CPU Scheduling in Operating Systems using priority queue with gantt chart

Prerequisite: CPU Scheduling in Operating Systems
Different Scheduling Algorithms:

  1. First Come First Serve CPU Scheduling:
    Simplest scheduling algorithm that schedules according to arrival times of processes. First come first serve scheduling algorithm states that the process that requests the CPU first is allocated the CPU first. It is implemented by using the FIFO queue. When a process enters the ready queue, its PCB is linked onto the tail of the queue. When the CPU is free, it is allocated to the process at the head of the queue. The running process is then removed from the queue. FCFS is a non-preemptive scheduling algorithm.
  2. Shortest Job First(Preemptive):
    In Preemptive Shortest Job First Scheduling, jobs are put into the ready queue as they arrive, but as a process with short burst time arrives, the existing process is preempted or removed from execution, and the shorter job is executed first.
  3. Shortest Job First(Non-Preemptive):
    In Non-Preemptive Shortest Job First, a process which has the shortest burst time is scheduled first. If two processes have the same bust time then FCFS is used to break the tie.
  4. Longest Job First(Preemptive):
    It is similar to an SJF scheduling algorithm. But, in this scheduling algorithm, we give priority to the process having the largest burst time remaining.
  5. Longest Job First(Non-Preemptive):
    It is similar to an SJF scheduling algorithm. But, in this scheduling algorithm, we give priority to the process having the longest burst time. This is non-preemptive in nature i.e., when any process starts executing, can’t be interrupted before complete execution.
  6. Round Robin Scheduling:
    To implement Round Robin scheduling, we keep the ready queue as a FIFO queue of processes. New processes are added to the tail of the ready queue. The CPU scheduler picks the first process from the ready queue, sets a timer to interrupt after 1-time quantum, and dispatches the process. One of two things will then happen. The process may have a CPU burst of less than 1-time quantum. In this case, the process itself will release the CPU voluntarily. The scheduler will then proceed to the next process in the ready queue. Otherwise, if the CPU burst of the currently running process is longer than 1-time quantum, the timer will go off and will cause an interrupt to the operating system. A context switch will be executed, and the process will be put at the tail of the ready queue. The CPU scheduler will then select the next process in the ready queue.

  7. Priority Based(Preemptive) Scheduling:
    In Preemptive Priority Scheduling, at the time of arrival of a process in the ready queue, its priority is compared with the priority of the other processes present in the ready queue as well as with the one which is being executed by the CPU at that point of time. The One with the highest priority among all the available processes will be given the CPU next. In this program, we have both options, whether to consider highest number as highest priority or lowest number as highest priority.
  8. Priority Based(Non-Preemptive) Scheduling:
    In the Non Preemptive Priority scheduling, The Processes are scheduled according to the priority number assigned to them. Once the process gets scheduled, it will run till the completion. Generally, the lower the priority number, the higher is the priority of the process. The people might get confused with the priority numbers, hence in the GATE, there clearly mention which one is the highest priority and which one is the lowest one. In this program, we have both options, whether to consider highest number as highest priority or lowest number as highest priority.

  9. Highest Response Ratio Next(HRRN) Scheduling:
    Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN) is one of the most optimal scheduling algorithms. This is a non-preemptive algorithm in which, the scheduling is done on the basis of an extra parameter called Response Ratio. A Response Ratio is calculated for each of the available jobs and the Job with the highest response ratio is given priority over the others.

Consider the following table:

Below is the implementation of the above algorithms using a priority queue:


// C++ implementation of the FCFS algorithm
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;
class process {
    pid_t p_no = 0;
    time_t start_AT = 0, AT = 0,
           BT_left = 0, BT = 0, temp_BT = 0,
           CT = 0, TAT = 0, WT = 0, RT = 0;
    int priority = 0;
    // Function for completion time
    void set_CT(time_t time)
        CT = time;
    // Function for Turn Around Time
    void set_TAT()
        TAT = CT - start_AT;
    // Function for Waiting Time
    void set_WT()
        WT = TAT - BT;
    // Function to set starting Arrival Time
    // Because arrival time gets updated
    // when you push process in ready queue again
    // in preemptive algorithms
    void P_set()
        start_AT = AT;
        BT_left = BT;
    // Function to set Response Time
    void set_RT(time_t time)
        RT = time - start_AT;
    // Overload operator '<' w.r.t arrival
    // time because arrival time is the
    // first priority even greater than
    // priority of process and priority_queue
    // pops out the greatest value first
    // so we need to replace '<' with '>' inorder
    // to pop out smallest value
    friend bool operator<(const process& a, const process& b)
        return a.AT > b.AT;
// Function to implement FCFS algorithm
priority_queue<process> FCFS_run(priority_queue<process> ready_queue,
                                 queue<process>* gantt)
    priority_queue<process> completion_queue;
    process p;
    time_t clock = 0;
    // Till ready queue is not empty
    while (!ready_queue.empty()) {
        // While clock is less than
        // Arrival Time
        while (clock < ready_queue.top().AT) {
        if (p.temp_BT > 0) {
            p.p_no = -1;
            p.CT = clock;
        p = ready_queue.top();
        while (p.BT_left > 0) {
        // Update the Gantt Chart
        p.temp_BT = 0;
        // Update the completion time to
        // the queue
    return completion_queue;
// Set data on the basis of given table
priority_queue<process> set_sample_data()
    priority_queue<process> ready_queue;
    process temp;
    temp.AT = 0;
    temp.BT = 4;
    temp.priority = 2;
    temp.p_no = 1;
    temp.AT = 1;
    temp.BT = 2;
    temp.priority = 4;
    temp.p_no = 2;
    temp.AT = 2;
    temp.BT = 3;
    temp.priority = 6;
    temp.p_no = 3;
    temp.AT = 3;
    temp.BT = 5;
    temp.priority = 10;
    temp.p_no = 4;
    temp.AT = 4;
    temp.BT = 1;
    temp.priority = 8;
    temp.p_no = 5;
    temp.AT = 5;
    temp.BT = 4;
    temp.priority = 12;
    temp.p_no = 6;
    temp.AT = 6;
    temp.BT = 6;
    temp.priority = 9;
    temp.p_no = 7;
    return ready_queue;
// Function to get total Waiting Time
double get_total_WT(priority_queue<process> processes)
    double total = 0;
    while (!processes.empty()) {
        total += processes.top().WT;
    return total;
// Function to get total Turn Around Time
double get_total_TAT(priority_queue<process> processes)
    double total = 0;
    while (!processes.empty()) {
        total += processes.top().TAT;
    return total;
// Function to get total Completion Time
double get_total_CT(priority_queue<process> processes)
    double total = 0;
    while (!processes.empty()) {
        total += processes.top().CT;
    return total;
// Function to get total Response Time
double get_total_RT(priority_queue<process> processes)
    double total = 0;
    while (!processes.empty()) {
        total += processes.top().RT;
    return total;
// Function to display Completion Queue and
// all the time
void disp(priority_queue<process> main_queue, bool high)
    int i = 0, temp, size = main_queue.size();
    priority_queue<process> tempq = main_queue;
    double temp1;
    cout << "+-------------+--------------";
    cout << "+------------+-----------------";
    cout << "+-----------------+--------------+---------------+";
    if (high == true)
        cout << "----------+" << endl;
        cout << endl;
    cout << "| Process No. | Arrival Time ";
    cout << "| Burst Time | Completion Time ";
    cout << "| Turnaround Time | Waiting Time | Response Time |";
    if (high == true)
        cout << " Priority |" << endl;
        cout << endl;
    cout << "+-------------+--------------";
    cout << "+------------+-----------------";
    cout << "+-----------------+--------------+---------------+";
    if (high == true)
        cout << "----------+" << endl;
        cout << endl;
    while (!main_queue.empty()) {
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().p_no).length();
        cout << '|' << string(6 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().p_no << string(7 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().start_AT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().start_AT << string(7 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().BT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(6 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().BT << string(6 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().CT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(8 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().CT << string(9 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().TAT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(8 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().TAT << string(9 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().WT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().WT << string(7 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().RT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().RT << string(8 - temp / 2, ' ');
        if (high == true) {
            temp = to_string(main_queue.top().priority).length();
            cout << '|' << string(5 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
                 << main_queue.top().priority << string(5 - temp / 2, ' ');
        cout << "|\n";
    cout << "+-------------+--------------";
    cout << "+------------+-----------------";
    cout << "+-----------------+--------------+---------------+";
    if (high == true)
        cout << "----------+";
    cout << endl;
    temp1 = get_total_CT(tempq);
    cout << "\nTotal completion time :- " << temp1
         << endl;
    cout << "Average completion time :- " << temp1 / size
         << endl;
    temp1 = get_total_TAT(tempq);
    cout << "\nTotal turnaround time :- " << temp1
         << endl;
    cout << "Average turnaround time :- " << temp1 / size
         << endl;
    temp1 = get_total_WT(tempq);
    cout << "\nTotal waiting time :- " << temp1
         << endl;
    cout << "Average waiting time :- " << temp1 / size
         << endl;
    temp1 = get_total_RT(tempq);
    cout << "\nTotal response time :- " << temp1
         << endl;
    cout << "Average response time :- " << temp1 / size
         << endl;
// Function to display Gantt Chart
void disp_gantt_chart(queue<process> gantt)
    int temp, prev = 0;
    queue<process> spaces = gantt;
    cout << "\n\nGantt Chart (IS indicates ideal state) :- \n\n+";
    // For 1st row of gantt chart
    while (!spaces.empty()) {
        cout << string(to_string(spaces.front().p_no).length()
                           + (spaces.front().p_no != -1)
                           + 2 * spaces.front().temp_BT,
             << "+";
    cout << "\n|";
    spaces = gantt;
    // For process no. in 2nd row
    while (!spaces.empty()) {
        cout << string(spaces.front().temp_BT, ' ');
        if (spaces.front().p_no == -1)
            cout << "IS" << string(spaces.front().temp_BT, ' ') << '|';
            cout << "P" << spaces.front().p_no
                 << string(spaces.front().temp_BT, ' ') << '|';
    spaces = gantt;
    cout << "\n+";
    while (!spaces.empty()) {
        cout << (string(to_string(spaces.front().p_no).length()
                            + (spaces.front().p_no != -1)
                            + 2 * spaces.front().temp_BT,
             << "+";
    spaces = gantt;
    cout << "\n0";
//For 3rd row of gantt chart
    while (!spaces.empty()) {
        temp = to_string(spaces.front().CT).length();
        cout << (string(to_string(spaces.front().p_no).length()
                            + (spaces.front().p_no != -1)
                            + 2 * spaces.front().temp_BT - temp / 2 - prev,
                        ' '))
             << spaces.front().CT;
        prev = temp / 2 - temp % 2 == 0;
    cout << "\n\n";
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Initialise Ready and Completion Queue
    priority_queue<process> ready_queue;
    priority_queue<process> completion_queue;
    // queue for Gantt Chart
    queue<process> gantt;
    ready_queue = set_sample_data();
    // Function call for completion data
    completion_queue = FCFS_run(ready_queue, &gantt);
    // Display Completion Queue
    disp(completion_queue, false);
    // Display Gantt Chart
    return 0;


| Process No. | Arrival Time | Burst Time | Completion Time | Turnaround Time | Waiting Time | Response Time |
|     1       |      0       |     4      |       4         |       4         |      0       |      0        |
|     2       |      1       |     2      |       6         |       5         |      3       |      3        |
|     3       |      2       |     3      |       9         |       7         |      4       |      4        |
|     4       |      3       |     5      |       14        |       11        |      6       |      6        |
|     5       |      4       |     1      |       15        |       11        |      10      |      10       |
|     6       |      5       |     4      |       19        |       14        |      10      |      10       |
|     7       |      6       |     6      |       25        |       19        |      13      |      13       |

