Difference between SRAM and DRAM

Pre-Requisite: Different Types of RAM

RAM (Random Access Memory) is Computer Memory that is directly accessible by the CPU. RAM stores temporary data, that is in case of power loss, the stored information gets lost. In Simple words, it stores the data which is currently processing by the CPU. The data which is easily modifiable are generally stored in the RAM. RAM is of two types:

Static Random Access Memory (SRAM)

Data is stored in transistors and requires a constant power flow. Because of the continuous power, SRAM doesn’t need to be refreshed to remember the data being stored. SRAM is called static as no change or action i.e. refreshing is not needed to keep the data intact. It is used in cache memories. 

Static RAM

Characteristics of Static RAM

  • Static RAM is much faster than DRAM.
  • Static RAM has greater storage than DRAM.
  • Static RAM takes less power to perform.

Advantages of Static RAM

  • Static RAM has low power consumption.
  • Static RAM has faster access speeds than DRAM.
  • Static RAM helps in creating a speed-sensitive cache.

Disadvantages of Static RAM

  • Static RAM has less memory capacity.
  • Static RAM has high costs of manufacturing than DRAM.
  • Static Ram comprises of more complex design.

Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM)

Data is stored in capacitors. Capacitors that store data in DRAM gradually discharge energy, no energy means the data has been lost. So, a periodic refresh of power is required in order to function. DRAM is called dynamic as constant change or action(change is continuously happening) i.e. refreshing is needed to keep the data intact. It is used to implement main memory. 

Dynamic RAM

Characteristics of Dynamic RAM

  • Dynamic RAM is slower in comparison to SRAM.
  • Dynamic RAM is less costly than SRAM.
  • Dynamic RAM has high power consumption.

Advantages of Dynamic RAM

  • Dynamic RAM has Low costs of manufacturing than SRAM.
  • Dynamic RAM has greater memory capacities.

Disadvantages of Dynamic RAM

  • Dynamic RAM has a slow access speed.
  • Dynamic RAM has high power consumption.
  • Dynamic RAM data can be lost in case of Power Loss.

Difference between Static RAM and Dynamic RAM


It stores information as long as the power is supplied. 

It stores information as long as the power is supplied or a few milliseconds when the power is switched off.

Transistors are used to store information in SRAM.

Capacitors are used to store data in DRAM.

Capacitors are not used hence no refreshing is required.

To store information for a longer time, the contents of the capacitor need to be refreshed periodically.

SRAM is faster compared to DRAM.

DRAM provides slow access speeds.

It does not have a refreshing unit. 

It has a refreshing unit. 

These are expensive.

These are cheaper.

SRAMs are low-density devices.

DRAMs are high-density devices.

In this bits are stored in voltage form.

In this bits are stored in the form of electric energy.

These are used in cache memories.

These are used in main memories.

Consumes less power and generates less heat.

Uses more power and generates more heat.

SRAMs has lower latency DRAM has more latency than SRAM
SRAMs are more resistant to radiation than DRAM DRAMs are less resistant to radiation than SRAMs 
SRAM has higher data transfer rate DRAM has lower data transfer rate
SRAM is used in high-speed cache memory DRAM is used in lower-speed main memory
SRAM is used in high performance applications DRAM is used in general purpose applications

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