rules can change if we learn new things or if we find better ways to work. We need to talk about it together and agree on any changes.

2. How can we make sure everyone knows what they need to do to finish a task?

We need to talk about it a lot and make sure everyone understands. We can also write things down and have meetings to talk about them.

3. Is the list of things we need to do to finish a task the same as the list of things the customer wants?

No, they’re different. The list for finishing a task is about making sure we did everything right, while the list for the customer is about making sure we did what they asked for.

4. How does following the rules about finishing tasks help us do a good job?

Following the rules helps us make sure our work is of good quality and that we finish everything we need to. It helps us make our customers happy and do our job well.

5. Who is responsible for defining the Definition of Done?

The Definition of Done is typically defined collaboratively by the Agile team, including developers, testers, product owners, and other stakeholders, to ensure alignment and shared understanding.

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