List of Countries Surrounded by Red Sea

List of Countries Surrounded by the Red Sea: The Red Sea is encircled by Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti, Israel, and Jordan. Each country contributes different cultures and landscapes offering a rich tapestry of diversity and scenic beauty. It spans approximately 1,200 miles and reaches depths of over 9,800 feet.

The Red Sea connects the Indian Ocean with the Atlantic Ocean through the Arabian Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the Bab el Mandeb Strait, the Suez Canal, and the Mediterranean Sea. From the deserts of Saudi Arabia and Sudan to the ancient ruins of Egypt and the bustling ports of Djibouti and Eritrea, the Red Sea countries offer diverse and fascinating sights and experiences.

In this article, we have provided a list of countries that are surrounded by the Red Sea, along with a map showing the surrounding countries.

Table of Content

  • About the Red Sea
  • List of Countries Surrounded by the Red Sea
  • Map of the Red Sea showing Surrounding Countries
  • 1. Saudi Arabia
  • 2. Yemen
  • 3. Egypt
  • 4. Sudan
  • 5. Eritrea
  • 6. Djibouti
  • 7. Israel
  • 8. Jordan
  • Importance of the Red Sea with the Surrounded Countries
  • Current Crisis in the Red Sea

About the Red Sea

The Red Sea is a narrow strip of water that lies between the continents of Africa and Asia. On its eastern shore lie the nations of Saudi Arabia and Yemen, while on the western shore, Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea, and Djibouti. Additionally, Israel gains access to the Red Sea through its port in Eilat, while Jordan’s connection lies through the Gulf of Aqaba, specifically Aqaba port. It connected to the Indian Ocean in the south through the Bab el Mandeb Strait and the Gulf of Aden. In the north, it connects with, the Sinai Peninsula, the Gulf of Aqaba, and the Gulf of Suez. It boasts high salinity levels, around 40 parts per thousand, making it one of the saltiest bodies of water on Earth. This unique environment sustains a diverse ecosystem of coral reefs, colorful fish, and other marine life. The Red Sea attracted divers and snorkelers from around the world. The Red Sea has historical significance as a vital trade route since ancient times, connecting the Mediterranean Sea to the Indian Ocean. It has strategic importance due to its location, connecting the Indian Ocean with the Atlantic Ocean via the Suez Canal. The region relies heavily on industries such as fishing, tourism, and shipping, making the Red Sea an essential economic lifeline for the surrounding nations.

List of Countries Surrounded by the Red Sea

Here’s a table listing the countries surrounding the Red Sea along with their respective lengths of coastline connected to the sea:

Country Length of Coastline Connected to the Red Sea
Saudi Arabia Approximately 2,640 kilometers
Yemen Approximately 1,906 kilometers
Egypt Approximately 1,906 kilometers
Sudan Approximately 853 kilometers
Eritrea Approximately 1,151 kilometers
Djibouti Approximately 316 kilometers
Israel Approximately 273 kilometers
Jordan Approximately 26 kilometers

Map of the Red Sea showing Surrounding Countries

The map of the Red Sea region depicts a significant body of water bordered by several countries in the Middle East and East Africa. In the following map highlighting the countries surrounding by the Red Sea.

Red Sea Map

1. Saudi Arabia

  • Coastline Length: Saudi Arabia’s coastline stretches for about 2,640 kilometers.
  • Geopolitical Importance: Most of the eastern coast of the Red sea controlled by Saudi Arabia.This position is strategic, near the Bab el Mandeb Strait.
  • Economy:The economy of Saudi Arabia depends heavily on oil exports and industrial activities.. Key ports help in facilitating trade.
  • Tourism: Developing coastal resorts and diving sites along the Red Sea.It contributes to the tourism sector.
  • Security: The region plays a significant role in regional security dynamics. There’s a strong military presence to safeguard maritime interests.