Total completion time :- 92
Average completion time :- 13.1429

Total turnaround time :- 71
Average turnaround time :- 10.1429

Total waiting time :- 46
Average waiting time :- 6.57143

Total response time :- 46
Average response time :- 6.57143

Gantt Chart (IS indicates ideal state) :- 

|    P1    |  P2  |   P3   |     P4     | P5 |    P6    |      P7      |
0          4      6        9           14   15         19             25


// C++ implementation of the SJF preemptive algorithm
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;
class process {
    pid_t p_no = 0;
    time_t start_AT = 0, AT = 0,
           BT_left = 0, BT = 0, temp_BT = 0,
           CT = 0, TAT = 0, WT = 0, RT = 0;
    int priority = 0;
    // Function for completion time
    void set_CT(time_t time)
        CT = time;
    // Function for Turn Around Time
    void set_TAT()
        TAT = CT - start_AT;
    // Function for Waiting Time
    void set_WT()
        WT = TAT - BT;
    void P_set()
        start_AT = AT;
        BT_left = BT;
    void set_RT(time_t time)
        RT = time - start_AT;
    // Overload operator '<' w.r.t arrival
    // time because arrival time is the
    // first priority even greater than
    // priority of process and priority_queue
    // pops out the greatest value first
    // so we need to replace '<' with '>' inorder
    // to pop out smallest value
    friend bool operator<(const process& a, const process& b)
        return a.AT > b.AT;
process pop_index(priority_queue<process>* main_queue, int index)
    priority_queue<process> rm_index;
    int i;
    process p;
    switch (index) {
    case 0:
        p = (*main_queue).top();
        for (i = 0; i < index; i++) {
        p = (*main_queue).top();
        while (!(*main_queue).empty()) {
        (*main_queue) = rm_index;
    return p;
time_t min_BT(priority_queue<process> main_queue, time_t clock)
    time_t min = 0;
    while (!main_queue.empty() && main_queue.top().AT <= clock) {
        if (min == 0 || min > main_queue.top().BT_left)
            min = main_queue.top().BT_left;
    return min;
int min_BT_index(priority_queue<process> main_queue, time_t limit)
    int index, i = 0;
    time_t min = 0;
    while (!main_queue.empty() && main_queue.top().AT <= limit) {
        if (min == 0 || main_queue.top().BT_left < min) {
            min = main_queue.top().BT_left;
            index = i;
    return index;
// Function to implement SJF preemptive algorithm
priority_queue<process> SJF_P_run(priority_queue<process> ready_queue,
                                  queue<process>* gantt)
    priority_queue<process> completion_queue;
    process p;
    time_t clock = 0;
    while (!ready_queue.empty()) {
        while (clock < ready_queue.top().AT) {
        if (p.temp_BT > 0) {
            p.p_no = -1;
            p.CT = clock;
        p = pop_index(&ready_queue, min_BT_index(ready_queue, clock));
        if (p.AT == p.start_AT)
        while (p.BT_left > 0 && (ready_queue.empty()
                                 || clock < ready_queue.top().AT
                                 || p.BT_left <= min_BT(ready_queue, clock))) {
        if (p.BT_left == 0) {
            p.AT = p.start_AT;
            p.temp_BT = 0;
        else {
            p.AT = clock;
            p.CT = clock;
            p.temp_BT = 0;
    return completion_queue;
// Set data on the basis of given table
priority_queue<process> set_sample_data()
    priority_queue<process> ready_queue;
    process temp;
    temp.AT = 0;
    temp.BT = 4;
    temp.priority = 2;
    temp.p_no = 1;
    temp.AT = 1;
    temp.BT = 2;
    temp.priority = 4;
    temp.p_no = 2;
    temp.AT = 2;
    temp.BT = 3;
    temp.priority = 6;
    temp.p_no = 3;
    temp.AT = 3;
    temp.BT = 5;
    temp.priority = 10;
    temp.p_no = 4;
    temp.AT = 4;
    temp.BT = 1;
    temp.priority = 8;
    temp.p_no = 5;
    temp.AT = 5;
    temp.BT = 4;
    temp.priority = 12;
    temp.p_no = 6;
    temp.AT = 6;
    temp.BT = 6;
    temp.priority = 9;
    temp.p_no = 7;
    return ready_queue;
// Function to get total Waiting Time
double get_total_WT(priority_queue<process> processes)
    double total = 0;
    while (!processes.empty()) {
        total += processes.top().WT;
    return total;
// Function to get total Turn Around Time
double get_total_TAT(priority_queue<process> processes)
    double total = 0;
    while (!processes.empty()) {
        total += processes.top().TAT;
    return total;
// Function to get total Completion Time
double get_total_CT(priority_queue<process> processes)
    double total = 0;
    while (!processes.empty()) {
        total += processes.top().CT;
    return total;
// Function to get total Response Time
double get_total_RT(priority_queue<process> processes)
    double total = 0;
    while (!processes.empty()) {
        total += processes.top().RT;
    return total;
// Function to display Completion Queue
// and all the time
void disp(priority_queue<process> main_queue, bool high)
    int i = 0, temp, size = main_queue.size();
    priority_queue<process> tempq = main_queue;
    double temp1;
    cout << "+-------------+--------------";
    cout << "+------------+-----------------";
    cout << "+-----------------+--------------+---------------+";
    if (high == true)
        cout << "----------+" << endl;
        cout << endl;
    cout << "| Process No. | Arrival Time ";
    cout << "| Burst Time | Completion Time ";
    cout << "| Turnaround Time | Waiting Time | Response Time |";
    if (high == true)
        cout << " Priority |" << endl;
        cout << endl;
    cout << "+-------------+--------------";
    cout << "+------------+-----------------";
    cout << "+-----------------+--------------+---------------+";
    if (high == true)
        cout << "----------+" << endl;
        cout << endl;
    while (!main_queue.empty()) {
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().p_no).length();
        cout << '|' << string(6 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().p_no << string(7 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().start_AT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().start_AT << string(7 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().BT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(6 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().BT << string(6 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().CT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(8 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().CT << string(9 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().TAT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(8 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().TAT << string(9 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().WT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().WT << string(7 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().RT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().RT << string(8 - temp / 2, ' ');
        if (high == true) {
            temp = to_string(main_queue.top().priority).length();
            cout << '|' << string(5 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
                 << main_queue.top().priority << string(5 - temp / 2, ' ');
        cout << "|\n";
    cout << "+-------------+--------------";
    cout << "+------------+-----------------";
    cout << "+-----------------+--------------+---------------+";
    if (high == true)
        cout << "----------+";
    cout << endl;
    temp1 = get_total_CT(tempq);
    cout << "\nTotal completion time :- " << temp1 << endl;
    cout << "Average completion time :- " << temp1 / size << endl;
    temp1 = get_total_TAT(tempq);
    cout << "\nTotal turnaround time :- " << temp1 << endl;
    cout << "Average turnaround time :- " << temp1 / size << endl;
    temp1 = get_total_WT(tempq);
    cout << "\nTotal waiting time :- " << temp1 << endl;
    cout << "Average waiting time :- " << temp1 / size << endl;
    temp1 = get_total_RT(tempq);
    cout << "\nTotal response time :- " << temp1 << endl;
    cout << "Average response time :- " << temp1 / size << endl;
// Function to display Gantt Chart
void disp_gantt_chart(queue<process> gantt)
    int temp, prev = 0;
    queue<process> spaces = gantt;
    cout << "\n\nGantt Chart (IS indicates ideal state) :- \n\n+";
    while (!spaces.empty()) {
        cout << string(to_string(spaces.front().p_no).length() + (spaces.front().p_no != -1) + 2 * spaces.front().temp_BT, '-') << "+";
    cout << "\n|";
    spaces = gantt;
    while (!spaces.empty()) {
        cout << string(spaces.front().temp_BT, ' ');
        if (spaces.front().p_no == -1)
            cout << "IS" << string(spaces.front().temp_BT, ' ') << '|';
            cout << "P" << spaces.front().p_no
                 << string(spaces.front().temp_BT, ' ') << '|';
    spaces = gantt;
    cout << "\n+";
    while (!spaces.empty()) {
        cout << string(to_string(spaces.front().p_no).length() + (spaces.front().p_no != -1) + 2 * spaces.front().temp_BT, '-')
             << "+";
    spaces = gantt;
    cout << "\n0";
    while (!spaces.empty()) {
        temp = to_string(spaces.front().CT).length();
        cout << string(to_string(spaces.front().p_no).length() + (spaces.front().p_no != -1) + 2 * spaces.front().temp_BT
                           - temp / 2 - prev,
                       ' ')
             << spaces.front().CT;
        prev = temp / 2 - temp % 2 == 0;
    cout << "\n\n";
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Initialize Ready and Completion Queue
    priority_queue<process> ready_queue, completion_queue;
    // queue for Gantt Chart
    queue<process> gantt;
    ready_queue = set_sample_data();
    // Function call for completion data
    completion_queue = SJF_P_run(ready_queue, &gantt);
    // Display Completion Queue
    disp(completion_queue, false);
    // Display Gantt Chart
    return 0;


| Process No. | Arrival Time | Burst Time | Completion Time | Turnaround Time | Waiting Time | Response Time |
|     1       |      0       |     4      |       7         |       7         |      3       |      0        |
|     2       |      1       |     2      |       3         |       2         |      0       |      0        |
|     3       |      2       |     3      |       10        |       8         |      5       |      5        |
|     4       |      3       |     5      |       19        |       16        |      11      |      11       |
|     5       |      4       |     1      |       5         |       1         |      0       |      0        |
|     6       |      5       |     4      |       14        |       9         |      5       |      5        |
|     7       |      6       |     6      |       25        |       19        |      13      |      13       |

Total completion time :- 83
Average completion time :- 11.8571

Total turnaround time :- 62
Average turnaround time :- 8.85714

Total waiting time :- 37
Average waiting time :- 5.28571

Total response time :- 34
Average response time :- 4.85714

Gantt Chart (IS indicates ideal state) :- 

| P1 |  P2  | P1 | P5 |  P1  |   P3   |    P6    |     P4     |      P7      |
0    1      3    4    5      7       10         14           19             25


