Dengue Fever

Dengue fever occurs because of the dengue virus spread by the bite of an infected mosquito (Aedes Species) female Aedes is the carrier of the dengue virus. In the tropical and subtropical areas of the world. Till date, there is no proper treatment for dengue and severe dengue. These mosquitoes also transmit the chikungunya, yellow fever, and Zika Virus.

The virus of dengue is classified under the family of Flaviviridae and has 4 closely related serotypes. Healing from dengue provides lifelong immunization from that particular serotype. Coming in contact with other serotype increase the possibility of developing severe dengue. 

Causes of Dengue

When a mosquito bites (Aedes species) it injects the virus into the blood vessel of a human. In blood, the virus gets the optimum conditions where the virus replicates its genome and increases its number. To fight against the virus, our body activates an immune response, which results in feeling sick and low. 

The mosquito when feed the blood from the infected person with the virus. After one week of feeding, if mosquitoes bite a healthy person, it transfers the virus to the healthy person’s bloodstream. 

Aedes species are the daytime feeder, early morning and evening before dusk is the peak time for biting. They bite more people during their peak time, and this makes them very effective vector mosquitoes.

The virus damaged the blood vessels, and it starts forming clots in the blood vessels and leads to internal bleeding, which is a life-threatening condition in some serious cases. Dengue fever occurred of 4 different dengue viruses are:

  1. DENV-1
  2. DENV-2
  3. DENV-3
  4. DENV-4

Symptoms of Dengue


Normally, people infected with the dengue virus majority they are asymptomatic or have some mild symptoms. When people get some mild symptoms, they are also misled by the flu. Normally, the symptoms of dengue appeared 8–10 days after being bitten by the infected mosquitoes. Following are the warning signs of dengue are:

  • Dengue causes high fever-104F.
  • Headache
  • Muscles or Joint Pain
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Rashes
  • Swollen Glands
  • Pain behind eyes

Normally, people recovered within a week or two weeks. But in some scenario dengue become life-threatening. This stage of dengue is known as severe dengue also known as (Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever or Dengue Shock Syndrome). 

Symptoms of Severe Dengue


Severe Dengue happens when the blood vessels are damaged and the count of platelets in the blood drops, which leads to internal bleeding, organ failure, and in some cases death of the patient. On a normal basis, severe dengue symptoms appear after 24-48 hours of fever. Following are the warning signs of severe dengue fever:

  • Severe stomach ache
  • Continuous vomiting
  • Bleeding from gums and nose
  • Internal bleeding under the skin
  • Heavy breathing
  • Restlessness
  • Blood in urine, stool, or vomit
  • Continuous abdominal pain

Prevention of Dengue


Majorly, dengue is prevented by controlling the mosquito and preventing the mosquito bite.

Mosquito Prevention

  • The basic method to control the Aedes species is by damaging their habitat. Normally, A species (or mosquitoes)  grow in the stored water, By getting rid of stored or opened water.
  • Killing the mosquitoes by using biological control agents.
  • By applying various mosquito repellents present in the market.
  • Killing the mosquitoes by using insecticides. But they are harmful to human health.


Normally, people get vaccinated against those who are already infected once by the dengue virus. The immune system makes enough antibodies during the time of the first encounter with the virus. The vaccine in the market present today is only suggested for those people which are already infected once by the virus. But in some cases, experts have seen that the effects of the vaccine are opposite of what they expect. 

Treatment of Dengue

  • Till date, there is no specific medication for dengue present in the market.
  • With the help of health care providers, treat the dengue symptoms.
  • Drinking plenty of water, as it added electrolytes to the body.
  • Taking proper rest.
  • If you observe any serious warning signs, see a doctor.

What should I do if I suspect I have Dengue?

If you suspect mild symptoms of dengue which are mentioned above, then you should immediately see a doctor. They will evaluate your signs and run some tests to make sure of their diagnosis. 

If you traveled and came back from the dengue-endemic countries in the time span of 2 weeks, you should tell the doctor during the observation.

Please Note: These measures and Symptoms may vary and are just to provide educational information of the disease and are not standard practices. We advise you to consult a HealthCare Professional, before trying anything at home.

FAQs on Dengue

Question 1: What is Dengue?


It is a viral infection transmitted in humans through female Aedes aegypti.

Question 2: Is dengue contagious?


Dengue is not contagious. It is not transferred from one person to another person, Dengue transmits because of the mosquito bite from the female carrier. But if you are pregnant then dengue is transferred to the fetus via the placenta.

Question 3: Which mosquito causes dengue?


Dengue virus is carried by the female mosquito of Aedes aegypti.

Question 4: What are the symptoms of dengue?


  • High Fever
  • Bodyache
  • Nausea
  • Tiredness
  • Blood in urine, stool, and in vomiting

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