Difference between Spyware and Ransomware

1. Spyware :
Spyware is a type of malware that perform certain tasks include watching and tracking of user actions and collecting personal data. Spyware programs generally install themselves on user computer and provides profit to the third party by collecting data of user without his awareness. Moreover, spyware steal passwords and personal information of the users by running in background in the system.

2. Ransomware :
Ransomware is a type of malware that is designed to block user access from own system until a ransom fee is paid to ransomware creator. Ransomware is a lot dangerous than a regular malware and spread through phishing emails having infected attachments. Ransomware has emerged over the last few years and can attack individuals or organizations.

Difference between Spyware and Ransomware :

1. Spyware is a form of malware designed to collect your personal information. Ransomware is a form of malware designed to block access from system until a ransom fee is paid.
2. Spyware is one of the type of malware. Ransomware is one of the type of malware.
3. Spyware can be detected and removed by the anti-spyware program. Ransomware is more harmful among all the malware as the only way of removal is to pay a ransom to its creator.
4. The main objective of the spyware is to monitor the activity of the system. The main objective of ransomware is to take money by gaining access.
5. It provides profit to the third party by collecting data of user without his awareness. It also provides profit to the attacker by demanding money in return.
6. It is unknowingly install the product when they install some other software or freeware. It is generally spread through phishing emails having malicious attachments.
7. Bonzibuddy, Cydore and Downloadware are some examples of spyware. Crypto, Wanna Cry, Cerber and locker are some of the examples of Ransomwares.

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