Difference between Spyware and Trojan Horse

1. Spyware :
Spyware is a type of malware that perform certain works include watching and tracking of user actions and collecting personal data. Spyware programs generally install themselves on system and provides profit to the third party by collecting data of system user without his consent. Malicious spyware also try to catch passwords and personal information of the users by running in background in the system.

2. Trojan Horse :
Trojan Horse is also a type of malware which uses false and fake name for mislead users from its true intent and executing them. Trojan Horses generally install on the system as legitimate and useful software that can give unauthorized access and control of the system to the hackers. Back orifice, Rootkit and Beast Trojan are some of the common Trojan horse which is more harmful.

Difference between Spyware and Trojan Horse :

S.No. Spyware Trojan Horse
1. It is installed for commercial purposes. It is installed for malicious purposes.
2. Spyware is less harmful than Trojan horse. Trojan horse is more harmful than spyware.
3. The main objective of the spyware is to monitor the activity of the system. The main objective of the trojan horse is to control the activity of the system.
4. It provides profit to the third party by collecting data of user without his consent. It can give unauthorized access and control of the system to the hackers.
5. Spyware cannot be detected by the antivirus software. Trojan horses are detected by the antivirus software.
6. Bonzibuddy, Cydore and Downloadware are some of the common examples of software with spyware. Back orifice, Rootkit and Beast Trojan are some of the common Trojan horses.

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