Definition of Done(DoD) vs Definition of Ready(DoR)

In Agile Scrum project development practice the terms Definition of Done (DoD) and Definition of Ready (DoR) are both crucial in managing product workflow and execution. These methodologies help to ensure the work is well planned, executed, and completed by the Scrum Team. The Definition of Done and Definition of Ready have their purpose and criteria set by the Scrum team.

Introduction to Definition of Done

The definition of done in Agile scrum defines the criteria to be met for a product increment or a sprint to be considered as ‘Done’. The definition of done is part of the sprint review process and sets the criteria for a completed backlog item in a sprint to be considered releasable. It helps to deliver the best quality and avoid any re-work and bugs after delivery. This applies to the end of the sprint for passing all quality standards and delivery guidelines.

Components of Definition of Done

Below is the list of key components in the definition of done:

  1. Code Completion: Front-end and Back-end codes for all User Stories are fully completed and all coding standards are followed.
  2. Working Functionalities: All functionalities needed for the user stories are completed and working as expected.
  3. Performance Optimization: Verify if no bottlenecks in performance and all performance optimizations are completed.
  4. Code Review: Code sent for peer review. The code is reviewed and approved by another team member.
  5. Testing: Once all tasks are completed, the code is unit-tested and passes all tests from the QA side.
  6. Documentation: All documentation completed including user guides and developer notes.
  7. Build Completed: Build completed with no errors for all completed code with no missing components.
  8. Code Merged: All the completed code with everything working as expected is merged to the main branch.
  9. Stakeholders Communication: Once the tasks are completed and deployed, the status is updated to all stakeholders.
  10. Deployment Completion: Work completed has been merged and deployed in the staging server and tested, if applicable.
  11. Approval by Product Manager: All completed user stories, issues,, and tasks are reviewed, and approved by the Product Manager.

Importance of Definition of Done in Agile Development

Definition of Done is a key component in Agile development. Below is the importance of the definition of done:

  1. Ensures Clarity: The definition of done ensures clarity and helps to avoid any ambiguity or vagueness about the quality of work and expected outcome.
  2. Team Agreed Criteria: The definition of done is an agreed-upon criteria after detailed discussion by the whole scrum team.
  3. Collaboration and Communication: The definition of done advocates collaboration and communication among all team members, stakeholders, and customers.
  4. Enables Transparency: The definition of done helps to enable transparency of all that is being worked on, and provide clear visibility about the work progress, and value.
  5. Continuous Feedback and Improvement: The definition of done facilitates continuous feedback and continuous improvement of the process and outcome.

Introduction to Definition of Ready

The definition of ready establishes the conditions for a backlog item to enter a sprint. This is part of the product backlog refinement process. It helps in smooth sprint planning and execution. It aims to reduce ambiguity and uncertainty. This is set at the beginning of a sprint to include fully ready and qualified backlog items to be included in the upcoming Sprint.

Criteria for Definition of Ready

Below are the common criteria defined for the definition of ready:

  1. Well-defined Scope: The user story or product backlog has a well-defined scope, and is clear, concise, and negotiable.
  2. Acceptance Criteria: All user stories or product backlog items should have acceptance criteria. The acceptance criteria for each product backlog item are clearly defined and testable.
  3. No Dependencies: User stories are Independent and all dependencies are identified and resolved.
  4. Tasks Estimation: All user stories should be estimated. The user story is estimated for the effort and complexity of the work.
  5. Prioritized: All user stories are prioritized. The team has agreed on the priority and the business value of the user stories.
  6. Small User Stories: The user stories must be broken down into small, estimable units. It is confirmed that the user story should be small and can be completed within a sprint.
  7. Resources Identification: For completing user stories adequate resources are needed. All the required resources are identified and available.
  8. Stakeholder Communication and Approval: The definition of ready should be shared and available for access by all stakeholders. All the stakeholders are informed and have agreed upon.

