Difference between Google Drive and MiMedia

1. Google Drive :
Google Drive is a file storage and synchronization service provided by the Google. It allows the users to store the files and personal data and to share the files. It offers 15 GB free storage space. It was launched by Google in 2012. It is used by almost each and every person which is somehow related to internet. Everyone uses this to store some professional and personal data.

2. MiMedia :
MiMedia is a cloud storage and cloud-based online backup service which is provided by MiMedia LLC. It is quite similar to other cloud storage services like Dropbox etc. It mainly focuses on storing media files i.e. images and videos but documents and other files can also be stored. It was developed by startup company MiMedia LLC. It offers 10 GB free storage space. It was launched in 2010.

Difference between Google Drive and MiMedia :

1. It was developed and is owned by Google LLC. It was developed and is owned by MiMedia LLC.
2. It was launched in 2012. It was launched in 2010.
3. It offers 15 GB free storage space. It offers 10 GB free storage space.
4. It is a file hosting and cloud storage service. It is a cloud storage and backup service.
5. Maximum storage size is 30 TB. Maximum storage size is 2 TB here.
6. It supports file versioning. It does not support file versioning.
7. Maximum file size is 5 TB here. Maximum file size is 5 GB here.
8. It has large numbers of users. It has comparatively less number of users.
9. It charges more for additional storage space means it is more costly. It charges less for additional storage space means it is less costly.
10. It provides more security of data. It provides comparatively less security of data.

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