Enumerate some important features of Himalayan Rivers

The river system of a region is referred to as drainage. An area drained by a single river is referred to as a drainage system. Two drainage basins are separated by a mountain. A water divide is a term for this type of separation. India’s drainage system, or rivers, is separated into two primary groups: Himalayan rivers and Peninsular rivers.

Most Himalayan rivers are perennial in nature and receive water from the melt of snow as well as rain. Himalayan rivers have long courses and do perform an intensive erosional activity in the upper course and also carry huge loads of silt and sand.

Himalayan Rivers

Indus, Ganga, and the Brahmaputra are three major Himalayan rivers. These rivers run for miles and have a plethora of tributaries. A river and its tributaries make create a river system.

Indus Valley System

In Tibet, near Lake Mansarovar, the Tibet River begins. It runs west and reaches India in the Jammu and Kashmir districts of Ladakh. In this region, the Zaskar, Nubra, Shyok, and Hunza rivers flow into the Indus. The river then flows through Baltistan and Gilgit before emerging from the mountains near Attock. In Pakistan, the Satluj, Beas, Ravi, Chenab, and Jhelum rivers join the Indus near Mithankot. Beyond this point, the river runs south till it meets the Arabian Sea, which is located east of Karachi. The Indus Plain has a gentle slope. With a total length of 2900 kilometers, the Indus is one of the world’s longest rivers. The majority of the Indus basin is in Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, and Punjab. The remaining river flows through Pakistan.

Ganga River System

The Gangotri Glacier feeds the Bhagirathi, Ganga’s source. In Uttarakhand’s Devprayag, the Alaknanda River joins it. At Haridwar, the Ganga emerges from the mountains onto the plane. Many significant rivers enter the Ganga, including the Yamuna, Ghaghara, Gandak, and Kosi. The Yamuna River flows from the Yamunotri Glacier in the Himalayas. It joins the Ganga on the right bank in Allahabad.

In the Nepal Himalayas, the Ghaghara, Gandak, and Kosi rivers rise. From the peninsular uplands, the Chambal, Betwa, and Son are tributaries. These rivers do not carry a great deal of water. The Ganga flows eastward until it reaches the West Bengal town of Farakka, which is the northernmost point of the Ganga Delta. At this point, the river splits in two. The Ganga River stretches for about 2500 kilometers.

Brahmaputra River System

The Brahmaputra River originates in Tibet, east of Mansarovar Lake, at the headwaters of the Indus and Satluj Rivers. It’s a couple of miles longer than the Indus. Its journey takes it mostly outside of India. The Brahmaputra then flows eastward, parallel to the Himalayan range. It enters India through a gorge in the state of Arunachal Pradesh. In Assam, it is joined by the Dibang, the Lohit, and numerous other tributaries. The Brahmaputra, unlike other northern rivers, deposits a large amount of silt on its bed, causing the river to rise.

The river system is surrounded by the Himalayas on the north, the Patkai range of hills on the east, the Assam range of hills on the south, and the Himalayas and the ridge on the west. The Brahmaputra river system regions, particularly in Assam, see some of the world’s greatest rainfall patterns and are prone to annual floods and riverbank erosion. Parts of the Brahmaputra basin in the Himalayan Mountains of Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh are covered in snow. One of India’s greenest regions is the Brahmaputra river system.

Role of Rivers in Economy

Rivers are vital to humanity’s survival. We use them for a variety of things, including irrigation, navigation, and hydropower generation. Rivers are extremely vital in a country like India, where agriculture is a major business. As a result, India’s drainage system serves as an important natural water resource. From the beginning of time, humans have been changing objects to fit their requirements. The increased demand for water has had an impact on the quality of river water. When more water is removed from rivers, their volume decreases. However, a large amount of sewage and waste material is discharged into rivers, reducing water quality.

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FAQs on Important Features of Himalayan Rivers

Q 1. What are the important features of the Himalayan rivers?


The important features of Himalayan rivers include the intensive erosional activity in the upper area which also carries a huge load of salt as well as sand along with it.

Q 2. What is the importance of the Himalayan rivers?


Himalayan rivers are home to many medicinal plants and also help to prevent dry wind and acts as barrier to monsoon winds of Indian ocean.

Q 3. How does a radical pattern of drainage develop?


When streams run in diverse directions from a central peak/dome, a radial pattern forms.

Q 4. Why are peninsular rivers called seasonal?


Seasonal rivers are so named because their flow is determined by rainfall. During the dry season, even big rivers like the Narmada have less water.

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