2. Yemen

  • Coastline Length:Yemen’s coastline stretches for about 1,906 kilometers.
  • Strategic Location: Southern coast provides access to the Bab el Mandeb Strait.It is a crucial chokepoint for maritime trade.
  • Challenges:However, Yemen faces challenges. Political instability and ongoing conflict disrupt many things. This includes maritime activities and building infrastructure.
  • Economy: Yemen’s economy relies on fishing and some trade along the Red Sea coast. But the conflicts make it hard for the economy to grow.
  • Environmental Impact: The environment suffers too. Pollution and overfishing are big problems. They harm coral reefs and marine life. This is a big concern for Yemen’s future.

3. Egypt

  • Coastline Length: Egypt’s coastline stretches for about 1,906 kilometers.
  • Historical Significance:Ancient civilizations thrived along the Red Sea coast.In the past ports served as vital trade hubs.
  • Economy: Suez Canal revenues and tourism are important for Egypt’s economy.Tourism along the Red Sea coast contributes significantly.
  • Environmental Conservation: Efforts are made to preserve coral reefs and marine ecosystems through protected areas and conservation initiatives.
  • Strategic Importance: The Red Sea coast has historical significance.It’s been witness to trade and cultural exchanges.Egypt’s control over the Sinai Peninsula is strategic.It influences regional security dynamics.The Sinai Peninsula holds crucial geopolitical importance.It’s a key location for Egypt’s defense strategies.These factors collectively shape Egypt’s coastal landscape.

4. Sudan

  • Coastline Length:Sudan’s coastlines stretches for about 853 kilometers.
  • Resource Potential:Along the Red Sea coast, there are valuable fishing areas and possible oil reserves.
  • Development Challenges:But, there are difficulties in developing the coast due to poor infrastructure and few economic chances.
  • Economy:The Red Sea is a trade route between Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. The Red Sea ports are a trade hub for neighboring landlocked countries like Chad, Ethiopia, and central Africa. Port Sudan is Sudan’s main seaport and the source of 90% of the country’s international trade.
  • Maritime Security: Faces piracy threats in the Red Sea, impacting maritime activities and security.
  • Diplomatic Relations: Balances relations with neighboring countries while navigating regional conflicts.

5. Eritrea

  • Coastline Length: Eritrea’s coastlines stretches for about 1,151 kilometers.Eritrea is located in the Horn of Africa and borders the Red Sea to the northeast and east.
  • Strategic Importance: Access to the Bab el Mandeb Strait, positioning Eritrea as a key player in regional trade dynamics.There are over 80.000 archeological sites throughout Eritrea.It is consider as the world’s archeological Eden.
  • Economic Challenges: Political isolation and limited development opportunities hinder economic growth along the coast.
  • Maritime Resources: Rich fishing grounds and potential for maritime trade development, though underutilized.
  • Security Concerns: Regional conflicts and tensions impact stability and maritime security efforts.

6. Djibouti

  • Coastline Length:Djibouti’s coastlines stretches for about 316 kilometers.
  • Strategic Hub: Key maritime and logistics center for the region, hosting various international military bases.
  • Economic Growth:Djibouti’s economic growth relies on port services and transit trade.These contribute significantly to its development.
  • Geopolitical Dynamics: Balances relations with global powers while maintaining regional stability and security.
  • Environmental Conservation: Efforts to protect marine ecosystems and coastal areas from pollution and degradation.

7. Israel

  • Coastline Length: Israel has a coastline that stretches for about 273 kilometers.
  • Strategic Access: The Port of Eilat in Israel is strategically important because it gives the country access to the Red Sea.This access is crucial for trade and other maritime activities.
  • Military Presence: Israel also uses its military to monitor activities along its coastline, especially to protect itself from potential threats.
  • Tourism: Along the Red Sea coast, Israel promotes tourism, particularly for diving and beach-related activities. This helps boost Israel’s tourism industry.
  • Geopolitical Relations: Israel maintains diplomatic and security relationships with neighboring countries, managing tensions in the region.

