Difference between Dengue Mosquito and Normal Mosquito

The primary difference between dengue mosquitoes and normal mosquitoes is their morphology. Dengue mosquitoes have typical white and black stripes or spots on their body whereas normal mosquitoes lack those. Other than these, they differ in their biting habits, egg-laying behaviors, habitat preferences, etc. In this article, we will look into the differences between dengue mosquitoes and normal mosquitoes in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is a Normal Mosquito?
  • What is a Dengue Mosquito?
  • Difference Between Dengue Mosquito and Normal Mosquito
  • Similarities Between Dengue Mosquito and Normal Mosquitoes
  • Conclusion – Dengue Mosquito and Normal Mosquito
  • FAQs on Differences between Dengue Mosquito and Normal Mosquito

What is a Normal Mosquito?

Mosquitoes are the members of the family Culicidae. They are small insects having slender body with three pairs of long, thin legs and a pair of wings. They are known for their unique buzzing sound and their habit of biting humans and animals to feed on blood. However, only female mosquitoes feed on blood to ensure their egg development. Male mosquitoes usually feed on plant sap.

There are many species of mosquitoes known to human. They are often considered menacing organisms as they transmit various diseases. However, all mosquitoes do not cause severe harm or disease to humans. There are certain species that act as vectors for some viruses and parasites causing serious illnesses like filaria, malaria, etc.

What is a Dengue Mosquito?

The term “Dengue mosquito” typically refers to the Aedes aegypti mosquito species. They are primary vector for transmitting the dengue virus to humans.

These mosquitoes are adapted to urban environment and breed in stagnant clean water. Dengue mosquitoes are typically aracterized by distinctive white markings on their legs and a silver-white pattern on their body. These mosquitoes are daytime feeders, with peak biting activity occurring during early morning and late afternoon hours.

Control Measures of Dengue Mosquitoes

The Control Measures of Dengue Mosquitoes are:

  • Use of chemical agents: Use of chemical insecticides such as temephos, pyrethrum, diflubenzuron, etc. in the form of spray to control dengue mosquito larvae.
  • Fogging: Malathion or Cyphenothrin fogging are a commonly used technique for indoor and outdoor use. These chemicals work by killing mosquitoes larvae or by disrupting the nervous system that is responsible for the hormonal system responsible for adult mosquito behaviour.
  • Personal protection: It can be done in various ways to prevent Dengue mosquito bites. Some of the self preventive measures are using protective clothing, use of insect repellants, aerosols, use of mosquito nets, etc.

Difference Between Dengue Mosquito and Normal Mosquito

The dengue mosquitoes vs normal mosquitoes are listed in the below table:


Dengue Mosquito

Normal Mosquito


Small black mosquitoes with white stripes on the abdomen and legs.

Black and white stripe patterns are absent on the abdomen and legs.

Feeding Time

Feed during the daytime.

Feed during the morning or evening time.


The presence of a red spot surrounded by a red halo is the early sign of a dengue mosquito bite.

No such distinctive bite pattern can be seen in the case of a normal mosquito bite.

Bite Pain and irritation

Dengue mosquito bite is often not sensed and remains unnoticed.

Mild irritation and pain at the site of piercing.

Breeding habitat

Prefer indoor habitat. Mostly found in earthen jars where they lay eggs.

Live indoor and outdoor but not necessarily in stagnant water.

Egg laying pattern

Dengue mosquitoes lay eggs separately in water.

Normal mosquitoes lay eggs attached to one another forming a raft pattern floating on the water body.

Carrying Dengue virus particles

Dengue mosquitoes carry dengue virus particles in their salivary gland.

Normal mosquitoes do not carry dengue virus particles.

Similarities Between Dengue Mosquito and Normal Mosquitoes

Both normal and dengue mosquitoes have a lot of similarities between them which makes them difficult to be identified.

  • Both dengue mosquitoes and other mosquito species share common characteristics such as having a slender body, long legs, and wings.
  • They both have similar life cycle and need water for breeding.
  • Both the types need to feed on blood to complete there reproduction.
  • Both of them can serve as vectors but for different organisms.

Conclusion – Dengue Mosquito and Normal Mosquito

Dengue is a widely spread disease in tropical and subtropical countries. It sometimes causes endemics and epidemics. The Dengue is a viral disease caused by RNA virus which uses a human host to complete its life cycle. The differentiating points help to investigate the spread of Dengue endemics and also to take preventive and control measures against the Dengue mosquitoes. The important control measures include personal protection and use of chemicals to interfere in the life cycle of the Dengue mosquitoes.

FAQs on Differences between Dengue Mosquito and Normal Mosquito

Which Species of Mosquitoes are Responsible for Dengue Transmission?

The two species responsible for Dengue transmission are Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus.

What is the Main Physical Difference Between the Dengue Mosquito and Normal Mosquito?

The main difference between Dengue mosquito and normal mosquito is the presence of white stripes on the abdomen and legs of dengue mosquitoes which are absent on normal mosquitoes.

What are the Diseases Caused by Dengue Mosquitoes Other than Dengue?

Other diseases caused by Dengue mosquitoes are yellow fever, chikungunya, and zika.

What is the Time at Which a Dengue Mosquito generally Bites?

Dengue mosquitoes generally bite at day time.

How is the Dengue Virus Transmitted from Person to Person?

When an Aedes female mosquito bites an infected person for a blood meal, it carries the dengue virus in its salivary glands. At the next bite to a healthy person, the mosquito injects its saliva through which dengue virus is transmitted to healthy person.

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