C++ Program to Implement Trading Application


Trading is a primary economic concept that involves buying and selling goods and services, along with compensation paid by a buyer to a seller. Trading applications in C++ can be a good example of understanding the basic concepts of C++. Also, It can act as a mini-projects for beginners, which can help them to enhance the concepts of C++ and also can build up their resume in the initial stage.

Problem Statement:

Build a Program in C++ forTrading applications where the operations performed are given below:

  1. Get account Information 
  2. Deposit Money
  3. Withdraw Money
  4. Buy Cryptocoins
  5. Sell Cryptocoins
  6. Check Transactions

Operations to be Performed

Trading includes knowledge about the profit loss and currencies. So the variables of the program will be as follows:

  1.  Balance of user
  2.  Profit Loss checker
  3.  Bitcoins and Dogecoin
  4.  Choice
  5.  Withdraw amount
  6.  Predict
  7.  Total equity

Now about the Operations, we will be Performing:

1. Get Account Information:

In this operation, we will Just print the information about the user account. i.e. all the variables we have to observe are profit-loss, currencies, amount, etc.

2. Deposit Money:

In deposit, we can deposit money in our account.

3. Withdraw Money:

In withdrawal, we can withdraw the money we have in our account.

4. Buy Cryptocurrencies:

We will buy crypto using this operation. We can buy either Bitcoin or Dogecoin depending on our needs. 

5. Sell Cryptocurrencies:

We will sell crypto and add the amount we get after selling to our account.

6. Check Transactions:

In this Operation, we will print all the transactions performed till now.

Code for Trading application:


// C++ Program to create
// Trading application
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Class created for binding
// all account details together
class Account {
    // Basic Variables declared
    int dogecoin, balance;
    int bitcoin;
    int deposit, withdraw;
    int total_equity = 100;
    int predict;
    int dogecoin_value;
    int bitcoin_value;
  int crypto_invest;
int crypto_return;
    // Vector declared
    vector<pair<string, int> > transactions;
    // Deposit Cash
    bool Deposit(int money)
        deposit += money;
        balance += money;
        transactions.push_back({ "Deposit:", money });
    // Get account Details
    void Get_account_information()
        cout << "Money Details:\n";
        cout << "Bank Balance:" << balance << endl;
        cout << "Dogecoin:" << dogecoin << endl;
        cout << "Bitcoin:" << bitcoin << endl;
    // Withdraw Cash
    bool Withdraw(int money)
        if (money > balance) {
            return false;
        withdraw += money;
        balance -= money;
        transactions.push_back({ "Withdraw:", money });
        return true;
    // Buy Crypto function
    bool buy_crypto()
        int option;
        cout << "Want to purchase dogecoin press 1 else "
                "for bitcoin press 2\n";
        cin >> option;
        // Checking equity
        if (total_equity != 0) {
            int luck = rand();
            // Checking if random number is divisible by
            // 251 to check (random case for buying  crypto
            // used)
            if (luck % 251 == 0) {
                if (option == 1) {
                    dogecoin += 1;
                    balance -= dogecoin_value;
                        += (dogecoin)*dogecoin_value;
                else {
                    bitcoin += 1;
                    balance -= bitcoin_value;
                    crypto_invest += bitcoin_value;
            else {
                return false;
        else {
            return false;
        return true;
    // Selling crypto function
    bool sell_crypto()
        int option;
        cout << "Want to sell dogecoin press 1 else for "
                "bitcoin press 2\n";
        cin >> option;
        if (option == 2) {
            if (bitcoin == 0)
                return false;
            crypto_return += bitcoin_value;
            balance += bitcoin_value;
                { "Bitcoin Sold:", bitcoin_value });
            bitcoin -= 1;
        else {
            if (dogecoin == 0)
                return false;
            crypto_return += dogecoin_value;
            balance += dogecoin_value;
                { "Dogecoin Sold:", dogecoin_value });
            dogecoin -= 1;
        return true;
    // Checking All Transactions
    void History()
        cout << "Displaying All transactions\n";
        for (auto it : transactions) {
            cout << it.first << " " << it.second << endl;
        char temp;
        cout << "Do you want to clear all transactions:";
        cin >> temp;
        int no = transactions.size();
        // Clearing All transactions
        if (temp == 'Y') {
            cout << "Total transactions cleared:" << no
                 << endl;
        else {
            cout << "Total transaction:" << no << endl;
        crypto_invest = 0;
        crypto_return = 0;
        total_equity = 100;
        balance = 50000;
        dogecoin = 0;
        bitcoin = 0;
        withdraw = 0;
        deposit = 0;
        dogecoin_value = 100;
        bitcoin_value = 500;
int main()
    Account person;
    int amount, choice;
    bool check;
    while (1) {
        cout << "  "
                "*****************************  \n";
        cout << endl;
        cout << "Press 1 if want to have your Account Info "
             << endl;
        cout << "Press 2 if want to Deposit your money "
             << endl;
        cout << "Press 3 if want to withdraw your money "
             << endl;
        cout << "Press 4 if want to know your history "
             << endl;
        cout << "Press 5 if want to know your Buy Crypto "
             << endl;
        cout << "Press 6 if want to know your Sell Crypto "
             << endl;
        cout << "Else press any invalid key for exit \n"
             << endl;
        cout << "  "
                "*****************************  \n";
        cin >> choice;
        int ans;
        switch (choice) {
        case 1:
        case 2:
            cout << "Enter amount to deposit : ";
            cin >> amount;
            ans = person.Deposit(amount);
            if (ans)
                cout << "Successfully deposited money"
                     << endl;
                cout << "Failed\n";
        case 3:
            cout << "Enter amount to withdrawn : ";
            cin >> amount;
            if (ans)
                cout << "Successfully withdrawn Amount"
                     << endl;
                cout << "Not Enough Balance\n";
        case 4:
        case 5:
            ans = person.buy_crypto();
            if (ans)
                cout << "Successful Transaction" << endl;
                cout << "Better Luck next time\n";
        case 6:
            ans = person.sell_crypto();
            if (ans)
                cout << "Successful Transaction" << endl;
                cout << "Not Enough Cryptocoins\n";



Press 1 if want to have your Account Info 
Press 2 if want to Deposit your money 
Press 3 if want to withdraw your money 
Press 4 if want to know your history 
Press 5 if want to know your Buy Crypto 
Press 6 if want to know your Sell Crypto 
Else press any invalid key for exit 



Reading Trading Application Output 1

Reading Trading Application Output 2

Reading Trading Application Output 3

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