Role of Definition of Ready in Agile Development

  1. Defines Criteria: The definition of ready outlines the set of criteria that user stories or tasks, which are in the product backlog items list, must meet before they can be considered as ready for the upcoming sprint.
  2. Sprint Planning and Execution: This helps in better sprint planning and execution and avoids ambiguity and uncertainty.
  3. Meeting Sprint Goals: The definition of ready leads to meeting sprint goals and avoiding incomplete work, delays, or rework.
  4. Better Task Estimation: Clear criteria defined in the definition of ready help accurate task estimation leads to better sprint planning and delivery.
  5. Meets INVEST Principles: Before a product backlog item can be added to a sprint, it needs to be confirmed that the backlog item meets the definition of ready criteria which are based on INVEST principles. The INVEST stands for Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Small, and Testable.
  6. Increased Visibility: A well-defined “ready” state makes it easier to track progress and identify bottlenecks.

Definition of Done vs Definition of Ready


Definition of Done

Definition of Ready


The definition of done applies at the end of the current sprint.

The definition of ready is defined and applies when a new sprint begins.


The definition of done is criteria set for completion, ensuring that work completed meets quality standards and is potentially ready for release.

The definition of ready applies to criteria set for product backlog items or user stories before they can be accepted to be ready and included in the upcoming sprint.


The definition of done covers broader aspects of user stories being worked on and completed.

The definition of ready is focused on the backlog items and whether they meet all criteria to be considered for sprint.


The definition of done is mainly focused on the internal aspects of work itself done during a sprint.

The definition of ready includes the backlog items, external factors such as dependencies, and resource availability.

Scrum Component

The definition of done is mandatory and part of scrum

The definition of ready is optional and is not part of the scrum guide.


The definition of done refers to the work itself such as testing, documentation, and acceptance criteria defined.

DoR refers more to external items and activities like stakeholders, dependencies, and technical requirements.


DoD helps the team to evaluate the completed work for quality and completeness and deliver value to customers.

DoR helps the scrum team to plan the work and quality standards.

Best Practices for Defining Done and Ready

Defining both the definition of done and the definition of ready are integral parts of the agile development process. Below are the best practices for defining both:

  1. Collaborative Definition: The definition of done and definition ready should be collaborative and agreed upon by the scrum team and all stakeholders.
  2. Clear, Specific, and Measurable: Both Done and Ready should be clear, specific, and measurable so that they can be easily understood and verified by all team members and stakeholders.
  3. Documentation and Access: Both should be documented and accessible to all team members and stakeholders.
  4. Aligned with Goals and Needs: Both done and ready should be aligned with the product goals, customer needs, and business value defined.
  5. Adaptableadaptable and Flexible: The DoD and DoR should be flexible and adaptable so that they can be updated regularly based on the changing requirements to ensure they are relevant, effective, and up-to-date.
  6. Follow INVEST Principles: Both done and ready definitions should make sure that all tasks and work items follow the INVEST principles, Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Small, and Testable. These principles ensure all items in a sprint are well-defined, manageable, and deliverable.


In this article, we looked into the individual aspects of these two definitions and also their key differences. Both definitions, define important metrics to ensure quality delivery and their acceptance as completed or done. The DoR and DoD are not fixed lists, but both should be reviewed and refined regularly based on the changing customer needs and market expectations of the product.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why do you need a definition of ready?

The definition of ready helps to evaluate the work items that are planned and ready for the sprint. It defines the criteria for a task, user story, or estimate to be considered as ready for sprint.

2. What does ready mean in Scrum?

The definition of ready means the product backlog items are ready to be worked on and ready to be included in a sprint in the scrum.

3. What is the difference between the Definition of Done against Acceptance Criteria?

The definition of done is a set of criteria to be met for all user stories in a sprint to be considered as ‘Done’. While acceptance criteria refers to individual user stories, and their test scenarios to be passed.

4. What is the purpose of the Definition of Done?

The purpose of the definition of done is to create a clear understanding between team members and stakeholders about what criteria to be met before the work items in a Sprint are considered as ‘Done’.

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