Electric Arc Welding

Welding is an operation whereby two or more metal parts are joined by means of heat or pressure or both. Generally, only heat generation is required in welding but sometimes both heat and pressure are required to weld metal parts.

In this article, we will go through Electric Arc Welding, first, we will define Electric Arc Welding, then we will go through its types and working, at lastly we will conclude our article with applications, advantages, disadvantages, and some FAQs.

Table of Content

  • Definition
  • Types
  • Working
  • Applications
  • Advantages
  • Disadvantages
  • Arc Vs Spark

What is Electric Arc Welding?

Electric Arc Welding is the process in which two metals are welded with the help of high intensity of heat which is known as arc. In this welding process, electrical energy is converted into heat energy, this energy is produced, melts the workpiece and solidifies the weld form which is termed as Arc welding.

In this welding process, either AC or DC power supply can be used. AC power supply does not have any fixed polarity, so we can use it direct to perform Electric Arc Welding, whereas DC power supply cannot be use directly because it has fixed polarity.

The first arc welding method was developed in the 19th century, and it has become commercially significant within shipbuilding throughout II-World War.

Electric arc welding requires very high temperature about 5600-degree Celsius which is enough to weld workpiece.

Types of Electric Metal Arc Welding

Given Below are the types of Electric Metal Arc welding :

  • Shielded Metal Arc Welding
  • MIG (Metal Inert Gas) Welding
  • TIG Welding (Tungsten Inert Gas)
  • Carbon Arc Welding
  • Plasma Arc Welding
  • Submerged Arc Welding
  • AC Arc Welding
  • DC Metallic Arc Welding
  • Hydrogen Arc Welding

Shielded Metal Arc Welding

In this arc welding, when the gap between electrode and metal is smaller it generates electric arc of high intensity which is used to weld(join) metals.

The metal electrode used in welding process can be either consumable or non consumable. We can use both based on the requirement.

Electrode should not be aligned perpendicular to workpiece, It should be at some angle.

MIG (Metal Inert Gas) Welding

This welding process is also called Gas Metal Arc Welding. In this welding process bare electrode is used means there is no flux coating on electrode used in MIG welding. It is protected by shielding gas which are inert in nature, these shielding gasses protect electrode from air contaminants and moisture. These inert gases also protect weld joint from oxidation or any further reaction from atmospheric gases.

TIG Welding (Tungsten Inert Gas)

In this type of welding process a tungsten electrode is used. This tungsten electrode is non consumable. It is enclosed by gas atmosphere, which is inert in nature, it protects weld from reaction to air contaminants.

TIG welding became very popular technique of welding. Nowadays almost every large and small-scale industries use tis welding technique.

Carbon Arc Welding

In carbon Arc Welding Carbon electrode are used. Carbon electrode is non consumable electrode. Heat is generated between metal and electrode for welding the metal joint.

Plasma Arc Welding

As the name suggest plasma arc is used. Plasma is hot ionized gas is heated strongly it converted into plasma. This plasma produces high heat which is used to weld to melt metal.

Submerged Arc Welding

In this arc welding there uses an electrode and continuous fed electrode. In this welding an electrode is completely submerged by granular coating of flux and this flux can be electric conductor which will not oppose the electric supply.

AC Arc Welding

AC Arc welding uses transformer and don’t use rotating parts. Its transformer is comparatively less costly as compared to other metal arc welding and it uses only coated electrodes.

DC Metallic Arc Welding

DC metallic arc welding uses rotating parts, generators and motors. Its initial cost of DC set is high, and it can use any types of electrodes.

Hydrogen Arc Welding

In hydrogen arc welding arc is maintained between two non-consumable electrodes in shielding atmosphere of hydrogen gas.

Working of Electrical Arc Welding

In electric arc welding electrical energy is converted into heat energy. Electric arc welding is based on the principle that, when electric current is passed through the circuit, gases present between air gap (small gap between electrode and workpiece) ionized and opposite polarity particles collides with high acceleration which generate high intensity of heat and energy (arc) this energy produced are used to weld metals.

Due to heat developed both electrode and base metal get melted. The electrode and workpiece brought nearer with small air gap of below 3mm approximately and Arc temperature between two metals is approximately 4000 degrees Celsius.

Electric Arc Welding

Length of air gap (distance between electrode tip and workpiece) between electrode and workpiece is lies between 3mm to 6mm.

Electric arc welding works on very high temperature (about 3700 to 4500 degrees Celsius)., and the metal in contact with the arc becomes molten which enables a weld to be melt.

Application of Electric Arc Welding

Given below are the Applications of Electric Arc Welding

  • Electric Arc Welding is used to repair broken parts of machines or machine elements.
  • Electric arc welding is used in Bridge construction and ship building.
  • Electric Arc Welding is Used in robotics automation and mass production.
  • Electric arc welding used in art, constructions of buildings, sculptures etc.
  • It is efficient in manufacturing of large-scale applications such as large pipelines, tanks etc.

Advantages of Electric Arc Welding

Advantages of electric arc welding are as follows

  • Electric arc welding provides high operating speed, and it can weld both thick and thin metals.
  • Electric arc welding provides high intensity heat and energy.
  • Electric arc welding does not require any specific angle, Welding can be done at any position.
  • Electric arc welding can Work on both AC (alternating current) and DC (direct current) power supply.
  • Electric arc welding equipment is less expensive to install.

Disadvantages of Electric Arc Welding

Electric Arc Welding has several advantages, but it also has some Disadvantages

  • Electric arc welding produces more waste as compared to other welding processes.
  • Some of reactive metals such as aluminum titanium etc. cannot be weld by this method.
  • Electric arc welding process requires skilled operators.
  • Requirement of more safety devices.
  • This welding produces harmful gases and spatter relative to other welding processes.

Difference between Arc and Spark

Given below is the Difference between Arc and Spark



Arc is continuous electric discharge.

Spark is a momentary electric discharge.

Arc is produced between two metal electrodes.

Spark is produced by striking two hard surfaces such as rock stones etc.

It takes place for long time.

It takes place for short period of time.

Spark have high energy and heat

It has low energy and heat than arc

light generated by arc is bright

light generated by spark is less bright than arc

Frequency of arc is higher

frequency of spark is low

Arc length is equal to diameter of electrode used. If Arc length is less than diameter of electrode than it is called short arc. If Arc length is greater than diameter of electrode than it is known as long arc.


Concluding, Electric arc Welding is best welding process and efficient for metal fabrication. It offers method for joining different metals with high strength and precision. In old days it was not developed but now a days it plays important role in welding industries.

Electric Arc Welding made welding efficient, it saves time and effort as well. In modern welding industries Electric Arc Welding used everywhere from construction to automotive. Electric Arc Welding provides choices between AC and DC power supply which provides flexibility. Both power supply, AC and DC are efficient in Electric Arc Welding.

Electric Arc Welding – FAQs

What is electrode?

Electrode is filler material which is used to fill material welds. It is conducting in nature, as well it allows flow of heat and electron.

What is the various equipment’s used in Electric Arc Welding and why it is efficient?

Electric Arc Welding uses various equipment like AC or DC power supply, shielding gases, electrodes etc. It is very efficient method of welding because it provides high temperature, high concentration of heat, high energy efficiency etc.

Why Electrical Arc Welding requires skilled workers?

Electric arc welding produces high energy fumes and needed to maintain correct gap between the arc and workpiece due to these handle and safety measures skilled workers are required.

The strength and durability of welds highly depends on the skilled workers. Skilled workers can handle the complexities and challenges in welding.

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