// C++ implementation of the SJF(Non-preemptive) algorithm
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;
class process {
    pid_t p_no = 0;
    time_t start_AT = 0, AT = 0,
           BT_left = 0, BT = 0, temp_BT = 0,
           CT = 0, TAT = 0, WT = 0, RT = 0;
    int priority = 0;
    // Function for completion time
    void set_CT(time_t time)
        CT = time;
    // Function for Turn Around Time
    void set_TAT()
        TAT = CT - start_AT;
    // Function for Waiting Time
    void set_WT()
        WT = TAT - BT;
    void P_set()
        start_AT = AT;
        BT_left = BT;
    void set_RT(time_t time)
        RT = time - start_AT;
    // Overload operator '<' w.r.t arrival
    // time because arrival time is the
    // first priority even greater than
    // priority of process and priority_queue
    // pops out the greatest value first
    // so we need to replace '<' with '>' inorder
    // to pop out smallest value
    friend bool operator<(const process& a, const process& b)
        return a.AT > b.AT;
// Function to implementation pop_index()
process pop_index(priority_queue<process>* main_queue, int index)
    priority_queue<process> rm_index;
    int i;
    process p;
    switch (index) {
    case 0:
        p = (*main_queue).top();
        for (i = 0; i < index; i++) {
        p = (*main_queue).top();
        while (!(*main_queue).empty()) {
        (*main_queue) = rm_index;
    return p;
// Function to find index of process
//with minimum BT
int min_BT_index(priority_queue<process> main_queue, time_t limit)
    int index, i = 0;
    time_t min = 0;
    while (!main_queue.empty() && main_queue.top().AT <= limit) {
        if (min == 0 || main_queue.top().BT_left < min) {
            min = main_queue.top().BT_left;
            index = i;
    return index;
// Function to implement SJF(Non-preemptive)
priority_queue<process> SJF_NP_run(priority_queue<process> ready_queue,
                                   queue<process>* gantt)
    priority_queue<process> completion_queue;
    process p;
    time_t clock = 0;
    while (!ready_queue.empty()) {
        while (clock < ready_queue.top().AT) {
        if (p.temp_BT > 0) {
            p.p_no = -1;
            p.CT = clock;
        p = pop_index(&ready_queue,
                      min_BT_index(ready_queue, clock));
        while (p.BT_left > 0) {
        p.temp_BT = 0;
    return completion_queue;
// Set data on the basis of given table
priority_queue<process> set_sample_data()
    priority_queue<process> ready_queue;
    process temp;
    temp.AT = 0;
    temp.BT = 4;
    temp.priority = 2;
    temp.p_no = 1;
    temp.AT = 1;
    temp.BT = 2;
    temp.priority = 4;
    temp.p_no = 2;
    temp.AT = 2;
    temp.BT = 3;
    temp.priority = 6;
    temp.p_no = 3;
    temp.AT = 3;
    temp.BT = 5;
    temp.priority = 10;
    temp.p_no = 4;
    temp.AT = 4;
    temp.BT = 1;
    temp.priority = 8;
    temp.p_no = 5;
    temp.AT = 5;
    temp.BT = 4;
    temp.priority = 12;
    temp.p_no = 6;
    temp.AT = 6;
    temp.BT = 6;
    temp.priority = 9;
    temp.p_no = 7;
    return ready_queue;
//Function to get total Waiting Time
double get_total_WT(priority_queue<process> processes)
    double total = 0;
    while (!processes.empty()) {
        total += processes.top().WT;
    return total;
// Function to get total Turn Around Time
double get_total_TAT(priority_queue<process> processes)
    double total = 0;
    while (!processes.empty()) {
        total += processes.top().TAT;
    return total;
// Function to get total Completion Time
double get_total_CT(priority_queue<process> processes)
    double total = 0;
    while (!processes.empty()) {
        total += processes.top().CT;
    return total;
// Function to get total Response Time
double get_total_RT(priority_queue<process> processes)
    double total = 0;
    while (!processes.empty()) {
        total += processes.top().RT;
    return total;
// Function to display the queue
void disp(priority_queue<process> main_queue, bool high)
    int i = 0, temp, size = main_queue.size();
    priority_queue<process> tempq = main_queue;
    double temp1;
    cout << "+-------------+--------------";
    cout << "+------------+-----------------";
    cout << "+-----------------+--------------+---------------+";
    if (high == true)
        cout << "----------+" << endl;
        cout << endl;
    cout << "| Process No. | Arrival Time ";
    cout << "| Burst Time | Completion Time ";
    cout << "| Turnaround Time | Waiting Time | Response Time |";
    if (high == true)
        cout << " Priority |" << endl;
        cout << endl;
    cout << "+-------------+--------------";
    cout << "+------------+-----------------";
    cout << "+-----------------+--------------+---------------+";
    if (high == true)
        cout << "----------+" << endl;
        cout << endl;
    while (!main_queue.empty()) {
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().p_no).length();
        cout << '|' << string(6 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().p_no << string(7 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().start_AT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().start_AT << string(7 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().BT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(6 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().BT << string(6 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().CT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(8 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().CT << string(9 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().TAT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(8 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().TAT << string(9 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().WT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().WT << string(7 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().RT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().RT << string(8 - temp / 2, ' ');
        if (high == true) {
            temp = to_string(main_queue.top().priority).length();
            cout << '|' << string(5 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
                 << main_queue.top().priority << string(5 - temp / 2, ' ');
        cout << "|\n";
    cout << "+-------------+--------------";
    cout << "+------------+-----------------";
    cout << "+-----------------+--------------+---------------+";
    if (high == true)
        cout << "----------+";
    cout << endl;
    temp1 = get_total_CT(tempq);
    cout << "\nTotal completion time :- " << temp1 << endl;
    cout << "Average completion time :- " << temp1 / size << endl;
    temp1 = get_total_TAT(tempq);
    cout << "\nTotal turnaround time :- " << temp1 << endl;
    cout << "Average turnaround time :- " << temp1 / size << endl;
    temp1 = get_total_WT(tempq);
    cout << "\nTotal waiting time :- " << temp1 << endl;
    cout << "Average waiting time :- " << temp1 / size << endl;
    temp1 = get_total_RT(tempq);
    cout << "\nTotal response time :- " << temp1 << endl;
    cout << "Average response time :- " << temp1 / size << endl;
// Function to display Gantt Chart
void disp_gantt_chart(queue<process> gantt)
    int temp, prev = 0;
    queue<process> spaces = gantt;
    cout << "\n\nGantt Chart (IS indicates ideal state) :- \n\n+";
    while (!spaces.empty()) {
        cout << string(to_string(spaces.front().p_no).length() + (spaces.front().p_no != -1) + 2 * spaces.front().temp_BT, '-') << "+";
    cout << "\n|";
    spaces = gantt;
    while (!spaces.empty()) {
        cout << string(spaces.front().temp_BT, ' ');
        if (spaces.front().p_no == -1)
            cout << "IS" << string(spaces.front().temp_BT, ' ') << '|';
            cout << "P" << spaces.front().p_no
                 << string(spaces.front().temp_BT, ' ') << '|';
    spaces = gantt;
    cout << "\n+";
    while (!spaces.empty()) {
        cout << string(to_string(spaces.front().p_no).length() + (spaces.front().p_no != -1) + 2 * spaces.front().temp_BT, '-')
             << "+";
    spaces = gantt;
    cout << "\n0";
    while (!spaces.empty()) {
        temp = to_string(spaces.front().CT).length();
        cout << string(to_string(spaces.front().p_no).length() + (spaces.front().p_no != -1) + 2 * spaces.front().temp_BT
                           - temp / 2 - prev,
                       ' ')
             << spaces.front().CT;
        prev = temp / 2 - temp % 2 == 0;
    cout << "\n\n";
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Initialise Ready and Completion Queue
    priority_queue<process> ready_queue, completion_queue;
    // queue for Gantt Chart
    queue<process> gantt;
    ready_queue = set_sample_data();
    // Function call to find completion data
    completion_queue = SJF_NP_run(ready_queue, &gantt);
    // Display Completion Queue
    disp(completion_queue, false);
    // Display Gantt Chart
    return 0;


| Process No. | Arrival Time | Burst Time | Completion Time | Turnaround Time | Waiting Time | Response Time |
|     1       |      0       |     4      |       4         |       4         |      0       |      0        |
|     2       |      1       |     2      |       7         |       6         |      4       |      4        |
|     3       |      2       |     3      |       10        |       8         |      5       |      5        |
|     4       |      3       |     5      |       19        |       16        |      11      |      11       |
|     5       |      4       |     1      |       5         |       1         |      0       |      0        |
|     6       |      5       |     4      |       14        |       9         |      5       |      5        |
|     7       |      6       |     6      |       25        |       19        |      13      |      13       |

Total completion time :- 84
Average completion time :- 12

Total turnaround time :- 63
Average turnaround time :- 9

Total waiting time :- 38
Average waiting time :- 5.42857

Total response time :- 38
Average response time :- 5.42857

Gantt Chart (IS indicates ideal state) :- 

|    P1    | P5 |  P2  |   P3   |    P6    |     P4     |      P7      |
0          4    5      7       10         14           19             25


