Fastenal Interview Experience (On-Campus)

Fastenal visited our campus for Full Time Recruitment. There were 3 rounds in total.

Difficulty Level: Medium

  • Online Coding Round
  • Technical Round 1
  • HR

Round 1: Online Coding round (90 Minutes)

Coding Questions(30 Mins)

50 MCQ (60 Mins)

There were 2 Coding Questions based on String.

1. String Letter Search: You are given a String X and a string containing single character Y. Your task is to find the largest distance between any two occurrences of the character Y in string X.

The Distance is defined by the no of distinct characters between any two occurrences of char Y in string X (Exclude whitespaces).

If there is no occurrences or only one occurrences of the given character, the function should return -1.


Input1: my name is ranary

Input2: a

Output: 7

2. Passwords: Find how many Distinct passwords are there in total:

Details of password: Each password is a string of characters from a to z (small letters).

Two passwords say Pass1 and Pass2, are said to be same if Pass2 can be obtained by swapping the ith character with jth character in Pass1 where (i+j)%2==0.


Input1: 2

Input2: {abcd,bcad}

Output: 2

“bcad” cannot be obtained from “abcd” under given conditions. Hence, 2 distinct passwords.

50 MCQ’s of CS Core Subjects. (Aptitude, Verbal Ability, OOPS, Operating Systems, DBMS, Networking, Java).

Round 2: Technical Round (1 hour 15 Mins)

  • Project Discussion: I have mentioned two projects, so they had a discussion on both the projects with cross questions .
  • OOPS Concept (4 Pillars of OOPS) with its Real Life Examples.
  • Difference between Abstraction and Encapsulation.
  • Access Modifiers
  • Virtual Functions
  • Linear Search Vs Binary Search (Time Complexity: Worst and Best Case)
  • Implementation of Binary Search
  • Simple Coding Question: Given an Array of Elements and a target sum, find a pair in the array whose sum is equal to the given target. Discussed all the Optimized Approach with its Time Complexity.
  • Final Keyword in C++
  • Page fault
  • Paging Vs Segmentation
  • Binary Search Tree (Insertion and Searching Code)
  • Discussion on Python Libraries as i have mentioned a Python Project in my Resume.
  • Discussion on Version Control GitHub
  • At last, interviewer congratulated me as i had a highest score in first round and asked about the complex section of Round 1 (If any). Then he wished me All the Best for further Round.

After 30 mins, I received a call for next round.

Round 3: HR (30 Mins)

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • How life has been changed in Pandemic, discuss your views.
  • Hobbies, Strength, Weakness
  • What you know about company, whether you heard the name before or not.
  • Discussion on one of the statement, which i have written while filling the application form , at that time i have forgotten that but anyhow i managed and explained it very well.
  • What thing you liked in Fastenal.

Wished me All the Best.


  • Keep your resume clear and concise
  • Concepts should be very clear.
  • Have a look to the Company’s Website before starting your interview and do some research which will gives a positive aspect to the interviewer.
  • Be confident, don’t be nervous at the time of Interview.

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