Fanatics Interview Experience for SDE -1

Greetings of the day! Fanatics came for the pool campus drive and only CSE students were eligible.

Round 1: Resume shortlisting. Only 20 students out of 60 were shortlisted.

Round 2: Online coding round was conducted on the HackerEarth platform and consisted of three coding questions lying between medium and hard levels. time-bound was 1hr 30min.

Round 3: cover page was an interview round that went on for 60-70 minutes on that the Zoom platform and coderpad. Four panelist were there and each panelist took approx. 15 to 17 minutes and asked in-depth questions. 

  • 1st panelist asked me to introduce myself and then she moved on to questions related to my resume, skills, and projects. She was kind of inquisitive and the questions were tough and thorough eg., the name of header files that you have used and why and what could be the other algorithms that could be used, why did you choose this API, and not that, etc. 
  • 2nd panelist had given a problem on Tree where you are provided with certain criteria and statistics related to several insertions, deletions, and search operations, and based upon that you had to manipulate the tree to get the best possible time and space complexity. e.g.., if the no. of the search operation is higher than the other two operations then you can go for converting your tree to a BST and so on. Then he also asked me about Prim’s and Kruskal’s algorithms their uses, working differences (like which data structure and why, and if there is any other way of solving Kruskal rather than the “find and union” method, etc..), complexity difference, etc.
  • 3rd panelist asked to test my basics and my grip on DSA. He started from arrays then Dynamic arrays their differences in depth (literally like every possible question that exists so far), stack and heap difference, memory allocation, vectors, and linked list difference(every possible question that exists so far) he switched to sorting algorithms and asked me to code quick sort .why do we use quick sort its time and space complexities, why not merge sort then why do we use merge sort in a linked list, etc

  • 4th panelist was a very calm and chilled personality. He had given a coding question related to Hashing (medium level leetcode problem) that I was able to explain the idea and code and run within 10 minutes then he asked me to optimize it but due to lack of time he didn’t ask me to code the optimized approach.

HR Round: It was a pure HR round with a CTC breakdown discussion.

Verdict: Selected.

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