Data types that supports std::numeric_limits() in C++

The numeric_limits class template provides an easy and standardized way to query various properties of arithmetic types. For example, the maximum value a type T can store is std::numeric_limits<T>::max().


  • std::numeric_limits<int>::max() gives the maximum possible value we can store in type int.
  • std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max()) gives the maximum possible value we can store in type unsigned int.

The numeric_limits have many member functions, member constants, and helper classes and some of them are type-specific. For example std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest() for floating data types only. The most common queries for data types are:

  • std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer: It is true if T is numerical type and false for floating-point types.
  • std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed: It is true for all signed arithmetic types T and false for the unsigned types.
  • std::numeric_limits<T>::digits: It is the number of digits in base-radix. For example- -1 for bool, 7 for char, 31 for int, etc.
  • std::numeric_limits<T>::digits10: It is the number of base-10 digits that can be represented by the type T without any change.
  • std::numeric_limits<T>::max_digits10: It is the number of base-10 digits that are necessary to uniquely represent all distinct values of the type T.
  • Also, queries for a min, max, lowest, size in bytes, and bits.

The floating points have epsilon-related queries. Except for these, numeric_limits some more functions. For Example: has_infinity, traps, round_error, etc.

Below is the program to show the most common numeric_limits functions for all data types:


// C++ program to demonstrate the use
// possible numerical data types
// that supports std::numeric_limits
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <string>
struct RowPrinter {
    // Left alignment
    int m_left;
    // Right alignment
    int m_right;
    RowPrinter(int left, int right)
        : m_left(left), m_right(right)
        // Print bool as 'true' or 'false'
        // instead of 0 or 1.
        std::cout << std::boolalpha;
    template <class A>
    auto printRow(const std::string& label,
                  const A& value) const -> void
        std::cout << std::setw(m_left) << label
                  << std::setw(m_right) << value << "\n";
#define SHOW_INTEGER_LIMITS(numtype) \
#define SHOW_FLOAT_LIMITS(numtype) \
// Function to show the numeric
// limits
template <class T>
void showNumericLimits(const std::string& name)
    RowPrinter rp{ 30, 25 };
    std::cout << "Numeric limits for type: " << name
              << "\n";
    std::cout << std::string(60, '-') << "\n";
    rp.printRow("Type:", name);
    rp.printRow("Is integer:",
    rp.printRow("Is signed:",
    rp.printRow("Number of digits:",
    rp.printRow("Number of digits 10:",
    rp.printRow("Max Number of digits 10:",
    // RTTI - Run-Time Type Information
    if (typeid(T) == typeid(uint8_t)
        || typeid(T) == typeid(int8_t)
        || typeid(T) == typeid(bool)
        || typeid(T) == typeid(char)
        || typeid(T) == typeid(unsigned char)) {
        // Min Abs - smallest positive value
        // for float point numbers
        // Smallest value (can be negative)
        // Largest value
    else {
        rp.printRow("Min:", std::numeric_limits<T>::min());
        rp.printRow("Max:", std::numeric_limits<T>::max());
    rp.printRow("Size in bytes:", sizeof(T));
    rp.printRow("Size in bits:", 8 * sizeof(T));
    std::cout << "\n";
// Function to show float points
// limits
template <class T>
void showFloatPointLimits(const std::string& name)
    RowPrinter rp{ 30, 25 };
    rp.printRow("Min exponent:",
    rp.printRow("Max exponent:",
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Boolean type
    // Character types
    SHOW_INTEGER_LIMITS(unsigned char);
    // Standard integers in <cstdint>
    // Integer types
    SHOW_INTEGER_LIMITS(unsigned short);
    SHOW_INTEGER_LIMITS(unsigned int);
    SHOW_INTEGER_LIMITS(unsigned long);
    SHOW_INTEGER_LIMITS(long long);
    SHOW_INTEGER_LIMITS(unsigned long long);
    // Floating types
    SHOW_FLOAT_LIMITS(long double);
    return 0;


Numeric limits for type: bool
                         Type:                     bool
                   Is integer:                     true
                    Is signed:                    false
             Number of digits:                        1
          Number of digits 10:                        0
      Max Number of digits 10:                        0
                          Min:                        0
                       Lowest:                        0
                          Max:                        1
                Size in bytes:                        1
                 Size in bits:                        8

