Difference between RAM and SRAM

RAM and SRAM both are types of memories that are present inside a computer. They are a type of volatile memory that are present in a computer system. RAM and SRAM are abbreviations that expand to Random Access Memory and Static Random Access Memory respectively.

1. Random access memory (RAM) :
It is a type of volatile memory as it loses data after the power is disconnected. It contains data and processes for a limited amount of time, only until the CPU requires it. The Read and Write operations take part very quickly in a RAM. It is called Random access memory due to the facility it provides of giving information about the row and column that intersect at the cell.

2. Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) :
It is a type of RAM. It uses CMOS technology with 6 transistors. The SRAM operates in the standby, reading and writing states. It is synchronous in nature.

The major difference between the terms is that Random Access Memory (RAM) contains the Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) or we can also say that RAM is the super set of SRAM.

Difference between RAM and SRAM :

1. RAM is a type of volatile memory that loses data when power is disconnected. The SRAM is a type of RAM, that is synchronous and is formed from internal latches.
2. It is overall more costly than SRAM because it contains both Static RAM (SRAM) and Dynamic RAM (DRAM). It is less costly than RAM.
3. It is used by OS and application software. It is used by high-speed registers, caches and smaller memory banks (e.g. frame buffer).
4. Examples of RAM comprise Mac computers that have between 128 and 512 MB of RAM. Examples of SRAM comprise IBM Microelectronics’ PC compatible SRAMS that are sold in 52 pin PLCC or 100 pin TQFP packages.
5. It may or may not use busses. It does not require busses.
6. It is the most basic form of computer memory that helps the fast startup and fast shutdown of a computer. It is an integrated chip that is quick and easy to control.
7. It is contains the Static RAM (SRAM) and Dynamic RAM (DRAM). It is contained inside a RAM.
8. Capacitors or Transistors are used to store data in RAM. Transistors are used to store information in SRAM.
9. Transistors are used due to which refreshing is required at regular intervals. Capacitors are not used due to which no refreshing is required.
10. It is a combination of low and high density devices. It is a low-density device.

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