DragonFly Financial Technologies Interview Experience for ASE (On-Campus)

Total 4 Rounds

Round 1: 60 MCQ Questions: There were 3 sections and the time to complete was 60 Minutes. You were able to switch between different sections.

  • Section 1: Advanced Analytical (10 Questions)
  • Section 2: Advanced Quantitative (10 Questions)
  • Section 3: JAVA and C (40 Question)

Analytical and Quantitative sections were easy. The third section was moderate and contained questions mostly based on Java.
(Prepare JAVA Collections, OOP concepts, AWS, etc.)

There was a total of 150 students who gave the test and 16 were selected for the next interview rounds at Dragonfly Technologies, Kalyani Nagar.

Round 2: Technical Interview: The technical Interview was mainly based on your Resume. Internships, Projects, Programming language-based questions, DSA concepts, DBMS and SQL questions, Puzzles, etc. were covered during the Interview and which lasted for more than an hour.

  • Tell me something about yourself. I had ‘Investing’ as my interest in my resume so we had a discussion on Stocks and discussed different patterns finally I was asked a question related to candlestick patterns.
  • Discussion on my Internships. In my case, there were 2 Internships and the interviewer was interested in the project I had done in one of the Internships so I explained the project for about 15 minutes.
  • Explain your Projects. (Make sure that you can talk about your one project for at least 10-15 minutes.)
  • Explain Bubble Sort and Quick Sort. Had this question because I had a Sorting Visualizer project. I took an example array and explained the working and approach of both the algorithms along with the time and space complexity.He gave me a condition and asked about the approach to choosing a sorting algorithm for that particular problem.
  • Explain LRU Cache. I explained what is LRU cache and explained the approach. Link : https://www.w3wiki.net/lru-cache-implementation/
  • Further, we moved toward the puzzles. There was one standard puzzle – king and servants and the other one were math related.
  • DBMS: A few basic DBMS concepts and SQL concepts. Basic SQL queries and one was to find all details of the employee with 2nd highest salary.
  • Interviewer asked me if I had any questions and I asked 2 questions. Make sure you ask questions about the company to show that you are interested in the company.

Round 3 : Managerial + Technical Interview

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Projects (Again in depth)
  • Questions related to the Techstack I used in my projects and why did I choose those technologies.
  • Why C++ and not Java ? (I had proficiency in C++ so I was asked about the difference and why I was using C++)
  • Where do you see yourself after 5 years?
  • I was asked about the most challenging phase of my life and how did I overcome it ?
  • I had a group project so the Interviewer asked about any of the conflicts with team members and how did we manage to the solution.
  • Some more situational-based questions and finally I was asked if I had any questions.

Major shortlisting took place after this round and 9 out of 16 were selected for the last round. So make sure you answer questions confidently and prefer to the user the STAR approach to answering the situational-based questions.

Round 4: Discussion with the VP of the Company

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • What is your favorite subject throughout your Engineering years? I said DSA so he asked me why. The interviewer was impressed with my answer.
  • Further discussion on my projects and asked if I had any projects related to DSA (my favourite subject).
  • Had a discussion on the stock market and current and previous situations in the Market.
  • Finally a more formal discussion and I was asked if I had any questions.

Verdict: Selected. (Total of 8 were selected)

Tips: Be prepared with basic concepts of DSA, and programming languages. Prepare with your Internship work and Projects in deep. Show interest in any of the domains the company works with. If it’s your day, no person can stop you. Be calm, confident, and polite. 

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