Difference between Mesh Topology and Tree Topology

1. Mesh Topology: Mesh topology is a type of network topology in which each node is connected to every other node fully through a dedicated link in the network. In a mesh topology, connections are in the way that for n nodes, n(n-1)/2 number of links are needed. Mesh topology is very expensive because of the high cabling cost. 

Prerequisite - Types of Network Topology 


2. Tree Topology: Tree topology is a type of network topology in which the nodes are organized in the design of a tree. Tree topology consists of the root node from which the branching cable starts and the branching cable connects the root node with all other nodes in a hierarchical manner. Tree topology is less expensive than mesh topology. 

The difference between Mesh Topology and Tree Topology is as follows:a 

Mesh Topology Tree Topology
In Mesh topology, each node is connected to every other node fully through a dedicated link. In tree topology, the nodes are organized in the design of a tree.
Mesh topology is also known as a mesh network. Tree topology is also called hierarchical topology.
In Mesh topology, data is transmitted through two techniques i.e., routing and flooding. In tree topology, data is transmitted through branching cable having no loops.
The amount of cable needed in mesh topology is very high. The amount of cable needed in tree topology is less than the mesh topology.
Security is very high in a mesh topology. Security is high in tree topology but less than mesh topology.
Mesh topology is very expensive as the cable used is more. The cost of a tree topology is less compared to mesh topology.


  1. Full mesh Topology
  2. Partial mesh Topology


  1. Bust Tree Topology
  2. Cluster Tree Topology
  3. Spanning Tree Topology
Installation is difficult. Installation is easy as compared to mesh topology.
Difficult to maintain. Easy to maintain.
It is suitable where reliability is of major concern like serving the purpose of communication for military organizations, etc. It is suitable for small-sized Local Area Networks.

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