// C++ implementation of the LJF(Preemptive) algorithm
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;
class process {
    pid_t p_no = 0;
    time_t start_AT = 0, AT = 0,
           BT_left = 0, BT = 0, temp_BT = 0,
           CT = 0, TAT = 0, WT = 0, RT = 0;
    int priority = 0;
    // Function for completion time
    void set_CT(time_t time)
        CT = time;
    // Function for Turn Around Time
    void set_TAT()
        TAT = CT - start_AT;
    // Function for Waiting Time
    void set_WT()
        WT = TAT - BT;
    void P_set()
        start_AT = AT;
        BT_left = BT;
    void set_RT(time_t time)
        RT = time - start_AT;
    // Overload operator '<' w.r.t arrival
    // time because arrival time is the
    // first priority even greater than
    // priority of process and priority_queue
    // pops out the greatest value first
    // so we need to replace '<' with '>' inorder
    // to pop out smallest value
    friend bool operator<(const process& a, const process& b)
        return a.AT > b.AT;
// Function to implementation pop_index()
process pop_index(priority_queue<process>* main_queue, int index)
    priority_queue<process> rm_index;
    int i;
    process p;
    switch (index) {
    case 0:
        p = (*main_queue).top();
        for (i = 0; i < index; i++) {
        p = (*main_queue).top();
        while (!(*main_queue).empty()) {
        (*main_queue) = rm_index;
    return p;
// Function to implement maximum Burst Time
time_t max_BT(priority_queue<process> main_queue, time_t limit)
    time_t max = 0;
    while (!main_queue.empty() && main_queue.top().AT <= limit) {
        if (main_queue.top().BT_left > max)
            max = main_queue.top().BT_left;
    return max;
// Function to implement maximum BT index w.r.t given clock limit
int max_BT_index(priority_queue<process> main_queue, time_t limit)
    int index, i = 0;
    time_t max = 0;
    while (!main_queue.empty() && main_queue.top().AT <= limit) {
        if (main_queue.top().BT_left > max) {
            max = main_queue.top().BT_left;
            index = i;
    return index;
// Function to implement LJF(Preemptive) algorithm
priority_queue<process> LJF_P_run(priority_queue<process> ready_queue,
                                  queue<process>* gantt)
    priority_queue<process> completion_queue;
    process p;
    time_t clock = 0;
    while (!ready_queue.empty()) {
        while (clock < ready_queue.top().AT) {
        if (p.temp_BT > 0) {
            p.p_no = -1;
            p.CT = clock;
        p = pop_index(&ready_queue, max_BT_index(ready_queue, clock));
        if (p.AT == p.start_AT)
        while (p.BT_left > 0 && (ready_queue.empty()
                                 || clock < ready_queue.top().AT
                                 || p.BT_left >= max_BT(ready_queue, clock))) {
        if (p.BT_left == 0) {
            p.AT = p.start_AT;
            p.temp_BT = 0;
        else {
            p.AT = clock;
            p.CT = clock;
            p.temp_BT = 0;
    return completion_queue;
// Set data on the basis of given table
priority_queue<process> set_sample_data()
    priority_queue<process> ready_queue;
    process temp;
    temp.AT = 0;
    temp.BT = 4;
    temp.priority = 2;
    temp.p_no = 1;
    temp.AT = 1;
    temp.BT = 2;
    temp.priority = 4;
    temp.p_no = 2;
    temp.AT = 2;
    temp.BT = 3;
    temp.priority = 6;
    temp.p_no = 3;
    temp.AT = 3;
    temp.BT = 5;
    temp.priority = 10;
    temp.p_no = 4;
    temp.AT = 4;
    temp.BT = 1;
    temp.priority = 8;
    temp.p_no = 5;
    temp.AT = 5;
    temp.BT = 4;
    temp.priority = 12;
    temp.p_no = 6;
    temp.AT = 6;
    temp.BT = 6;
    temp.priority = 9;
    temp.p_no = 7;
    return ready_queue;
// Function to get total Waiting Time
double get_total_WT(priority_queue<process> processes)
    double total = 0;
    while (!processes.empty()) {
        total += processes.top().WT;
    return total;
// Function to get total Turn Around Time
double get_total_TAT(priority_queue<process> processes)
    double total = 0;
    while (!processes.empty()) {
        total += processes.top().TAT;
    return total;
// Function to get total Completion Time
double get_total_CT(priority_queue<process> processes)
    double total = 0;
    while (!processes.empty()) {
        total += processes.top().CT;
    return total;
// Function to get total Response Time
double get_total_RT(priority_queue<process> processes)
    double total = 0;
    while (!processes.empty()) {
        total += processes.top().RT;
    return total;
// Function to display Completion Queue
void disp(priority_queue<process> main_queue, bool high)
    int i = 0, temp, size = main_queue.size();
    priority_queue<process> tempq = main_queue;
    double temp1;
    cout << "+-------------+--------------";
    cout << "+------------+-----------------";
    cout << "+-----------------+--------------+---------------+";
    if (high == true)
        cout << "----------+" << endl;
        cout << endl;
    cout << "| Process No. | Arrival Time ";
    cout << "| Burst Time | Completion Time ";
    cout << "| Turnaround Time | Waiting Time | Response Time |";
    if (high == true)
        cout << " Priority |" << endl;
        cout << endl;
    cout << "+-------------+--------------";
    cout << "+------------+-----------------";
    cout << "+-----------------+--------------+---------------+";
    if (high == true)
        cout << "----------+" << endl;
        cout << endl;
    while (!main_queue.empty()) {
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().p_no).length();
        cout << '|' << string(6 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().p_no << string(7 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().start_AT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().start_AT << string(7 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().BT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(6 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().BT << string(6 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().CT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(8 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().CT << string(9 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().TAT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(8 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().TAT << string(9 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().WT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().WT << string(7 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().RT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().RT << string(8 - temp / 2, ' ');
        if (high == true) {
            temp = to_string(main_queue.top().priority).length();
            cout << '|' << string(5 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
                 << main_queue.top().priority << string(5 - temp / 2, ' ');
        cout << "|\n";
    cout << "+-------------+--------------";
    cout << "+------------+-----------------";
    cout << "+-----------------+--------------+---------------+";
    if (high == true)
        cout << "----------+";
    cout << endl;
    temp1 = get_total_CT(tempq);
    cout << "\nTotal completion time :- " << temp1 << endl;
    cout << "Average completion time :- " << temp1 / size << endl;
    temp1 = get_total_TAT(tempq);
    cout << "\nTotal turnaround time :- " << temp1 << endl;
    cout << "Average turnaround time :- " << temp1 / size << endl;
    temp1 = get_total_WT(tempq);
    cout << "\nTotal waiting time :- " << temp1 << endl;
    cout << "Average waiting time :- " << temp1 / size << endl;
    temp1 = get_total_RT(tempq);
    cout << "\nTotal response time :- " << temp1 << endl;
    cout << "Average response time :- " << temp1 / size << endl;
// Function to display Gantt Chart
void disp_gantt_chart(queue<process> gantt)
    int temp, prev = 0;
    queue<process> spaces = gantt;
    cout << "\n\nGantt Chart (IS indicates ideal state) :- \n\n+";
    while (!spaces.empty()) {
        cout << string(to_string(spaces.front().p_no).length() + (spaces.front().p_no != -1) + 2 * spaces.front().temp_BT, '-') << "+";
    cout << "\n|";
    spaces = gantt;
    while (!spaces.empty()) {
        cout << string(spaces.front().temp_BT, ' ');
        if (spaces.front().p_no == -1)
            cout << "IS" << string(spaces.front().temp_BT, ' ') << '|';
            cout << "P" << spaces.front().p_no
                 << string(spaces.front().temp_BT, ' ') << '|';
    spaces = gantt;
    cout << "\n+";
    while (!spaces.empty()) {
        cout << string(to_string(spaces.front().p_no).length() + (spaces.front().p_no != -1) + 2 * spaces.front().temp_BT, '-') << "+";
    spaces = gantt;
    cout << "\n0";
    while (!spaces.empty()) {
        temp = to_string(spaces.front().CT).length();
        cout << string(to_string(spaces.front().p_no).length() + (spaces.front().p_no != -1) + 2 * spaces.front().temp_BT - temp / 2 - prev, ' ')
             << spaces.front().CT;
        prev = temp / 2 - temp % 2 == 0;
    cout << "\n\n";
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Initialise Ready and Completion Queue
    priority_queue<process> ready_queue, completion_queue;
    // queue for Gantt Chart
    queue<process> gantt;
    ready_queue = set_sample_data();
    // Function call to find completion data
    completion_queue = LJF_P_run(ready_queue, &gantt);
    // Display Completion Queue
    disp(completion_queue, false);
    // Display Gantt Chart
    return 0;


| Process No. | Arrival Time | Burst Time | Completion Time | Turnaround Time | Waiting Time | Response Time |
|     1       |      0       |     4      |       23        |       23        |      19      |      0        |
|     2       |      1       |     2      |       22        |       21        |      19      |      12       |
|     3       |      2       |     3      |       24        |       22        |      19      |      0        |
|     4       |      3       |     5      |       19        |       16        |      11      |      0        |
|     5       |      4       |     1      |       20        |       16        |      15      |      15       |
|     6       |      5       |     4      |       21        |       16        |      12      |      0        |
|     7       |      6       |     6      |       25        |       19        |      13      |      0        |

Total completion time :- 154
Average completion time :- 22

Total turnaround time :- 133
Average turnaround time :- 19

Total waiting time :- 108
Average waiting time :- 15.4286

Total response time :- 27
Average response time :- 3.85714

Gantt Chart (IS indicates ideal state) :- 

|  P1  | P3 |  P4  | P6 |    P7    | P4 |  P6  | P2 | P1 | P3 | P7 |  P4  | P5 | P6 | P2 | P1 | P3 | P7 |
0      2    3      5    6         10   11     13   14   15   16   17     19   20   21   22   23   24   25


// C++ implementation of the LJF(Non-Preemptive) algorithm
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;
class process {
    pid_t p_no = 0;
    time_t start_AT = 0, AT = 0,
           BT_left = 0, BT = 0, temp_BT = 0,
           CT = 0, TAT = 0, WT = 0, RT = 0;
    int priority = 0;
    // Function for completion time
    void set_CT(time_t time)
        CT = time;
    // Function for Turn Around Time
    void set_TAT()
        TAT = CT - start_AT;
    // Function for Waiting Time
    void set_WT()
        WT = TAT - BT;
    void P_set()
        start_AT = AT;
        BT_left = BT;
    void set_RT(time_t time)
        RT = time - start_AT;
    // Overload operator '<' w.r.t arrival
    // time because arrival time is the
    // first priority even greater than
    // priority of process and priority_queue
    // pops out the greatest value first
    // so we need to replace '<' with '>' inorder
    // to pop out smallest value
    friend bool operator<(const process& a, const process& b)
        return a.AT > b.AT;
// Function to implement pop_index()
process pop_index(priority_queue<process>* main_queue, int index)
    priority_queue<process> rm_index;
    int i;
    process p;
    switch (index) {
    case 0:
        p = (*main_queue).top();
        for (i = 0; i < index; i++) {
        p = (*main_queue).top();
        while (!(*main_queue).empty()) {
        (*main_queue) = rm_index;
    return p;
// Function to find maximum Burst Time Index w.r.t clock limit
int max_BT_index(priority_queue<process> main_queue, time_t limit)
    int index, i = 0;
    time_t max = 0;
    while (!main_queue.empty() && main_queue.top().AT <= limit) {
        if (main_queue.top().BT_left > max) {
            max = main_queue.top().BT_left;
            index = i;
    return index;
// Function to implement LJF(Non-Preemptive) Algorithm
priority_queue<process> LJF_NP_run(priority_queue<process> ready_queue,
                                   queue<process>* gantt)
    priority_queue<process> completion_queue;
    process p;
    time_t clock = 0;
    while (!ready_queue.empty()) {
        while (clock < ready_queue.top().AT) {
        if (p.temp_BT > 0) {
            p.p_no = -1;
        p = pop_index(&ready_queue, max_BT_index(ready_queue, clock));
        while (p.BT_left > 0) {
        p.temp_BT = 0;
    return completion_queue;
// Set data on the basis of given table
priority_queue<process> set_sample_data()
    priority_queue<process> ready_queue;
    process temp;
    temp.AT = 0;
    temp.BT = 4;
    temp.priority = 2;
    temp.p_no = 1;
    temp.AT = 1;
    temp.BT = 2;
    temp.priority = 4;
    temp.p_no = 2;
    temp.AT = 2;
    temp.BT = 3;
    temp.priority = 6;
    temp.p_no = 3;
    temp.AT = 3;
    temp.BT = 5;
    temp.priority = 10;
    temp.p_no = 4;
    temp.AT = 4;
    temp.BT = 1;
    temp.priority = 8;
    temp.p_no = 5;
    temp.AT = 5;
    temp.BT = 4;
    temp.priority = 12;
    temp.p_no = 6;
    temp.AT = 6;
    temp.BT = 6;
    temp.priority = 9;
    temp.p_no = 7;
    return ready_queue;
// Function to get total Waiting Time
double get_total_WT(priority_queue<process> processes)
    double total = 0;
    while (!processes.empty()) {
        total += processes.top().WT;
    return total;
// Function to get total Turn Around Time
double get_total_TAT(priority_queue<process> processes)
    double total = 0;
    while (!processes.empty()) {
        total += processes.top().TAT;
    return total;
// Function to get total Completion Time
double get_total_CT(priority_queue<process> processes)
    double total = 0;
    while (!processes.empty()) {
        total += processes.top().CT;
    return total;
// Function to get total Response Time
double get_total_RT(priority_queue<process> processes)
    double total = 0;
    while (!processes.empty()) {
        total += processes.top().RT;
    return total;
// Function to display Completion queue
void disp(priority_queue<process> main_queue, bool high)
    int i = 0, temp, size = main_queue.size();
    priority_queue<process> tempq = main_queue;
    double temp1;
    cout << "+-------------+--------------";
    cout << "+------------+-----------------";
    cout << "+-----------------+--------------+---------------+";
    if (high == true)
        cout << "----------+" << endl;
        cout << endl;
    cout << "| Process No. | Arrival Time ";
    cout << "| Burst Time | Completion Time ";
    cout << "| Turnaround Time | Waiting Time | Response Time |";
    if (high == true)
        cout << " Priority |" << endl;
        cout << endl;
    cout << "+-------------+--------------";
    cout << "+------------+-----------------";
    cout << "+-----------------+--------------+---------------+";
    if (high == true)
        cout << "----------+" << endl;
        cout << endl;
    while (!main_queue.empty()) {
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().p_no).length();
        cout << '|' << string(6 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().p_no << string(7 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().start_AT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().start_AT << string(7 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().BT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(6 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().BT << string(6 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().CT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(8 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().CT << string(9 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().TAT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(8 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().TAT << string(9 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().WT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().WT << string(7 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().RT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().RT << string(8 - temp / 2, ' ');
        if (high == true) {
            temp = to_string(main_queue.top().priority).length();
            cout << '|' << string(5 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
                 << main_queue.top().priority << string(5 - temp / 2, ' ');
        cout << "|\n";
    cout << "+-------------+--------------";
    cout << "+------------+-----------------";
    cout << "+-----------------+--------------+---------------+";
    if (high == true)
        cout << "----------+";
    cout << endl;
    temp1 = get_total_CT(tempq);
    cout << "\nTotal completion time :- " << temp1 << endl;
    cout << "Average completion time :- " << temp1 / size << endl;
    temp1 = get_total_TAT(tempq);
    cout << "\nTotal turnaround time :- " << temp1 << endl;
    cout << "Average turnaround time :- " << temp1 / size << endl;
    temp1 = get_total_WT(tempq);
    cout << "\nTotal waiting time :- " << temp1 << endl;
    cout << "Average waiting time :- " << temp1 / size << endl;
    temp1 = get_total_RT(tempq);
    cout << "\nTotal response time :- " << temp1 << endl;
    cout << "Average response time :- " << temp1 / size << endl;
// Function to display Gantt Chart
void disp_gantt_chart(queue<process> gantt)
    int temp, prev = 0;
    queue<process> spaces = gantt;
    cout << "\n\nGantt Chart (IS indicates ideal state) :- \n\n+";
    while (!spaces.empty()) {
        cout << string(to_string(spaces.front().p_no).length() + (spaces.front().p_no != -1) + 2 * spaces.front().temp_BT, '-') << "+";
    cout << "\n|";
    spaces = gantt;
    while (!spaces.empty()) {
        cout << string(spaces.front().temp_BT, ' ');
        if (spaces.front().p_no == -1)
            cout << "IS" << string(spaces.front().temp_BT, ' ') << '|';
            cout << "P" << spaces.front().p_no
                 << string(spaces.front().temp_BT, ' ') << '|';
    spaces = gantt;
    cout << "\n+";
    while (!spaces.empty()) {
        cout << string(to_string(spaces.front().p_no).length() + (spaces.front().p_no != -1) + 2 * spaces.front().temp_BT, '-')
             << "+";
    spaces = gantt;
    cout << "\n0";
    while (!spaces.empty()) {
        temp = to_string(spaces.front().CT).length();
        cout << string(to_string(spaces.front().p_no).length() + (spaces.front().p_no != -1) + 2 * spaces.front().temp_BT
                           - temp / 2 - prev,
                       ' ')
             << spaces.front().CT;
        prev = temp / 2 - temp % 2 == 0;
    cout << "\n\n";
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Initialise Ready and Completion Queue
    priority_queue<process> ready_queue, completion_queue;
    // queue for Gantt Chart
    queue<process> gantt;
    ready_queue = set_sample_data();
    // Function call to find completion data
    completion_queue = LJF_NP_run(ready_queue, &gantt);
    // Display Completion Queue
    disp(completion_queue, false);
    // Display Gantt Chart
    return 0;


