C++ STL unordered_set get_allocator() with Examples

The get_allocator() method of unordered_set is the part of Standard Template Library(STL) of C++. This method gets the stored allocator object and returns it.


allocator_type get_allocator() const;

where Allocator_type is the type of allocator used by the container.

Return Value: It returns the allocator object used to construct the container.

Exceptions: In this method, an Exception is thrown if any element comparison object throws an exception.

The below program illustrates the unordered_set::get_allocator() function

 Program 1: 


// C++ program to demonstrate
// unordered_set get_allocator()
#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_set> // Their Library
using namespace std;
int main()
    //'c' is object of 'unordered_set'
    unordered_set<int> c;
    //'allocator_type' is inherit in 'unordered_set'
    //'a' is object of 'allocator_type'
    //'get_allocator()' is member of 'unordered_set'
    unordered_set<int>::allocator_type a
        = c.get_allocator();
    // Comparing the Allocator with Pair<int, int>
    cout << "Is allocator Pair<int, int> : " << boolalpha
         << (a == allocator<pair<int, int> >());
    return 0;


Is allocator Pair<int, int> : true

Complexity: It takes constant(O(1)) time of complexity to perform an operation.

Program 2 : 


// C++ program to demonstrate
// unordered_set get_allocator()
#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map> // Their Library
using namespace std;
int main(void)
    unordered_map<char, int> um;
    pair<const char, int>* a;
    a = um.get_allocator().allocate(8);
    cout << "Allocated size = " << sizeof(*a) * 8 << endl;
    return 0;


Allocated size = 64

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