Difference between President and Prime Minister of India

Difference Between the President and Prime Minister of India: The president of India is the nominal head of the country whereas the Prime Minister holds actual powers of government. President and Prime Minister are two constitutional posts defined in the Constitution of India.

The President of India is the first member of our country. The Prime minister of India is the head of the Council of Ministers. Both the Prime Minister and President have separate powers.

In this article, we are going to discuss the President of India, the Prime Minister of India, and the difference between the President and Prime Minister.

Table of Content

  • Difference Between President and Prime Minister
  • President of India
  • Prime Minister of India

Difference Between President and Prime Minister

The following table lists the difference between President and Prime Minister:

Aspect of Difference


Prime Minister


The President is the head of State.

The Prime Minister is the head of government.


The President is elected by indirect election.

The Prime Minister is elected by direct election and appointed by the president.


The tenure of the President is fixed for 5 years.

The Prime Minister has no fixed tenure, his term depends on the confidence of the ruling party.

Special Powers

President have powers to grant pardon and reduce the punishment of criminals.

The Prime minister doesn’t have any of these powers.

International Relation

Presidents don’t interfere in foreign policies and don’t make major decisions.

Prime Ministers make major decisions on foreign policies and he is the representative of the country on the international stage.

Legislative Powers

The President faces challenges in passing legislation and he is elected independently of the legislative.

The Prime Minister frequently serves as a member of the legislative body and collaborates closely with it.

Executive Authority

Holds nominal executive powers.

Holds substantial executive powers.

Judiciary Powers

Appoints judges to the Supreme Court and High Courts.

Has no direct role in the appointment of judges.

President of India

The Powers, Roles & Responsibilities and Election of the President of India are mentioned below in detail:

Powers of President

  • The President of India is the first citizen of the country.
  • The Prime Minister of India is the head of state.
  • Any bill or act in India can never be enacted without the sign of the President.
  • The President of India is known as the Nominal head of the country.
  • The President of India is the supreme commander of all three forces of India i.e. Army forces, Navy forces, and Air forces.
  • The president can declare a National emergency, financial emergency, or Constitutional emergency.
  • The Chief Election Commissioner and other Election Commissioners, State Governors, the Chairman and other members of the Finance Commission of India, the Chairman and other members of the Union Public Service Commission, and the Comptroller and Auditor General of India are all appointed by the President.

Roles of President

  • The President can address both chambers of Parliament, call a meeting of Parliament, prorogue sessions, and ratify laws approved by the Parliament, among other legislative functions.
  • The President, however, only has a ceremonial role in the legislative process and follows the Prime Minister’s Council of Ministers’ recommendations.
  • The President’s job is to protect the Indian Constitution and make sure that the government’s laws and policies follow its requirements.

Election of President

  • The members of the Legislative Assemblies of the States and Union territories, as well as the elected members of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, make up the Electoral College, which chooses the President.
  • Any Indian national who meets the requirements to be elected to the Lok Sabha may submit a nomination for president.
  • Applicants must meet all legal requirements, including being at least 35 years old.
  • In accordance with the Presidential and Vice-Presidential Elections Act, 1952, candidates for president must be recommended and seconded by a minimum of 50 electors.
  • Following the nomination process, the Election Commission appoints a Returning Officer who carefully reviews the nominations to make sure they fulfill all eligibility requirements and adhere to all applicable laws.
  • Using a single transferable vote, a proportional representation method is used to conduct the election.
  • Based on the population they represent, each elected member of the Electoral College is given a specific number of votes.

Prime Minister of India

The Powers, Roles & Responsibilities and Election of the Prime Minister of India are mentioned below in detail:

Powers of Prime Minister

  • The Prime Minister is the head of government of India.
  • The Prime Minister is the leader of party in power.
  • He is the chief spokesman of the Union government.
  • He is the head of the Union council of ministers.
  • He recommends name of candidates who can be appointed as ministers to the president.
  • He can ask any member to resign and have power to change various portfolios among ministers.
  • He is the head of the National Security Council (NSC).
  • He represent our country on the international stage and formulates foreign policies.
  • Through talks, speeches, and meetings with the media, they inform the public about government policies, projects, and choices.

Roles of Prime Minister

  • The Council of Ministers, which is made up of senior ministers from several ministries and departments, is headed by the prime minister.
  • They supervise the execution of governmental policies and organize the Council’s operations.
  • The prime minister is in charge of handling any emergencies or crises that may occur in the nation.
  • In times of catastrophes, natural disasters, or threats to national security, they offer leadership.

Election of Prime Minister

  • The Prime Minister of India is started by general public election of India.
  • Citizens of India elect Lok Sabha members for Lok Sabha.
  • The government is formed by the political party or coalition that secures the majority of seats in the Lok Sabha.
  • Typically, the candidate for prime minister is selected by the head of the coalition or dominant party.
  • The President of India appoints the leader of the majority party or coalition to be the prime minister following the formation of the government.

Conclusion – Difference between President and Prime Minister of India

Both President and Prime Minister have their own roles and responsibilities. The role of both these constitutional post are different. The Prime Minister of India is mainly responsible for foreign policies, relation with other countries, represent the government in the parliament etc. He also serves as the chief advisor to the president. The president of India is first citizen of country. He is supreme commander of all three Indian force (navy, air force and army). Some of roles of the President of India are representing India in diplomatic affairs, imposing emergency when needed, granting pardons pardons, reprieves, respites, or remissions of punishment of criminals.

FAQs on Difference between President and Prime Minister of India

What are Difference between the President and the Prime Minister of India?

The roles and responsibilities of both president and prime minister are different and divided. Both these constitutional post are necessary for proper functioning for legislative and executive body.

What are similarities between the President and the Prime Minister?

Both President and Prime Minister are leaders of our country. They both serve essential responsibilities in the smooth operation of the nation’s governance and are essential components of the executive branch of the government.

What is Article 52 of Indian Constitution?

The article establishes the office of the President of India and states that there shall be a President of India who shall be the Head of State.

What is Article 78 of Indian Constitution?

Article 78 states that – It shall be the duty of the Prime Minister to communicate to the President all decisions of the Council of Ministers relating to the administration of the affairs of the Union and proposals for legislation.

Which house is known as lower house?

Lok Sabha is known as lower house of parliament. The lower chamber of the Indian Parliament, the Lok Sabha, is normally attended by the prime minister of India, who serves as the head of state.

What is difference between President and Vice-President?

President is the head of state while vice President serve as deputy head and assist President in his work. When president dies suddenly in his period of tenure then vice president serve as president of India until seat of president is vacant.

Who was the first president and first prime minister of India?

Dr. Rajendra Prasad was the first president of India and Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was the first prime minister of India.

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