| Process No. | Arrival Time | Burst Time | Completion Time | Turnaround Time | Waiting Time | Response Time |
|     1       |      0       |     4      |       4         |       4         |      0       |      0        |
|     2       |      1       |     2      |       24        |       23        |      21      |      21       |
|     3       |      2       |     3      |       22        |       20        |      17      |      17       |
|     4       |      3       |     5      |       9         |       6         |      1       |      1        |
|     5       |      4       |     1      |       25        |       21        |      20      |      20       |
|     6       |      5       |     4      |       19        |       14        |      10      |      10       |
|     7       |      6       |     6      |       15        |       9         |      3       |      3        |

Total completion time :- 118
Average completion time :- 16.8571

Total turnaround time :- 97
Average turnaround time :- 13.8571

Total waiting time :- 72
Average waiting time :- 10.2857

Total response time :- 72
Average response time :- 10.2857

Gantt Chart (IS indicates ideal state) :- 

|    P1    |     P4     |      P7      |    P6    |   P3   |  P2  | P5 |
0          4            9             15         19       22     24   25


// C++ implementation of the Round Robin algorithm
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;
class process {
    pid_t p_no = 0;
    time_t start_AT = 0, AT = 0,
           BT_left = 0, BT = 0, temp_BT = 0,
           CT = 0, TAT = 0, WT = 0, RT = 0;
    int priority = 0;
    // Function for completion time
    void set_CT(time_t time)
        CT = time;
    // Function for Turn Around Time
    void set_TAT()
        TAT = CT - start_AT;
    // Function for Waiting Time
    void set_WT()
        WT = TAT - BT;
    void P_set()
        start_AT = AT;
        BT_left = BT;
    void set_RT(time_t time)
        RT = time - start_AT;
    // Overload operator '<' w.r.t arrival
    // time because arrival time is the
    // first priority even greater than
    // priority of process and priority_queue
    // pops out the greatest value first
    // so we need to replace '<' with '>' inorder
    // to pop out smallest value
    friend bool operator<(const process& a, const process& b)
        return a.AT > b.AT;
// Function to implement Round Robin algorithm
priority_queue<process> RR_run(priority_queue<process> ready_queue,
                               time_t Time_Slice,
                               queue<process>* gantt)
    priority_queue<process> completion_queue;
    process p;
    time_t clock = 0;
    while (!ready_queue.empty()) {
        while (clock < ready_queue.top().AT) {
        if (p.temp_BT > 0) {
            p.p_no = -1;
            p.CT = clock;
        p = ready_queue.top();
        if (p.AT == p.start_AT)
        while (p.BT_left > 0 && (p.temp_BT < Time_Slice
                                 || ready_queue.empty()
                                 || clock < ready_queue.top().AT)) {
        if (p.BT_left == 0) {
            p.AT = p.start_AT;
            p.temp_BT = 0;
        else {
            p.AT = clock;
            p.CT = clock;
            p.temp_BT = 0;
    return completion_queue;
// Set data on the basis of given table
priority_queue<process> set_sample_data()
    priority_queue<process> ready_queue;
    process temp;
    temp.AT = 0;
    temp.BT = 4;
    temp.priority = 2;
    temp.p_no = 1;
    temp.AT = 1;
    temp.BT = 2;
    temp.priority = 4;
    temp.p_no = 2;
    temp.AT = 2;
    temp.BT = 3;
    temp.priority = 6;
    temp.p_no = 3;
    temp.AT = 3;
    temp.BT = 5;
    temp.priority = 10;
    temp.p_no = 4;
    temp.AT = 4;
    temp.BT = 1;
    temp.priority = 8;
    temp.p_no = 5;
    temp.AT = 5;
    temp.BT = 4;
    temp.priority = 12;
    temp.p_no = 6;
    temp.AT = 6;
    temp.BT = 6;
    temp.priority = 9;
    temp.p_no = 7;
    return ready_queue;
// Function to get total Waiting Time
double get_total_WT(priority_queue<process> processes)
    double total = 0;
    while (!processes.empty()) {
        total += processes.top().WT;
    return total;
// Function to get total Turn Around Time
double get_total_TAT(priority_queue<process> processes)
    double total = 0;
    while (!processes.empty()) {
        total += processes.top().TAT;
    return total;
// Function to get total Completion Time
double get_total_CT(priority_queue<process> processes)
    double total = 0;
    while (!processes.empty()) {
        total += processes.top().CT;
    return total;
// Function to get total Response Time
double get_total_RT(priority_queue<process> processes)
    double total = 0;
    while (!processes.empty()) {
        total += processes.top().RT;
    return total;
// Function to display Completion queue
void disp(priority_queue<process> main_queue, bool high)
    int i = 0, temp, size = main_queue.size();
    priority_queue<process> tempq = main_queue;
    double temp1;
    cout << "+-------------+--------------";
    cout << "+------------+-----------------";
    cout << "+-----------------+--------------+---------------+";
    if (high == true)
        cout << "----------+" << endl;
        cout << endl;
    cout << "| Process No. | Arrival Time ";
    cout << "| Burst Time | Completion Time ";
    cout << "| Turnaround Time | Waiting Time | Response Time |";
    if (high == true)
        cout << " Priority |" << endl;
        cout << endl;
    cout << "+-------------+--------------";
    cout << "+------------+-----------------";
    cout << "+-----------------+--------------+---------------+";
    if (high == true)
        cout << "----------+" << endl;
        cout << endl;
    while (!main_queue.empty()) {
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().p_no).length();
        cout << '|' << string(6 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().p_no << string(7 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().start_AT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().start_AT << string(7 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().BT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(6 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().BT << string(6 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().CT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(8 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().CT << string(9 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().TAT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(8 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().TAT << string(9 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().WT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().WT << string(7 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().RT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().RT << string(8 - temp / 2, ' ');
        if (high == true) {
            temp = to_string(main_queue.top().priority).length();
            cout << '|' << string(5 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
                 << main_queue.top().priority << string(5 - temp / 2, ' ');
        cout << "|\n";
    cout << "+-------------+--------------";
    cout << "+------------+-----------------";
    cout << "+-----------------+--------------+---------------+";
    if (high == true)
        cout << "----------+";
    cout << endl;
    temp1 = get_total_CT(tempq);
    cout << "\nTotal completion time :- " << temp1 << endl;
    cout << "Average completion time :- " << temp1 / size << endl;
    temp1 = get_total_TAT(tempq);
    cout << "\nTotal turnaround time :- " << temp1 << endl;
    cout << "Average turnaround time :- " << temp1 / size << endl;
    temp1 = get_total_WT(tempq);
    cout << "\nTotal waiting time :- " << temp1 << endl;
    cout << "Average waiting time :- " << temp1 / size << endl;
    temp1 = get_total_RT(tempq);
    cout << "\nTotal response time :- " << temp1 << endl;
    cout << "Average response time :- " << temp1 / size << endl;
// Function to display Gantt Chart
void disp_gantt_chart(queue<process> gantt)
    int temp, prev = 0;
    queue<process> spaces = gantt;
    cout << "\n\nGantt Chart (IS indicates ideal state) :- \n\n+";
    while (!spaces.empty()) {
        cout << string(to_string(spaces.front().p_no).length() + (spaces.front().p_no != -1) + 2 * spaces.front().temp_BT, '-') << "+";
    cout << "\n|";
    spaces = gantt;
    while (!spaces.empty()) {
        cout << string(spaces.front().temp_BT, ' ');
        if (spaces.front().p_no == -1)
            cout << "IS" << string(spaces.front().temp_BT, ' ') << '|';
            cout << "P" << spaces.front().p_no
                 << string(spaces.front().temp_BT, ' ') << '|';
    spaces = gantt;
    cout << "\n+";
    while (!spaces.empty()) {
        cout << string(to_string(spaces.front().p_no).length() + (spaces.front().p_no != -1) + 2 * spaces.front().temp_BT, '-') << "+";
    spaces = gantt;
    cout << "\n0";
    while (!spaces.empty()) {
        temp = to_string(spaces.front().CT).length();
        cout << string(to_string(spaces.front().p_no).length() + (spaces.front().p_no != -1) + 2 * spaces.front().temp_BT - temp / 2 - prev, ' ')
             << spaces.front().CT;
        prev = temp / 2 - temp % 2 == 0;
    cout << "\n\n";
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Initialise Ready and Completion Queue
    priority_queue<process> ready_queue, completion_queue;
    // queue for Gantt Chart
    queue<process> gantt;
    // Time quantum for round robin
    int tq = 2;
    ready_queue = set_sample_data();
    // Function call to find completion data
    completion_queue = RR_run(ready_queue, tq, &gantt);
    // Display Completion Queue
    disp(completion_queue, false);
    cout << "\nTime Quantum for round robin :- " << tq << endl;
    // Display Gantt Chart
    return 0;


