Difference between Virus and Ransomware

1. Virus : 
A virus is a malicious executable code attached to another executable file which can be harmless or can modify or delete data. When the computer program runs attached with virus it perform some action such as deleting a file from the computer system. Virus can’t be controlled by remote. 

2. Ransomware : 
Ransomware is a type of malware that is designed to block user access from their own system until a ransom fee is paid to ransomware creator. Ransomware is a lot dangerous than a regular malware and spread through phishing emails having infected attachments. Ransomware has emerged over the last few years and can attack individuals or organizations. 

Difference between Virus and Ransomware :

Virus Ransomware
A Virus is a malicious executable code attached to another executable file which can be harmless or can modify or delete data. Ransomware is a form of malware designed to block access from system until a ransom fee is paid.
Resident and Non -resident viruses are two types of Virus. Crypto, Wanna Cry, Cerber and locker are type of Ransomwares.
Virus is a type of Malware. Ransomware is one of the type of malware.
Antivirus software are used for protection against viruses. Ransomware is more harmful among all the malware as the only way of removal is to pay a ransom to its creator.
It can control data and resources, cause error, destroy system and slow down the performance. It provides profit to the ransomware programmers by getting money from user for unlocking the system.
Viruses are executed via executable files. Ransomware is generally spread through phishing emails having malicious attachments.
The main objective of virus is to modify the information. The main objective of ransomware is to take money by gaining access.

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