Different Ways to Change or Add Themes to Android Studio

When we are working on any editor or IDE we get used to it and its environment like if we are using Sublime then we like its dark background environment. We have now moved to Android studio but we are not comfortable with the default background and theme. Now the point that comes here is how we can Change or Add Themes to Android Studio. So in this article, we are going to discuss four different methods to Change or Add Themes to Android Studio. 

  • Method 1: Changing default theme
  • Method 2: Add the theme to Android Studio by importing jar file
  • Method 3: Adding theme from Android Studio plugin section
  • Method 4: Adding theme by copying ICLS file to a particular directory

Method 1: Changing default theme

First of all, open your Android Studio: 

Here you can see my Android Studio window and a demo application is running. In Android Studio, there are three default themes available i.e. Intellij Light, Dracula, and High Contrast. To change default themes go to File and click on Settings.

A new Settings dialog will appear, like this.

Under the Appearance & Behaviour -> Appearance, you will find Theme. Choose the right theme from the drop-down and click on Apply and then Ok. Here you can see the background and color scheme for all three themes.

Intellij Light theme

Dracula theme

High Contrast theme

Method 2: Add the theme to Android Studio by importing jar file

We will now add monokai theme of sublime to Android Studio. First of all download the jar file from my Github. To import this theme to our Android Studio, go to the File > Manage IDE Settings > Import Settings…

After clicking on Import Settings, a new dialog box will be open like this.

Now you have to select the downloaded jar file or you can do drag and drop too then click on Ok.

After clicking Ok, a new dialog box will open where we can select what component we want to import from jar file to editor.

Here select both colors and schemes and then click Ok. After this, a new box will be open.

Click on the Restart button to reload the settings. Here you can see the new theme. You can follow the same steps while importing any jar files.

Method 3: Adding theme from Android Studio plugin section

There is another way to add themes to the android studio by downloading the themes from the plugin section. Go to the File > Settings > Plugins.

Click on Marketplace and search for themes. Ex. themes

Here you can see a lot of different themes and select one and download it, after downloading you can apply these themes to your IDE and these downloaded themes will be available in your default themes collection.

solarized theme

Here you can see we have downloaded and applied solarized theme.

Method 4: Adding theme by copying ICLS file to a particular directory

You can refer to this GitHub repo for a set of amazing themes. Download the file and copy the file to the following directory:


Once you have copied the ICLS file to the above directory then restart the Android Studio so that theme will be applied to the IDE.

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