| Process No. | Arrival Time | Burst Time | Completion Time | Turnaround Time | Waiting Time | Response Time |
|     1       |      0       |     4      |       8         |       8         |      4       |      0        |
|     2       |      1       |     2      |       4         |       3         |      1       |      1        |
|     3       |      2       |     3      |       16        |       14        |      11      |      2        |
|     4       |      3       |     5      |       23        |       20        |      15      |      5        |
|     5       |      4       |     1      |       11        |       7         |      6       |      6        |
|     6       |      5       |     4      |       20        |       15        |      11      |      6        |
|     7       |      6       |     6      |       25        |       19        |      13      |      7        |

Total completion time :- 107
Average completion time :- 15.2857

Total turnaround time :- 86
Average turnaround time :- 12.2857

Total waiting time :- 61
Average waiting time :- 8.71429

Total response time :- 27
Average response time :- 3.85714

Time Quantum for round robin :- 2

Gantt Chart (IS indicates ideal state) :- 

|  P1  |  P2  |  P3  |  P1  |  P4  | P5 |  P6  |  P7  | P3 |  P4  |  P6  |  P7  | P4 |  P7  |
0      2      4      6      8     10   11     13     15   16     18     20     22   23     25


// C++ implementation of the Priority Based(Preemptive) algorithm
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;
class process {
    pid_t p_no = 0;
    time_t start_AT = 0, AT = 0,
           BT_left = 0, BT = 0, temp_BT = 0,
           CT = 0, TAT = 0, WT = 0, RT = 0;
    int priority = 0;
    // Function for completion time
    void set_CT(time_t time)
        CT = time;
    // Function for Turn Around Time
    void set_TAT()
        TAT = CT - start_AT;
    // Function for Waiting Time
    void set_WT()
        WT = TAT - BT;
    void P_set()
        start_AT = AT;
        BT_left = BT;
    void set_RT(time_t time)
        RT = time - start_AT;
    // Overload operator '<' w.r.t arrival
    // time because arrival time is the
    // first priority even greater than
    // priority of process and priority_queue
    // pops out the greatest value first
    // so we need to replace '<' with '>' inorder
    // to pop out smallest value
    friend bool operator<(const process& a, const process& b)
        return a.AT > b.AT;
// Function to implement pop_index()
process pop_index(priority_queue<process>* main_queue,
                  int index)
    priority_queue<process> rm_index;
    int i;
    process p;
    switch (index) {
    case 0:
        p = (*main_queue).top();
        for (i = 0; i < index; i++) {
        p = (*main_queue).top();
        while (!(*main_queue).empty()) {
        (*main_queue) = rm_index;
    return p;
// Function to implement maximum priority w.r.t
//priority and also 2nd argument has boolean
//variable because we need to specify
// True=highest number as highest priority
// False=lowest number as highest priority
int max_priority(priority_queue<process> main_priority_queue,
                 int limit, bool high)
    int max = -1;
    if (high == 1) {
        while (!main_priority_queue.empty()
               && main_priority_queue.top().AT <= limit) {
            if (main_priority_queue.top().priority > max)
                max = main_priority_queue.top().priority;
    else {
        while (!main_priority_queue.empty()
               && main_priority_queue.top().AT <= limit) {
            if (max == -1 || main_priority_queue.top().priority < max)
                max = main_priority_queue.top().priority;
    return max;
// Function to implement maximum priority index
int max_priority_index(priority_queue<process> main_queue, int limit, bool high)
    int max = -1, i = 0, index = 0;
    if (high == 1) {
        while (!main_queue.empty() && main_queue.top().AT <= limit) {
            if (main_queue.top().priority > max) {
                max = main_queue.top().priority;
                index = i;
    else {
        while (!main_queue.empty()
               && main_queue.top().AT <= limit) {
            if (max == -1 || main_queue.top().priority < max) {
                max = main_queue.top().priority;
                index = i;
    return index;
// Function to implement priority based Preemptive scheduling
priority_queue<process> Priority_P_run(priority_queue<process> ready_queue, queue<process>* gantt, bool high)
    int temp;
    priority_queue<process> completion_queue;
    process p;
    time_t clock = 0;
    if (high == 1) {
        while (!ready_queue.empty()) {
            while (clock < ready_queue.top().AT) {
            if (p.temp_BT > 0) {
                p.p_no = -1;
                p.CT = clock;
            p = pop_index(&ready_queue,
                          max_priority_index(ready_queue, clock, high));
            if (p.AT == p.start_AT)
            while (p.BT_left > 0
                   && (ready_queue.empty()
                       || clock < ready_queue.top().AT
                       || p.priority >= max_priority(ready_queue, clock, high))) {
            if (p.BT_left == 0) {
                p.AT = p.start_AT;
                p.temp_BT = 0;
            else {
                p.AT = clock;
                p.CT = clock;
                p.temp_BT = 0;
    else {
        while (!ready_queue.empty()) {
            while (clock < ready_queue.top().AT) {
            if (p.temp_BT > 0) {
                p.p_no = -1;
                p.CT = clock;
            p = pop_index(&ready_queue,
                                             clock, high));
            if (p.AT == p.start_AT)
            temp = max_priority(ready_queue, clock, high);
            while (p.BT_left > 0 && (ready_queue.empty()
                                     || clock < ready_queue.top().AT
                                     || p.priority <= max_priority(ready_queue, clock, high))) {
            if (p.BT_left == 0) {
                p.AT = p.start_AT;
                p.temp_BT = 0;
            else {
                p.AT = clock;
                p.CT = clock;
                p.temp_BT = 0;
    return completion_queue;
// Set data on the basis of given table
priority_queue<process> set_sample_data()
    priority_queue<process> ready_queue;
    process temp;
    temp.AT = 0;
    temp.BT = 4;
    temp.priority = 2;
    temp.p_no = 1;
    temp.AT = 1;
    temp.BT = 2;
    temp.priority = 4;
    temp.p_no = 2;
    temp.AT = 2;
    temp.BT = 3;
    temp.priority = 6;
    temp.p_no = 3;
    temp.AT = 3;
    temp.BT = 5;
    temp.priority = 10;
    temp.p_no = 4;
    temp.AT = 4;
    temp.BT = 1;
    temp.priority = 8;
    temp.p_no = 5;
    temp.AT = 5;
    temp.BT = 4;
    temp.priority = 12;
    temp.p_no = 6;
    temp.AT = 6;
    temp.BT = 6;
    temp.priority = 9;
    temp.p_no = 7;
    return ready_queue;
// Function to get total Waiting Time
double get_total_WT(priority_queue<process> processes)
    double total = 0;
    while (!processes.empty()) {
        total += processes.top().WT;
    return total;
// Function to get total Turn Around Time
double get_total_TAT(priority_queue<process> processes)
    double total = 0;
    while (!processes.empty()) {
        total += processes.top().TAT;
    return total;
// Function to get total Completion Time
double get_total_CT(priority_queue<process> processes)
    double total = 0;
    while (!processes.empty()) {
        total += processes.top().CT;
    return total;
// Function to get total Response Time
double get_total_RT(priority_queue<process> processes)
    double total = 0;
    while (!processes.empty()) {
        total += processes.top().RT;
    return total;
// Function to display main queue
void disp(priority_queue<process> main_queue, bool high)
    int i = 0, temp, size = main_queue.size();
    priority_queue<process> tempq = main_queue;
    double temp1;
    cout << "+-------------+--------------";
    cout << "+------------+-----------------";
    cout << "+-----------------+--------------+---------------+";
    if (high == true)
        cout << "----------+" << endl;
        cout << endl;
    cout << "| Process No. | Arrival Time ";
    cout << "| Burst Time | Completion Time ";
    cout << "| Turnaround Time | Waiting Time | Response Time |";
    if (high == true)
        cout << " Priority |" << endl;
        cout << endl;
    cout << "+-------------+--------------";
    cout << "+------------+-----------------";
    cout << "+-----------------+--------------+---------------+";
    if (high == true)
        cout << "----------+" << endl;
        cout << endl;
    while (!main_queue.empty()) {
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().p_no).length();
        cout << '|' << string(6 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().p_no << string(7 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().start_AT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().start_AT << string(7 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().BT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(6 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().BT << string(6 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().CT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(8 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().CT << string(9 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().TAT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(8 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().TAT << string(9 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().WT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().WT << string(7 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().RT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().RT << string(8 - temp / 2, ' ');
        if (high == true) {
            temp = to_string(main_queue.top().priority).length();
            cout << '|' << string(5 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
                 << main_queue.top().priority << string(5 - temp / 2, ' ');
        cout << "|\n";
    cout << "+-------------+--------------";
    cout << "+------------+-----------------";
    cout << "+-----------------+--------------+---------------+";
    if (high == true)
        cout << "----------+";
    cout << endl;
    temp1 = get_total_CT(tempq);
    cout << "\nTotal completion time :- " << temp1 << endl;
    cout << "Average completion time :- " << temp1 / size << endl;
    temp1 = get_total_TAT(tempq);
    cout << "\nTotal turnaround time :- " << temp1 << endl;
    cout << "Average turnaround time :- " << temp1 / size << endl;
    temp1 = get_total_WT(tempq);
    cout << "\nTotal waiting time :- " << temp1 << endl;
    cout << "Average waiting time :- " << temp1 / size << endl;
    temp1 = get_total_RT(tempq);
    cout << "\nTotal response time :- " << temp1 << endl;
    cout << "Average response time :- " << temp1 / size << endl;
// Function to display Gantt Chart
void disp_gantt_chart(queue<process> gantt)
    int temp, prev = 0;
    queue<process> spaces = gantt;
    cout << "\n\nGantt Chart (IS indicates ideal state) :- \n\n+";
    while (!spaces.empty()) {
        cout << string(to_string(spaces.front().p_no).length() + (spaces.front().p_no != -1) + 2 * spaces.front().temp_BT, '-') << "+";
    cout << "\n|";
    spaces = gantt;
    while (!spaces.empty()) {
        cout << string(spaces.front().temp_BT, ' ');
        if (spaces.front().p_no == -1)
            cout << "IS" << string(spaces.front().temp_BT, ' ') << '|';
            cout << "P" << spaces.front().p_no
                 << string(spaces.front().temp_BT, ' ') << '|';
    spaces = gantt;
    cout << "\n+";
    while (!spaces.empty()) {
        cout << string(to_string(spaces.front().p_no).length() + (spaces.front().p_no != -1) + 2 * spaces.front().temp_BT, '-')
             << "+";
    spaces = gantt;
    cout << "\n0";
    while (!spaces.empty()) {
        temp = to_string(spaces.front().CT).length();
        cout << string(to_string(spaces.front().p_no).length() + (spaces.front().p_no != -1) + 2 * spaces.front().temp_BT - temp / 2 - prev, ' ')
             << spaces.front().CT;
        prev = temp / 2 - temp % 2 == 0;
    cout << "\n\n";
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Initialise Ready and Completion Queue
    priority_queue<process> ready_queue, completion_queue;
    // queue for Gantt Chart
    queue<process> gantt;
    ready_queue = set_sample_data();
    // Function call to find completion data
//3rd argument has true passed becuase we have set
//highest number = highest priority
    completion_queue = Priority_P_run(ready_queue, &gantt, true);
    // Display Completion Queue as true in
//2nd argument to display priority
    disp(completion_queue, true);
    // Display Gantt Chart
    return 0;