Numeric limits for type: char
                         Type:                     char
                   Is integer:                     true
                    Is signed:                     true
             Number of digits:                        7
          Number of digits 10:                        2
      Max Number of digits 10:                        0
                          Min:                     -128
                       Lowest:                     -128
                          Max:                      127
                Size in bytes:                        1
                 Size in bits:                        8

Numeric limits for type: unsigned char
                         Type:            unsigned char
                   Is integer:                     true
                    Is signed:                    false
             Number of digits:                        8
          Number of digits 10:                        2
      Max Number of digits 10:                        0
                          Min:                        0
                       Lowest:                        0
                          Max:                      255
                Size in bytes:                        1
                 Size in bits:                        8

Numeric limits for type: wchar_t
                         Type:                  wchar_t
                   Is integer:                     true
                    Is signed:                     true
             Number of digits:                       31
          Number of digits 10:                        9
      Max Number of digits 10:                        0
                          Min:              -2147483648
                       Lowest:              -2147483648
                          Max:               2147483647
                Size in bytes:                        4
                 Size in bits:                       32

Numeric limits for type: int8_t
                         Type:                   int8_t
                   Is integer:                     true
                    Is signed:                     true
             Number of digits:                        7
          Number of digits 10:                        2
      Max Number of digits 10:                        0
                          Min:                     -128
                       Lowest:                     -128
                          Max:                      127
                Size in bytes:                        1
                 Size in bits:                        8

Numeric limits for type: uint8_t
                         Type:                  uint8_t
                   Is integer:                     true
                    Is signed:                    false
             Number of digits:                        8
          Number of digits 10:                        2
      Max Number of digits 10:                        0
                          Min:                        0
                       Lowest:                        0
                          Max:                      255
                Size in bytes:                        1
                 Size in bits:                        8

Numeric limits for type: int16_t
                         Type:                  int16_t
                   Is integer:                     true
                    Is signed:                     true
             Number of digits:                       15
          Number of digits 10:                        4
      Max Number of digits 10:                        0
                          Min:                   -32768
                       Lowest:                   -32768
                          Max:                    32767
                Size in bytes:                        2
                 Size in bits:                       16

Numeric limits for type: uint16_t
                         Type:                 uint16_t
                   Is integer:                     true
                    Is signed:                    false
             Number of digits:                       16
          Number of digits 10:                        4
      Max Number of digits 10:                        0
                          Min:                        0
                       Lowest:                        0
                          Max:                    65535
                Size in bytes:                        2
                 Size in bits:                       16

Numeric limits for type: int32_t
                         Type:                  int32_t
                   Is integer:                     true
                    Is signed:                     true
             Number of digits:                       31
          Number of digits 10:                        9
      Max Number of digits 10:                        0
                          Min:              -2147483648
                       Lowest:              -2147483648
                          Max:               2147483647
                Size in bytes:                        4
                 Size in bits:                       32

Numeric limits for type: uint32_t
                         Type:                 uint32_t
                   Is integer:                     true
                    Is signed:                    false
             Number of digits:                       32
          Number of digits 10:                        9
      Max Number of digits 10:                        0
                          Min:                        0
                       Lowest:                        0
                          Max:               4294967295
                Size in bytes:                        4
                 Size in bits:                       32

Numeric limits for type: int64_t
                         Type:                  int64_t
                   Is integer:                     true
                    Is signed:                     true
             Number of digits:                       63
          Number of digits 10:                       18
      Max Number of digits 10:                        0
                          Min:     -9223372036854775808
                       Lowest:     -9223372036854775808
                          Max:      9223372036854775807
                Size in bytes:                        8
                 Size in bits:                       64

Numeric limits for type: uint64_t
                         Type:                 uint64_t
                   Is integer:                     true
                    Is signed:                    false
             Number of digits:                       64
          Number of digits 10:                       19
      Max Number of digits 10:                        0
                          Min:                        0
                       Lowest:                        0
                          Max:     18446744073709551615
                Size in bytes:                        8
                 Size in bits:                       64

