Dereference Pointer in C

We know that the pointer variable can store the memory address in C language and in this article, we will learn how to use that pointer to access the data stored in the memory location pointed by the pointer.

What is a Pointer?

First of all, we revise what is a pointer. A pointer is a variable that stores the memory address of another variable. The pointer helps us to manipulate the data in the memory address that the pointer points. Moreover, multiple pointers can point to the same memory.

Consider the following example,

int num = 10;
int *ptr;
ptr = #  

We have stored the address of the num variable in the ptr pointer, but now, how to access the value stored in the memory at the address pointed by ptr? Here, dereferencing comes into play.

Dereference Pointer in C

Accessing or manipulating the content that is stored in the memory address pointed by the pointer using dereferencing or indirection operator (*) is called dereferencing the pointer.

Dereferencing Pointer in C

Syntax for Dereferencing a Pointer

We use the indirection operator (*) as the prefix to dereference a pointer:


For modifying the data stored in the memory, we use

*(pointer_name) = new_value;

It is to be noted that the new_value must be of the same type as the previous.

Consider the above examples where ptr points to num, the content in the memory address can be accessed by the dereferencing operator *. Now, the *ptr will fetch the content stored in the address which is 10.

The num and ptr memory address and values will look like this.

Variable Memory Address Value
num = 10 202020 10
ptr = &num 202024 – 202032 202020

Note: We have assumed that the architecture in the above example is byte addressable i.e. minimum unit that has a separate address is a byte.

Examples of Pointer Dereferencing

Example 1:

Using a pointer to access and modify the value of an integer variable.


// C Program to illustrate the dereferencing of pointer
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    // Declare integer variable number
    int num = 10;
    // Declare pointer to store address of number
    int* ptr = #
    // Print the value of number
    printf("Value of num = %d \n", num);
    // Print Address of the number using & operator
    printf("Address of num = %d \n", &num);
    // Print Address stored in the pointer
    printf("Address stored in the ptr = %p \n\n", ptr);
    printf("Dereference content in ptr using *ptr\n\n");
    // Access the content using * operator
    printf("Value of *ptr = %d \n", *ptr);
    printf("Now, *ptr is same as number\n\n");
    printf("Modify the value using pointer to 6 \n\n");
    // Modify the content in the address to 6 using pointer
    *ptr = 6;
    // Print the modified value using pointer
    printf("Value of *ptr = %d \n", *ptr);
    // Print the modified value using variable
    printf("Value of number = %d \n", num);
    return 0;


Value of num = 10 
Address of num = 0x7ffe47d51b4c 
Address stored in the ptr = 0x7ffe47d51b4c 

Dereference content in ptr using *ptr

Value of *ptr = 10 
Now, *ptr is same as number

Modify the value using pointer to 6 

Value of *ptr = 6 
Value of number = 6

Example 2: Dereferencing Double Pointer

The double pointers can also be dereferenced using the same logic but you will have to use the indirection operator two times: One for moving to the pointer the double pointer is pointing to and the other for accessing the actual value.


// C program to dereference double pointer
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    int var = 10;
    int* ptr = &var;
    // double pointer
    int** dptr = &ptr;
    // dereferencing the double pointer
    printf("Accesing value from double pointer using "
           "**dptr: %d",
    return 0;


Accesing value from double pointer using **dptr: 10

Just like that, we can dereference pointers of any level.

How dereferencing work?

Whenever we ask the compiler to dereference a pointer, it does three things:

  • It first looks up the address stored in the pointer.
  • Then it looks for the type of pointer so that it can deduce the amount of memory to read. For example, 4 byes for int, 1 byte for char, etc. It is also the main reason why we need to specify the pointer type in the declaration even though the size of every pointer in a system is the same.
  • Finally, it reads the memory and returns the data stored.

Note: From the above reasoning, we can also infer that we cannot dereference the void pointer as the size of the data it is pointing to is unknown. So we need to typecast the void pointer to dereference it.

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