Features and Importance of Motivation

What is Motivation?

The process of stimulating and inspiring people at work to contribute to the best of their capability for the achievement of organisational objectives is known as Motivation. Motivation is the inner psychological force that activates and compels a person to behave in a particular manner. It is a process of inductive individual desire towards a goal. Human beings drive satisfaction when the goal is achieved. Both financial and non-financial factors motivate employees in the organization.

 “Motivation means a process of stimulating people to action to accomplish desired goal” – William G. Scout

Table of Content

  • Features of Motivation
  • Importance of Motivation

Features of Motivation

The features of Motivation are as follows:

  • Motivation is an internal feeling: It is a psychological concept and it cannot be forced on the employees. It is an internal feeling, generated within an individual, which compels him to behave in a particular manner. Feelings like needs, desires, urges, etc., influence human behaviour to act in a particular manner.
  • Motivation produces goal-directed behaviour: Employees’ behaviour is influenced by motivation in such a way that they can achieve their goals. Motivation helps to achieve both organisational as well as individual goals. For example, if a person wants to get a promotion, then he will work harder to achieve the goals effectively and efficiently.  
  • Motivation can be either negative or positive: Motivation can be either positive in form of rewards, like additional pay, incentives, promotion, recognition, etc., or negative in the form of force, like punishment, threat of demotion, etc. Positive motivation provides incentives to an individual to achieve the goal, whereas negative motivation creates fear in the mind of individuals in order to influence their behaviour to act in a desired manner.
  • Motivation is a complex process: Humans are heterogeneous in their expectations, perceptions and reactions. A particular type of motivation may not have the same effect on all individuals as it is difficult to predict their behaviours. Therefore, motivation is a complex task.
  • Continuous process: As human needs are unlimited, completion of one need gives rise to another, and it goes on. Therefore, motivation is a continuous process, and it does not end with the satisfaction of a particular need.

Importance of Motivation

The importance of Motivation are as follows:

  • Motivation helps to improve performance level: Motivation helps in satisfying needs of the employees and providing them satisfaction. Performance of the employees is improved with the help of motivation as it bridges the gap between the capacity to work and willingness to work. As a result, employees work with full dedication and make full use of their abilities to raise the existing level of efficiency. 
  • Motivation helps in changing negative attitude to positive attitude: Positive attitude towards the organisation helps to achieve organisational goals easily. Sometimes, employees have a negative attitude towards the organisation or work. Motivation helps to change this negative attitude to a positive attitude through suitable rewards, positive encouragement and praise for good work. When the workers are motivated they work positively towards the organisational goals.
  • Motivation helps to reduce employee turnover: Lack of motivation is the main cause behind employee turnover. Employees do not think of leaving the job when they are motivated by financial and non-financial incentives. Reduction in employee turnover saves a lot of money as direct expenses(recruitment and selection costs) and indirect expenses(labour dissatisfaction) are reduced. The organisations also benefit because the skill and competence of employees continue to be available to the organisation. 
  • Motivation helps to reduce absenteeism: Some of the reasons behind absenteeism are improper work environment, inadequate rewards, lack of recognition, etc., and these can be overcome or reduced if the employees are motivated properly. Proper motivation makes the work a source of pleasure, and workers do not refrain from work unless it is unavoidable. 
  • Motivation helps to introduce changes smoothly: An organisation can survive and grow only when it adapts itself to the dynamic environment. Changes are generally resisted by the employees because of fear of adverse effects on their employment. This resistance can be overcome by proper motivation. Motivation helps to convince employees that proposed changes will bring additional rewards to them. As a result, they readily accept these changes. 

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