Numeric limits for type: short
                         Type:                    short
                   Is integer:                     true
                    Is signed:                     true
             Number of digits:                       15
          Number of digits 10:                        4
      Max Number of digits 10:                        0
                          Min:                   -32768
                       Lowest:                   -32768
                          Max:                    32767
                Size in bytes:                        2
                 Size in bits:                       16

Numeric limits for type: unsigned short
                         Type:           unsigned short
                   Is integer:                     true
                    Is signed:                    false
             Number of digits:                       16
          Number of digits 10:                        4
      Max Number of digits 10:                        0
                          Min:                        0
                       Lowest:                        0
                          Max:                    65535
                Size in bytes:                        2
                 Size in bits:                       16

Numeric limits for type: int
                         Type:                      int
                   Is integer:                     true
                    Is signed:                     true
             Number of digits:                       31
          Number of digits 10:                        9
      Max Number of digits 10:                        0
                          Min:              -2147483648
                       Lowest:              -2147483648
                          Max:               2147483647
                Size in bytes:                        4
                 Size in bits:                       32

Numeric limits for type: unsigned int
                         Type:             unsigned int
                   Is integer:                     true
                    Is signed:                    false
             Number of digits:                       32
          Number of digits 10:                        9
      Max Number of digits 10:                        0
                          Min:                        0
                       Lowest:                        0
                          Max:               4294967295
                Size in bytes:                        4
                 Size in bits:                       32

Numeric limits for type: long
                         Type:                     long
                   Is integer:                     true
                    Is signed:                     true
             Number of digits:                       63
          Number of digits 10:                       18
      Max Number of digits 10:                        0
                          Min:     -9223372036854775808
                       Lowest:     -9223372036854775808
                          Max:      9223372036854775807
                Size in bytes:                        8
                 Size in bits:                       64

Numeric limits for type: unsigned long
                         Type:            unsigned long
                   Is integer:                     true
                    Is signed:                    false
             Number of digits:                       64
          Number of digits 10:                       19
      Max Number of digits 10:                        0
                          Min:                        0
                       Lowest:                        0
                          Max:     18446744073709551615
                Size in bytes:                        8
                 Size in bits:                       64

Numeric limits for type: long long
                         Type:                long long
                   Is integer:                     true
                    Is signed:                     true
             Number of digits:                       63
          Number of digits 10:                       18
      Max Number of digits 10:                        0
                          Min:     -9223372036854775808
                       Lowest:     -9223372036854775808
                          Max:      9223372036854775807
                Size in bytes:                        8
                 Size in bits:                       64

Numeric limits for type: unsigned long long
                         Type:       unsigned long long
                   Is integer:                     true
                    Is signed:                    false
             Number of digits:                       64
          Number of digits 10:                       19
      Max Number of digits 10:                        0
                          Min:                        0
                       Lowest:                        0
                          Max:     18446744073709551615
                Size in bytes:                        8
                 Size in bits:                       64

Numeric limits for type: float
                         Type:                    float
                   Is integer:                    false
                    Is signed:                     true
             Number of digits:                       24
          Number of digits 10:                        6
      Max Number of digits 10:                        9
                          Min:              1.17549e-38
                       Lowest:             -3.40282e+38
                          Max:              3.40282e+38
                Size in bytes:                        4
                 Size in bits:                       32

                      Epsilon:              1.19209e-07
                 Min exponent:                      -37
                 Max exponent:                       38
Numeric limits for type: double
                         Type:                   double
                   Is integer:                    false
                    Is signed:                     true
             Number of digits:                       53
          Number of digits 10:                       15
      Max Number of digits 10:                       17
                          Min:             2.22507e-308
                       Lowest:            -1.79769e+308
                          Max:             1.79769e+308
                Size in bytes:                        8
                 Size in bits:                       64

                      Epsilon:              2.22045e-16
                 Min exponent:                     -307
                 Max exponent:                      308
Numeric limits for type: long double
                         Type:              long double
                   Is integer:                    false
                    Is signed:                     true
             Number of digits:                       64
          Number of digits 10:                       18
      Max Number of digits 10:                       21
                          Min:             3.3621e-4932
                       Lowest:           -1.18973e+4932
                          Max:            1.18973e+4932
                Size in bytes:                       16
                 Size in bits:                      128

                      Epsilon:               1.0842e-19
                 Min exponent:                    -4931
                 Max exponent:                     4932



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