Difference between IWMS and CMMS

1. Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS) :
Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS) is a software tool that helps one to manage workplace of an organization where one can perform its functions.

2. Computer Maintenance Management System (CMMS) :
Computer Maintenance Management System (CMMS) is a software tool that helps one to manage and maintain asset activities without human intervention.

Difference between IWMS and CMMS :

IWMS mainly focuses on Workplace management. CMMS mainly focuses on Asset Maintenance.
It helps one to perform space management. It does not include space management.
It includes information related to real estate and allows one to have access to it. It does not include any information related to real estate.
It improves space utilization. It does not include and improve space utilization.
It is used by facilities managers, real estate leaders, etc. It is used by maintenance technicians or professionals.
It includes functionality related to maintenance as well as project management, real estate, space management, etc. It only includes functionality related to Maintenance.
It protects organization from losing control of space. It only ensures that space systems work.
It helps one to manage each aspect of occupancy cost. It does not help one to manage each aspect of occupancy cost.
It is best for organizations at large scales that want to manage all activities of organization. organization. It is best for organizations at small scale that only want to maintain assets.
It is easy to implement but is very complex. It is easy to implement and less complex.

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