| Process No. | Arrival Time | Burst Time | Completion Time | Turnaround Time | Waiting Time | Response Time | Priority |
|     1       |      0       |     4      |       25        |       25        |      21      |      0        |    2     |
|     2       |      1       |     2      |       22        |       21        |      19      |      0        |    4     |
|     3       |      2       |     3      |       21        |       19        |      16      |      0        |    6     |
|     4       |      3       |     5      |       12        |       9         |      4       |      0        |    10    |
|     5       |      4       |     1      |       19        |       15        |      14      |      14       |    8     |
|     6       |      5       |     4      |       9         |       4         |      0       |      0        |    12    |
|     7       |      6       |     6      |       18        |       12        |      6       |      6        |    9     |

Total completion time :- 126
Average completion time :- 18

Total turnaround time :- 105
Average turnaround time :- 15

Total waiting time :- 80
Average waiting time :- 11.4286

Total response time :- 20
Average response time :- 2.85714

Gantt Chart (IS indicates ideal state) :- 

| P1 | P2 | P3 |  P4  |    P6    |   P4   |      P7      | P5 |  P3  | P2 |   P1   |
0    1    2    3      5          9       12             18   19     21   22       25


// C++ implementation of the Priority Based(Non-Preemptive) algorithm
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;
class process {
    pid_t p_no = 0;
    time_t start_AT = 0, AT = 0,
           BT_left = 0, BT = 0, temp_BT = 0,
           CT = 0, TAT = 0, WT = 0, RT = 0;
    int priority = 0;
    // Function for completion time
    void set_CT(time_t time)
        CT = time;
    // Function for Turn Around Time
    void set_TAT()
        TAT = CT - start_AT;
    // Function for Waiting Time
    void set_WT()
        WT = TAT - BT;
    void P_set()
        start_AT = AT;
        BT_left = BT;
    void set_RT(time_t time)
        RT = time - start_AT;
    // Overload operator '<' w.r.t arrival
    // time because arrival time is the
    // first priority even greater than
    // priority of process and priority_queue
    // pops out the greatest value first
    // so we need to replace '<' with '>' inorder
    // to pop out smallest value
    friend bool operator<(const process& a, const process& b)
        return a.AT > b.AT;
// Function to implement pop_index()
process pop_index(priority_queue<process>* main_queue,
                  int index)
    priority_queue<process> rm_index;
    int i;
    process p;
    switch (index) {
    case 0:
        p = (*main_queue).top();
        for (i = 0; i < index; i++) {
        p = (*main_queue).top();
        while (!(*main_queue).empty()) {
        (*main_queue) = rm_index;
    return p;
//Function to implement maximum priority w.r.t clock limit
// and 3rd parameter as bool because we need true = highest
//number as highest and false as lowest number as highest priority
int max_priority(priority_queue<process> main_priority_queue,
                 int limit, bool high)
    int max = -1;
    if (high == 1) {
        while (!main_priority_queue.empty()
               && main_priority_queue.top().AT <= limit) {
            if (main_priority_queue.top().priority > max)
                max = main_priority_queue.top().priority;
    else {
        while (!main_priority_queue.empty()
               && main_priority_queue.top().AT <= limit) {
            if (max == -1 || main_priority_queue.top().priority < max)
                max = main_priority_queue.top().priority;
    return max;
// Function to implement maximum priority index
int max_priority_index(priority_queue<process> main_queue, int limit, bool high)
    int max = -1, i = 0, index = 0;
    if (high == 1) {
        while (!main_queue.empty() && main_queue.top().AT <= limit) {
            if (main_queue.top().priority > max) {
                max = main_queue.top().priority;
                index = i;
    else {
        while (!main_queue.empty()
               && main_queue.top().AT <= limit) {
            if (max == -1 || main_queue.top().priority < max) {
                max = main_queue.top().priority;
                index = i;
    return index;
// Function to implement priority based Preemptive scheduling
priority_queue<process> Priority_NP_run(priority_queue<process> ready_queue,
                                        queue<process>* gantt, bool high)
    priority_queue<process> completion_queue;
    process p;
    time_t clock = 0;
    if (high == 1) {
        while (!ready_queue.empty()) {
            while (clock < ready_queue.top().AT) {
            if (p.temp_BT > 0) {
                p.p_no = -1;
                p.CT = clock;
            p = pop_index(&ready_queue,
                                             clock, high));
            while (p.BT_left > 0) {
            p.temp_BT = 0;
    else {
        while (!ready_queue.empty()) {
            while (clock < ready_queue.top().AT) {
            if (p.temp_BT > 0) {
                p.p_no = -1;
                p.CT = clock;
            p = pop_index(&ready_queue,
                                             clock, high));
            while (p.BT_left > 0) {
            p.temp_BT = 0;
    return completion_queue;
// Set data on the basis of given table
priority_queue<process> set_sample_data()
    priority_queue<process> ready_queue;
    process temp;
    temp.AT = 0;
    temp.BT = 4;
    temp.priority = 2;
    temp.p_no = 1;
    temp.AT = 1;
    temp.BT = 2;
    temp.priority = 4;
    temp.p_no = 2;
    temp.AT = 2;
    temp.BT = 3;
    temp.priority = 6;
    temp.p_no = 3;
    temp.AT = 3;
    temp.BT = 5;
    temp.priority = 10;
    temp.p_no = 4;
    temp.AT = 4;
    temp.BT = 1;
    temp.priority = 8;
    temp.p_no = 5;
    temp.AT = 5;
    temp.BT = 4;
    temp.priority = 12;
    temp.p_no = 6;
    temp.AT = 6;
    temp.BT = 6;
    temp.priority = 9;
    temp.p_no = 7;
    return ready_queue;
// Function to get total Waiting Time
double get_total_WT(priority_queue<process> processes)
    double total = 0;
    while (!processes.empty()) {
        total += processes.top().WT;
    return total;
// Function to get total Turn Around Time
double get_total_TAT(priority_queue<process> processes)
    double total = 0;
    while (!processes.empty()) {
        total += processes.top().TAT;
    return total;
// Function to get total Completion Time
double get_total_CT(priority_queue<process> processes)
    double total = 0;
    while (!processes.empty()) {
        total += processes.top().CT;
    return total;
// Function to get total Response Time
double get_total_RT(priority_queue<process> processes)
    double total = 0;
    while (!processes.empty()) {
        total += processes.top().RT;
    return total;
// Function to display main queue
void disp(priority_queue<process> main_queue, bool high)
    int i = 0, temp, size = main_queue.size();
    priority_queue<process> tempq = main_queue;
    double temp1;
    cout << "+-------------+--------------";
    cout << "+------------+-----------------";
    cout << "+-----------------+--------------+---------------+";
    if (high == true)
        cout << "----------+" << endl;
        cout << endl;
    cout << "| Process No. | Arrival Time ";
    cout << "| Burst Time | Completion Time ";
    cout << "| Turnaround Time | Waiting Time | Response Time |";
    if (high == true)
        cout << " Priority |" << endl;
        cout << endl;
    cout << "+-------------+--------------";
    cout << "+------------+-----------------";
    cout << "+-----------------+--------------+---------------+";
    if (high == true)
        cout << "----------+" << endl;
        cout << endl;
    while (!main_queue.empty()) {
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().p_no).length();
        cout << '|' << string(6 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().p_no << string(7 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().start_AT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().start_AT << string(7 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().BT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(6 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().BT << string(6 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().CT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(8 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().CT << string(9 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().TAT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(8 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().TAT << string(9 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().WT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().WT << string(7 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().RT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().RT << string(8 - temp / 2, ' ');
        if (high == true) {
            temp = to_string(main_queue.top().priority).length();
            cout << '|' << string(5 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
                 << main_queue.top().priority << string(5 - temp / 2, ' ');
        cout << "|\n";
    cout << "+-------------+--------------";
    cout << "+------------+-----------------";
    cout << "+-----------------+--------------+---------------+";
    if (high == true)
        cout << "----------+";
    cout << endl;
    temp1 = get_total_CT(tempq);
    cout << "\nTotal completion time :- " << temp1 << endl;
    cout << "Average completion time :- " << temp1 / size << endl;
    temp1 = get_total_TAT(tempq);
    cout << "\nTotal turnaround time :- " << temp1 << endl;
    cout << "Average turnaround time :- " << temp1 / size << endl;
    temp1 = get_total_WT(tempq);
    cout << "\nTotal waiting time :- " << temp1 << endl;
    cout << "Average waiting time :- " << temp1 / size << endl;
    temp1 = get_total_RT(tempq);
    cout << "\nTotal response time :- " << temp1 << endl;
    cout << "Average response time :- " << temp1 / size << endl;
// Function to display Gantt Chart
void disp_gantt_chart(queue<process> gantt)
    int temp, prev = 0;
    queue<process> spaces = gantt;
    cout << "\n\nGantt Chart (IS indicates ideal state) :- \n\n+";
    while (!spaces.empty()) {
        cout << string(to_string(spaces.front().p_no).length() + (spaces.front().p_no != -1) + 2 * spaces.front().temp_BT, '-') << "+";
    cout << "\n|";
    spaces = gantt;
    while (!spaces.empty()) {
        cout << string(spaces.front().temp_BT, ' ');
        if (spaces.front().p_no == -1)
            cout << "IS" << string(spaces.front().temp_BT, ' ') << '|';
            cout << "P" << spaces.front().p_no
                 << string(spaces.front().temp_BT, ' ') << '|';
    spaces = gantt;
    cout << "\n+";
    while (!spaces.empty()) {
        cout << string(to_string(spaces.front().p_no).length() + (spaces.front().p_no != -1) + 2 * spaces.front().temp_BT, '-')
             << "+";
    spaces = gantt;
    cout << "\n0";
    while (!spaces.empty()) {
        temp = to_string(spaces.front().CT).length();
        cout << string(to_string(spaces.front().p_no).length() + (spaces.front().p_no != -1) + 2 * spaces.front().temp_BT - temp / 2 - prev, ' ')
             << spaces.front().CT;
        prev = temp / 2 - temp % 2 == 0;
    cout << "\n\n";
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Initialise Ready and Completion Queue
    priority_queue<process> ready_queue, completion_queue;
    // queue for Gantt Chart
    queue<process> gantt;
    ready_queue = set_sample_data();
    // Function call to find completion data
//and true is passed as 3rd argument because we
//are considering highest number as highest priority
    completion_queue = Priority_NP_run(ready_queue, &gantt, true);
    // Display Completion Queue
    disp(completion_queue, true);
    // Display Gantt Chart
    return 0;


| Process No. | Arrival Time | Burst Time | Completion Time | Turnaround Time | Waiting Time | Response Time | Priority |
|     1       |      0       |     4      |       4         |       4         |      0       |      0        |    2     |
|     2       |      1       |     2      |       25        |       24        |      22      |      22       |    4     |
|     3       |      2       |     3      |       23        |       21        |      18      |      18       |    6     |
|     4       |      3       |     5      |       9         |       6         |      1       |      1        |    10    |
|     5       |      4       |     1      |       20        |       16        |      15      |      15       |    8     |
|     6       |      5       |     4      |       13        |       8         |      4       |      4        |    12    |
|     7       |      6       |     6      |       19        |       13        |      7       |      7        |    9     |