8. Jordan

  • Coastline Length: Jordan’s has a coastline that stretches for about 26 kilometers.
  • Access Point: The Port of Aqaba is the main entry point for Jordan to the Red Sea. It helps with trade and maritime activities.
  • Economic Hub: Major trade route for Jordan and landlocked countries in the region, supporting economic growth and development.
  • Tourism: Offers resort destinations and diving opportunities along the Red Sea coast, contributing to Jordan’s tourism sector.
  • Security Concerns:However, there are security worries due to regional instability. So, security measures are needed to protect maritime interests and infrastructure.

Importance of the Red Sea with the Surrounded Countries

The Red Sea plays a vital role in the economic, social, and strategic interests of the countries bordering it.The Red Sea is a geopolitically important region that connects three continents and is a vital shipping route between Asia and Europe. The surrounding countries, such as Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti, Israel and Jordan, add to its strategic value. The Red Sea holds significant importance for the surrounding countries due to several reasons:

  1. Trade: It serves as a crucial maritime trade route, connecting Europe, Africa, and Asia. Goods transported through the Red Sea contribute to the economies of the countries bordering it and those with access to it.
  2. Economic Development: Access to the Red Sea enables countries to engage in maritime commerce, which supports economic development through trade, investment, and job creation.
  3. Natural Resources: The Red Sea is rich in marine resources, including fisheries and potentially oil and gas reserves, which can contribute to the economic prosperity of the surrounding nations.
  4. Tourism: The Red Sea’s coastline offers attractive destinations for tourism, including beaches, resorts, and recreational activities such as diving and snorkeling.The Red Sea is a luxury regenerative tourism destination along the west coast of Saudi Arabia. This tourism sector generates revenue and employment opportunities for the countries bordering the Red Sea.
  5. Geopolitical Significance: The Red Sea’s strategic location influences geopolitics in the region. Control over access points and maritime routes can affect political dynamics and security considerations for the surrounding countries and other global powers.
  6. Security: Ensuring the security of the Red Sea is crucial for the stability and prosperity of the surrounding nations. Issues such as piracy, smuggling, and regional conflicts can disrupt maritime activities and threaten the safety of coastal communities.

Current Crisis in the Red Sea

Since November 2023, Yemen’s Ansar Allah, also known as the Houthis, has been launching missile and drone attacks on commercial ships.The attacks started as a response to Israel’s war on Gaza.

Houthi Movement

The Houthis are a group in Yemen supported by Iran.They control parts of Yemen and are conducting attacks in the Red Sea region.

Impact of the Crisis

Disrupted shipping to Israel and local trade.Major shipping companies have stopped their ships from passing through the Red Sea.At least 10 ships have been damaged due to the attacks.Hundreds of vessels are avoiding the Suez Canal, a crucial waterway.

Global Consequences

The crisis threatens a vital maritime route used for a significant portion of global container traffic, worth over $1 trillion annually.The disruption in shipping is causing changes in supply chain dynamics.There may be shifts in the movement of goods within Asia due to the crisis.

Conclusion – List of Countries Surrounded by Red Sea

The countries surrounded by the Red Sea play important roles in trade, tourism, and regional stability. Each of these nations, including Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Jordan, has unique cultures, economies, and challenges. Despite their differences, they share the benefits and responsibilities of being connected by this vital body of water. Understanding the significance of the Red Sea and its surrounding countries helps us appreciate the interconnectedness of our world and the importance of cooperation and dialogue among nations for mutual prosperity and peace.

FAQ’s on List of Countries Surrounded by Red Sea

Which country has the longest coastline along the Red Sea?

Saudi Arabia has the longest coastline along the Red Sea.

Which country controls the Sinai Peninsula, bordered by the Red Sea to the east?

Egypt controls the Sinai Peninsula.

Which country in East Africa has a coastline along the Red Sea?

Eritrea has a coastline along the Red Sea.

Which country in the Horn of Africa has a coastline on both the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden?

Djibouti has coastlines on both the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

Which country on the Red Sea is known for its historical sites such as Petra and the Dead Sea?

Jordan is known for its historical sites along the Red Sea.

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