DynamoDB – Setup the AWS CLI on Windows

We can use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to control multiple AWS services from the command line and automate them through scripts. We can use the AWS CLI for ad hoc operations, such as creating a table. We can also use it to embed Amazon DynamoDB operations within utility scripts. Before you can use the AWS CLI with DynamoDB, you must get an access key ID and secret access key.

The AWS CLI is available at http://aws.amazon.com/cli. It runs on Windows, macOS, or Linux. 

Installing the AWS CLI on Windows

The AWS CLI version 2 has no dependencies on other Python packages. It has a self-contained, embedded copy of Python included in the installer.

Prerequisites for Windows:

  • Windows XP or later, or a 64-bit version of Windows
  • Admin rights to install software


Follow the below steps to successfully install AWS CLI on windows:

  • Download the AWS CLI MSI installer for Windows (64-bit) at https://awscli.amazonaws.com/AWSCLIV2.msi
  • Run the downloaded MSI installer and follow the on-screen instructions. By default, the AWS CLI installs to C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSCLIV2.
  • To confirm the installation, open the Start menu, search for cmd to open a command prompt window, and at the command prompt use the below command:
aws --version

Note: Don’t include the prompt symbol (C:\>) when you type a command. These are included in program listings to differentiate commands that you type from output returned by the AWS CLI. 

Uninstall the AWS CLI on Windows

To uninstall the AWS CLI from Windows machine follow the below steps:

  • Open the Control Panel, and then choose Programs and Features.
  •  Select the entry named AWS Command Line Interface, and then choose Uninstall to launch the uninstaller.
  • Confirm that you want to uninstall the AWS CLI.

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