Total completion time :- 113
Average completion time :- 16.1429

Total turnaround time :- 92
Average turnaround time :- 13.1429

Total waiting time :- 67
Average waiting time :- 9.57143

Total response time :- 67
Average response time :- 9.57143

Gantt Chart (IS indicates ideal state) :- 

|    P1    |     P4     |    P6    |      P7      | P5 |   P3   |  P2  |
0          4            9         13             19   20       23     25


// C++ implementation of the HRRN Scheduling
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;
class process {
    pid_t p_no = 0;
    time_t start_AT = 0, AT = 0,
           BT_left = 0, BT = 0, temp_BT = 0,
           CT = 0, TAT = 0, WT = 0, RT = 0;
    int priority = 0;
    // Function for completion time
    void set_CT(time_t time)
        CT = time;
    // Function for Turn Around Time
    void set_TAT()
        TAT = CT - start_AT;
    // Function for Waiting Time
    void set_WT()
        WT = TAT - BT;
    void P_set()
        start_AT = AT;
        BT_left = BT;
    void set_RT(time_t time)
        RT = time - start_AT;
    // Overload operator '<' w.r.t arrival
    // time because arrival time is the
    // first priority even greater than
    // priority of process and priority_queue
    // pops out the greatest value first
    // so we need to replace '<' with '>' inorder
    // to pop out smallest value
    friend bool operator<(const process& a, const process& b)
        return a.AT > b.AT;
// Function to implement pop_index()
process pop_index(priority_queue<process>* main_queue,
                  int index)
    priority_queue<process> rm_index;
    int i;
    process p;
    switch (index) {
    case 0:
        p = (*main_queue).top();
        for (i = 0; i < index; i++) {
        p = (*main_queue).top();
        while (!(*main_queue).empty()) {
        (*main_queue) = rm_index;
    return p;
// Function to implement maximum Response Ratio
// index w.r.t clock limit for arrival time
int max_response_ratio_index(priority_queue<process> ready_queue,
                             time_t limit)
    int index, i = 0;
    double response_ratio = 0, max = 0;
    while (!ready_queue.empty()
           && ready_queue.top().AT <= limit) {
        response_ratio = ((double)(limit - ready_queue.top().AT) + ready_queue.top().BT_left) / ready_queue.top().BT_left;
        if (response_ratio > max) {
            max = response_ratio;
            index = i;
    return index;
// Function to implement HRRN Scheduling
priority_queue<process> HRRN_run(priority_queue<process> ready_queue,
                                 queue<process>* gantt)
    priority_queue<process> completion_queue;
    process p;
    time_t clock = 0;
    while (!ready_queue.empty()) {
        while (clock < ready_queue.top().AT) {
        if (p.temp_BT > 0) {
            p.p_no = -1;
            p.CT = clock;
        p = pop_index(&ready_queue,
        while (p.BT_left > 0) {
        p.temp_BT = 0;
    return completion_queue;
// Set data on the basis of given table
priority_queue<process> set_sample_data()
    priority_queue<process> ready_queue;
    process temp;
    temp.AT = 0;
    temp.BT = 4;
    temp.priority = 2;
    temp.p_no = 1;
    temp.AT = 1;
    temp.BT = 2;
    temp.priority = 4;
    temp.p_no = 2;
    temp.AT = 2;
    temp.BT = 3;
    temp.priority = 6;
    temp.p_no = 3;
    temp.AT = 3;
    temp.BT = 5;
    temp.priority = 10;
    temp.p_no = 4;
    temp.AT = 4;
    temp.BT = 1;
    temp.priority = 8;
    temp.p_no = 5;
    temp.AT = 5;
    temp.BT = 4;
    temp.priority = 12;
    temp.p_no = 6;
    temp.AT = 6;
    temp.BT = 6;
    temp.priority = 9;
    temp.p_no = 7;
    return ready_queue;
// Function to get total Waiting Time
double get_total_WT(priority_queue<process> processes)
    double total = 0;
    while (!processes.empty()) {
        total += processes.top().WT;
    return total;
// Function to get total Turn Around Time
double get_total_TAT(priority_queue<process> processes)
    double total = 0;
    while (!processes.empty()) {
        total += processes.top().TAT;
    return total;
// Function to get total Completion Time
double get_total_CT(priority_queue<process> processes)
    double total = 0;
    while (!processes.empty()) {
        total += processes.top().CT;
    return total;
// Function to get total Response Time
double get_total_RT(priority_queue<process> processes)
    double total = 0;
    while (!processes.empty()) {
        total += processes.top().RT;
    return total;
// Function to display main queue
void disp(priority_queue<process> main_queue, bool high)
    int i = 0, temp, size = main_queue.size();
    priority_queue<process> tempq = main_queue;
    double temp1;
    cout << "+-------------+--------------";
    cout << "+------------+-----------------";
    cout << "+-----------------+--------------+---------------+";
    if (high == true)
        cout << "----------+" << endl;
        cout << endl;
    cout << "| Process No. | Arrival Time ";
    cout << "| Burst Time | Completion Time ";
    cout << "| Turnaround Time | Waiting Time | Response Time |";
    if (high == true)
        cout << " Priority |" << endl;
        cout << endl;
    cout << "+-------------+--------------";
    cout << "+------------+-----------------";
    cout << "+-----------------+--------------+---------------+";
    if (high == true)
        cout << "----------+" << endl;
        cout << endl;
    while (!main_queue.empty()) {
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().p_no).length();
        cout << '|' << string(6 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().p_no << string(7 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().start_AT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().start_AT << string(7 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().BT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(6 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().BT << string(6 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().CT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(8 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().CT << string(9 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().TAT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(8 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().TAT << string(9 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().WT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().WT << string(7 - temp / 2, ' ');
        temp = to_string(main_queue.top().RT).length();
        cout << '|' << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
             << main_queue.top().RT << string(8 - temp / 2, ' ');
        if (high == true) {
            temp = to_string(main_queue.top().priority).length();
            cout << '|' << string(5 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
                 << main_queue.top().priority << string(5 - temp / 2, ' ');
        cout << "|\n";
    cout << "+-------------+--------------";
    cout << "+------------+-----------------";
    cout << "+-----------------+--------------+---------------+";
    if (high == true)
        cout << "----------+";
    cout << endl;
    temp1 = get_total_CT(tempq);
    cout << "\nTotal completion time :- " << temp1 << endl;
    cout << "Average completion time :- " << temp1 / size << endl;
    temp1 = get_total_TAT(tempq);
    cout << "\nTotal turnaround time :- " << temp1 << endl;
    cout << "Average turnaround time :- " << temp1 / size << endl;
    temp1 = get_total_WT(tempq);
    cout << "\nTotal waiting time :- " << temp1 << endl;
    cout << "Average waiting time :- " << temp1 / size << endl;
    temp1 = get_total_RT(tempq);
    cout << "\nTotal response time :- " << temp1 << endl;
    cout << "Average response time :- " << temp1 / size << endl;
// Function to display Gantt Chart
void disp_gantt_chart(queue<process> gantt)
    int temp, prev = 0;
    queue<process> spaces = gantt;
    cout << "\n\nGantt Chart (IS indicates ideal state) :- \n\n+";
    while (!spaces.empty()) {
        cout << string(to_string(spaces.front().p_no).length() + (spaces.front().p_no != -1) + 2 * spaces.front().temp_BT, '-') << "+";
    cout << "\n|";
    spaces = gantt;
    while (!spaces.empty()) {
        cout << string(spaces.front().temp_BT, ' ');
        if (spaces.front().p_no == -1)
            cout << "IS" << string(spaces.front().temp_BT, ' ') << '|';
            cout << "P" << spaces.front().p_no
                 << string(spaces.front().temp_BT, ' ') << '|';
    spaces = gantt;
    cout << "\n+";
    while (!spaces.empty()) {
        cout << string(to_string(spaces.front().p_no).length() + (spaces.front().p_no != -1) + 2 * spaces.front().temp_BT, '-')
             << "+";
    spaces = gantt;
    cout << "\n0";
    while (!spaces.empty()) {
        temp = to_string(spaces.front().CT).length();
        cout << string(to_string(spaces.front().p_no).length() + (spaces.front().p_no != -1) + 2 * spaces.front().temp_BT - temp / 2 - prev, ' ')
             << spaces.front().CT;
        prev = temp / 2 - temp % 2 == 0;
    cout << "\n\n";
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Initialise Ready and Completion Queue
    priority_queue<process> ready_queue, completion_queue;
    // queue for Gantt Chart
    queue<process> gantt;
    ready_queue = set_sample_data();
    // Function call to find completion data
    completion_queue = HRRN_run(ready_queue, &gantt);
    // Display Completion Queue
    disp(completion_queue, false);
    // Display Gantt Chart
    return 0;


| Process No. | Arrival Time | Burst Time | Completion Time | Turnaround Time | Waiting Time | Response Time |
|     1       |      0       |     4      |       4         |       4         |      0       |      0        |
|     2       |      1       |     2      |       6         |       5         |      3       |      3        |
|     3       |      2       |     3      |       10        |       8         |      5       |      5        |
|     4       |      3       |     5      |       15        |       12        |      7       |      7        |
|     5       |      4       |     1      |       7         |       3         |      2       |      2        |
|     6       |      5       |     4      |       19        |       14        |      10      |      10       |
|     7       |      6       |     6      |       25        |       19        |      13      |      13       |

Total completion time :- 86
Average completion time :- 12.2857

Total turnaround time :- 65
Average turnaround time :- 9.28571

Total waiting time :- 40
Average waiting time :- 5.71429

Total response time :- 40
Average response time :- 5.71429

Gantt Chart (IS indicates ideal state) :- 

|    P1    |  P2  | P5 |   P3   |     P4     |    P6    |      P7      |
0          4      6    7       10           15         19             25

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