How to Create AWS Data Lake

In the data-driven world, organizations are flooded with large amounts of data that originate from various sources, ranging from structured databases to unstructured files and logs. In order to effectively make use of this data for insights and decisions, organisations need to have a storage system that is capable of storing vast datasets. To address this challenge completely, AWS Data Lakes offers an all-inclusive solution as it enables centralized ingestion, cataloguing and querying at scale. By incorporating AWS services such as Amazon S3 Bucket, AWS Glue, AWS Lake Formation, AWS Athena and IAM together in a reasonable manner an organisations can build an elastic data lake architecture that allows for user-driven acquisition of actionable intelligence from their data while maintaining security and compliance standards.

What is a Data Lake?

A data lake is like a massive data repository, designed to store any kind of data or big data which can be structured, semi-structured and unstructured data. And it makes possible to store data in its original as-it forms.

A data lake holds data volumes before a specific use case has been identified. For better decision making, there is no need to be concerned about structuring the data first or having different types of analytics execution from dashboard and visualization, real time analytics and machine learning for big data processing.

Why Do We Need a Data Lake?

we live in a digital era, where data volumes are increasing day-by-day, and organization needs a database that scales well for their massive data before use.

Data lakes come out as a cost-effective solution for big data, these efficiently handle large quantities of data. Data lake allows to store your data in its original form. So, when we are dealing with a large amount of data, we need data lake for querying and analyzing the big data.

Data Lake Architecture

The following diagram illustrates the AWS Data Lake Architecture and its components are discussed clearly in the below sections:

Data source: The first layer in Data Lake Architecture is the Data Source, where the data journey starts, where insightful data originates, and the data ingestion layer gathers data from these Data Sources. Data sources can be different places such as IoT devices, social platforms, databases, cloud applications, wearable smart devices, etc. Data from different sources can be classified into 3 types:

1. Structured Data: Structured data can be defined as most organized format of data. Example of structured data: Database and Excel spreadsheet.

2. Semi-structured Data: Semi structured data has some extent of organization but less organized as compared to structured data. Semi-structured data does not fit into tables. Example of semi-structured data: HTML, CSV, JSON and XML.

3. Unstructured Data: This is the type of data which is not organized and doesn’t have a pre-defined format. Example of Unstructured Data: images, videos, sensor data, and audio recordings.

  • Data Ingestion: Data ingestion layer also referred as “Raw data layer” gathers and ingest raw data into the data lake from multiple data sources. It acts as a first checkpoint where data enters the data lake, data enters in the data lake in either batch mode or real-time mode, before performing further processes.
  • Batch Mode: In batch mode, data is collected and ingested in a batches or group. This is scheduled interval-based process of data ingestion.
  • Real-time Mode: In this type of mode, data is ingested into the lake as soon as the data is generated. Real time is also called as streaming processing.

Data storage & Processing

At this layer, collected raw data from various data sources is stored. Here, data stored in its original format whether in structured, semi-structured or unstructured form. After storing raw data, transformation process takes place at same layer. For further analysis, it is required data to be transformed and cleaned.

This process includes operations such as cleaning, normalization, and modification:

  • Removing and correcting errors and inconsistencies in the data.
  • Including additional information.
  • In Normalization, data arranged in an easier way to understand, ensuring consistency.

After transformation process, the data will be modified, clean, and organized as per requirements and referred as “trusted data or true data or processed data”. It will Become more reliable and suitable for further analysis or machine learning models.

  • Analytical Sandboxes: An analytical sandbox layer is secured, testing environment. This layer provides a dedicated environment within a data lake architecture, where data scientists, analysts or researchers tests and experiment and explore the data and derive insights, without compromising the integrity or quality of the data. Transformed data and raw data both imported into the analytical sandboxes.
  • Data Consumer: As we delve further into the architecture, we reach the Data consumer layer. At this layer, the data is accessible and available once all preceding processes have been completed. This is where the data is ready for analysis and insights generation.

End users, business analysts and data scientists access the data stored in the data lake to perform various task such as.

  • Data Analysis
  • Data visualization and reporting
  • Machine learning models
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • research
  • Decision Making

Data Governance, Security, And Monitoring

The overall data flow in a data lake is dependent on an oversight layer of governance, security, and monitoring. It is not one that can be bought off-the-shelf but normally implemented through a combination of configurations, third-party tools, and specialized team.

  • Data Governance: Governance ensures that there are rules in place to control the handling of data as well as its quality and usability. This promotes consistency of information and responsible usage. For instance, Apache Atlas or Collibra can be used to add the governance layer which helps include more robust policy management and metadata tagging (information about the stored data).
  • Data Security: Data protection laws are enforced by security protocols to prevent unauthorized access to these files. Varonis or McAfee Total Protection for Data Loss Prevention among others can be integrated into your data lake to enhance this aspect.
  • Monitoring: Monitoring is part of ELT (Extract, Load, Transform) processes that oversee the transfer of raw data into more usable formats. All these activities should be streamlined without any impact on performance using tools like Talend or Apache NiFi for high performance standards even as they carry out enormous tasks.

How To AWS Date Lake: A Step-By-Step Guide

We are going to create an AWS Data Lake, using a combination of AWS services. AWS services will be using are:

  • AWS Glue: for performing the ETL job, processing job and cataloging of the data.
  • Lake Formation: to provide access control over the data.
  • Amazon Athena: for querying and analyzing the data in amazon S3 bucket.
  • Amazon S3: To store our data.

Step 1: Create IAM User

  • we need to create IAM user first, for controlled access to AWS services. we are going to create IAM user namely “Amazon-sales-user” for our dataset.
  • Search for IAM (Identity and Access Management) in AWS Console Search bar and navigate to IAM.

  • Click on “Users” option from the menu and click on “create User” button.

  • Enter User Name in the user name box and click on “Next”

  • Now, we have to give permission to user, select “Attach policies directly” option to set the permissions.
  • Search and Select below permissions:
    • AmazonS3FullAccess
    • AmazonAthenaFullAccess
    • AWSCloudFormationReadOnlyAccess
    • AWSGlueConsoleFullAccess
    • CloudWatchLogsReadOnlyAccess
  • After selecting Permission Policies, click on “Next”, Review the User Details and hit the “Create User” button.

  • The following screenshot, successful creation of User.

Step 2: Create IAM Role

  • After creating IAM User, now we have to create IAM Role, to catalog the data which is stored in Amazon S3 Bucket for our Data Lake.
  • Navigate to IAM Console again. click on the “Roles” option from the menu, which you will find on your left-hand side then click on “Create role” tab.

  • Next, select “AWS Service” option. and type “Glue” as the AWS service in Use case or service box and click on “Next” button.

  • Now, we have to add permissions, search for “PowerUserAccess” policy and click on Next button.

  • On next screen, you will have to enter “Role Name” as per your wish. scroll down and click on “Create Role” button.

  • And our IAM Role is Successfully Created.

Step 3: Create S3 Bucket to Store the Data

  • We have successfully created our IAM users and IAM role for our AWS Data Lake, now to store our data we need to create Amazon S3 Bucket. in this demonstration we are uploading data manually into the S3.
  • Search for Amazon S3 in AWS Management Console Search Bar and navigate to the S3 Console.

  • Click on “Create Bucket” button and create a bucket with a name of your choice, after entering bucket name click on “Create Bucket“.

  • Choose Default encryption as server side encryption and bucket key as disable mode.

  • The following illustrates that we successful created the bucket.

  • Our bucket is now created. select your bucket to open it. click on “Upload” button to upload our data file in the created bucket. click on “add file” tab choose your data file and click on “upload“.

  • Upload the files as shown in the figure, by clicking on the upload files option as shown in the figure. And our data is ready!

Step 4: Data Lake Set Up using AWS Lake Formation

  • Our data is ready to ingest into the data lake. now will begin to set up our Data Lake. in data lake we will create a database. Search and navigate to the AWS Lake formation console.
  • Add administrator that performs administrative tasks of data lake. click on “Add Administrators” button to add administrators for your data lake (if you are working with AWS Lake Formation for the First time, only then “Add administrators” window will pop up).
  • Administrator is added, now it’s time to create a database. you will find the option to create a database in left hand side menu click on “Databases” and under databases click on “Create database” button.

  • Enter Database Name as per your wish. after that you have to browse and provide your S3 bucket path in which your data is stored, in the “Location” box.

  • Also make sure to uncheck the “Use Only IAM Access Control for New tables in this database” checkbox. after that click on “Create Database” button. and here you go your database is created in no time.

  • Database is created, now we have to register our S3 bucket as a storage for our data lake. for that find and click on “Data Lake locations” option from the left-hand side menu, click on “Register Location“, browse and enter S3 bucket path where data is stored. after giving S3 path, choose IAM role as ” AWSServiceRoleForLakeFormationDataAccess” by default and click on “Register Location“.

Step 5: Data Cataloging using AWS Glue Crawlers

  • While building the Data Lake, it is essential for data in the data Lake should be catalogued. using AWS Glue the process of data cataloging becomes easy.
  • AWS Glue provides ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) service, meaning AWS Glue first transform, cleanse and organize data coming from multiple data sources before loading data into the Data Lake. AWS Glue makes data preparation process efficient by automating the ETL jobs.
  • AWS Glue offers crawlers which automates the data catalog process, for better discovery, search and query big data.
  • To create a data catalog in the Database, AWS Glue Crawler will use IAM role which we have created in previous step.
  • Go back to the AWS Lake Formation console again, click on “Databases” option you will see your previously created database. select your database and you will see an “Action” button, under Action Dropdown menu click on “Grant” option.

  • On the next window, you have to choose your previously created IAM Role for “IAM Users & roles“. scroll down you will see Database Permissions field, check boxes for only “Create Table” and “Alter” permissions and click on “Grant” button.

  • Scroll down you will see Database Permissions field, check boxes for only “Create Table” and “Alter” permissions and click on “Grant” button.

  • After that, navigate to AWS Glue console, on the left-hand side menu you will see the “Data catalog” option under “Data Catalog” you will find “Crawlers” option click on the that then click on “Create Crawler” button, Enter Name for your Crawler of your choice, you can also add description if you want, and then click on “Next“.

  • Set the crawler properties as shown in the bleow screenshot.

  • Clicking on “Next”, Choose data sources and classifiers window will open, we have to choose the data source of data to be crawled. for S3 path, browse and provide S3 bucket path in which our data exist and click on “Add an S3 Data Source” your data source is now added now click on “Next”.

  • Add the data source and location of S3 data as shown in the below screenshot.

  • On the next screen, we need to add IAM role, choose previously created IAM Role from the drop-down list and click on the “Next”.

  • For Set output and scheduling, choose our created Database, for Crawler schedule select “On Demand” as Frequency and click on “Next“.

  • Finally, review all the AWS Glue Crawler configuration and click on “Create Crawler” button to save and create the Crawler. Crawler is now ready! it may take few seconds to finish crawling the S3 bucket, after that you will see tables created successfully and automatically by the crawler in Database.
  • Navigate to the AWS Lake Formation console, click on “tables” from the menu, you can check here also table is created.

Step 6: Data Query with Amazon Athena

  • Amazon Athena is a Query Service offered by AWS, Amazon Athena allows us to analyze data which stored in Amazon S3 Bucket efficiently using Standard SQL.
  • When we are working with a large amount of data, we need some sort of querying tool for analyzing the data or big data, and here is where Amazon Athena comes into play, using Amazon Athena makes it easy for analyzing the data present in Amazon S3 Bucket.
  • When we are using Amazon Athena, we don’t need to be good at SQL (Structured Query Language) for querying data, by default Athena supports Standard SQL Query language, because of that data analysts, data scientists and organizations are able to perform analytics and derive valuable insights from the data.
  • Amazon Athena allows user to query data stored in Amazon S3 in its original format. Navigate to the Amazon Athena Console.

  • Click on “Query Editor”, select Database which we have created in the earlier steps, but before executing any query we need to provide “Query Result Location” which is Amazon S3 Bucket.
  • Amazon Athena stores Query Output and Metadata for each Query which executes in “Query Result Location“.
  • we have to create S3 bucket to store our Query results in this bucket, click on “Set up a query result location in Amazon S3″ tab and provide S3 bucket’s path and hit the “Save” button.
  • We have added the “Query Result Location”, Now we can Run our Queries in Amazon Athena Query Editor.
  • Run the following MySQL Query and click on “Run” button.
SELECT * FROM "gfg-data-lake-db" . "gfg-data-lake-bucket" limit 10;

  • Output of above Query illustrated by the following screenshot.

Step 7: Clean Up

  • After following Numbers of steps, we have Successfully Created our AWS Data Lake with the Combination of Different AWS Services. now it’s time to clean up all the created Resources to avoid any unnecessary large bills.
  • Delete all the created AWS Resources including:
    • Amazon S3 Buckets
    • IAM Users and Roles
    • AWS Glue Crawler
    • Database created in AWS Lake Formation
    • Delete the Registered Locations


Creating AWS Data Lake includes sequence of steps that utilizes services such as AWS Lake formation, Amazon S3, AWS Glue, Amazon Athena and IAM. by carefully setting up these Resources, we set up a central repository where diverse datasets are stored, processed and queried within the shortest time possible. this scalable and secure infrastructure allows organizations to gain valuable insights, make decisions driven by data and adapt to the changing needs of analytics efficiently.

Creating AWS Data Lake – FAQs

What are the ways of taking information into AWS Data Lake?

AWS has several data ingestion services such as ETL workflows via AWS Glue, transferring data with AWS DataSync and secure file transfer using AWS Transfer Family. Choose the one that suits you to do your data ingestion.

What Alternatives exist for storing the AWS Data Lake?

Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is widely used as an ideal data lake storage solution on AWS due to its scalability, durability and cost-effectiveness. Other options offered by AWS can also be considered depending on what specifically you need.

How do I maintain metadata in the AWS Data Lake?

AWS Glue is a managed service that provides a complete catalogue of all your data, indexing it and making it searchable or query-able. In relation to the other things in your data lake, you can use this service to manage meta-data around them.

Which Services are available for processing and analyzing Data inside the AWS Data Lake?

AWS has a range of services available for processing and analyzing data inside the AWS data Lake, These include Amazon EMR for big data processing, Amazon Redshift for data warehousing and Amazon Athena which allows querying of S3 data directly through SQL.

How can I make sure my information is safely stored in an AWS Data Lake?

This involves implementing security controls and governance policies aimed at securing both the AWS Data Lake has monitoring and management tools. Ensure the health, performance and usage of your data lake with the aid of Amazon CloudWatch (a monitoring mechanism) and AWS CloudTrail for logging and auditing API calls. These include managing access permissions, encryption, auditing, as well as regulatory compliance such as GDPR, HIPAA or PCI DSS.

What are some Monitoring and Management services Offered by AWS Data Lake?

To ensure that your data lake environment remains healthy, performs optimally and is utilized to its maximum capacity, use Amazon CloudWatch for monitoring and logging and auditing API calls using AWS CloudTrail.

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