List of Countries Surrounded by Caspian Sea

The list of countries surrounded by the Caspian Sea is as follows: Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran, and Azerbaijan. The Caspian Sea is located in the middle of the Eastern European and Central Asian borders. The countries that surround the Caspian Sea serve as an important diplomatic network and play a major role in trade tariffs and other important activities.

In this article, we have provided the list of countries that are surrounded by the Caspian Sea, along with their details and the map showing the Caspian Sea and surrounding countries.

Table of Content

  • List of Countries Surrounded by Caspian Sea
  • Map Showing Countries Surrounded by Caspian Sea
  • Russia
  • Kazakhstan
  • Turkmenistan
  • Iran
  • Azerbaijan

List of Countries Surrounded by Caspian Sea

The table given below has a list of 5 countries surrounding the Caspian Sea, and each country has its own historical, cultural, and economic importance concerning the Caspian Sea:

Country Capital City
Russia Moscow
Kazakhstan Nur-Sultan
Turkmenistan Ashgabat
Iran Tehran
Azerbaijan Baku

Map Showing Countries Surrounded by Caspian Sea

Countries that are surrounded by the Caspian Sea are important for the region’s geography and geopolitical relations. The Caspian Sea serves as a major channel for trade across the country that surrounds it and it is the largest inland water body of the world.

Map – Countries Surrounded by Caspian Sea


Russia is the largest country in the world, and the Caspian Sea is bounded by Russia to the northwest.

  • Astrakhan and Derbent are coastal cities in Russia along the Caspian shore.
  • Astrakhan is a vital trading and cultural hub for the country.
  • The Caspian Sea serves as an important depository for oil and gas reserves.
  • The Caspian Coastline is a source of economic prosperity for Russia.
  • The beautiful coastline along the Caspian sea in Dagestan Russia is a major tourist attraction.


Kazakhstan is located in Central Asia, and its western border is surrounded by the Caspian Sea.

  • Kazakhstan has the longest Caspian coastline compared to other countries.
  • Aktau coastal city, is the primary gateway to the Caspian Sea.
  • Caspian Sea is an important oil repository for Kazakhstan.
  • The Caspian Sea holds economic as well as cultural importance for Kazakhstan.
  • Caspian Sea links major cities and makes transportation easier.


Turkmenistan is another country in Central Asia, and it borders the southern-eastern shoreline of the Caspian Sea.

  • The shoreline of Turkmenistan is comparatively small, but its primary port city, Turkmenbashi, is an important maritime gateway.
  • The country has an efficient energy infrastructure that connects central Asia’s resources to global markets.
  • The Caspian Sea is an important natural gas reserve for Turkemenistan.
  • Turkmenbashi is Turkmenistan’s main port on the Caspian Sea.
  • Turkmenbashi is an important hub for maritime trade.


Iran borders the south of the Caspian Sea.

  • Bandar Anzali and Chalous are the major cities of Iran that are located near the Caspian Sea.
  • Throughout history, the country has been the hub of trade and cultural exchange, it connects Persia (now modern Iran) to the wider world.
  • The Caspian Sea plays a major role in its historical, cultural, and economic activities.
  • The Coastal city of Iran across Bander-e-Anzali is an important tourist spot in Iran.
  • The Caspian Sea is an important zone for fishing industry.


Azerbaijan is an oil and gas resource-rich country. It is located on the western coast of the Caspian Sea.

  • Caspian Sea is an important oil and gas reserve for Azerbaijan.
  • Baku is an important port on the Caspian Sea.
  • The location and energy source of the country led to an ambitious project named the Southern Gas Corridor.
  • The Southern Gas Corridor project aims to increase and diversify the European energy market by bringing Azerbaijani gas resources to European markets.
  • Azerbaijan’s position on the Caspian Sea gives it strategic importance in regional geopolitics and energy dynamics.

Conclusion – Countries Surrounded by Caspian Sea

The Caspian Sea is an important Sea. It acts as a major trading zone for the countries that surround it. It also makes waterway communication easier and is a location for major oil and gas reserves. It also acts as a tourist attraction thanks to its long coastline. It offers major cultural attractions and boosts trade all over the region.

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Countries Surrounded by Caspian Sea – FAQs

What countries border the Caspian Sea?

The Caspian Sea is landlocked and surrounded by five countries:

  • Russia (northwest)
  • Kazakhstan (northeast)
  • Azerbaijan (west)
  • Turkmenistan (southeast)
  • Iran (south)

Where is the Caspian Sea?

The Caspian Sea is a landlocked body of water located between Europe and Asia.

How salty is the Caspian Sea?

Caspian Sea is way less salty than oceans (around 1/3 as salty). It averages 12.8 parts per thousand, but can range from nearly freshwater in the north to super salty in the south.

How many countries are on the Caspian Sea?

There are five countries that border the Caspian Sea:

  • Russia (northwest)
  • Kazakhstan (northeast)
  • Azerbaijan (west)
  • Turkmenistan (southeast)
  • Iran (south)

Why is the Caspian Sea called a sea?

The Caspian Sea is called the sea because of its size and its saline water. Also, the Romans were the first to arrive here, they tested the water and found it to be salty, hence describing it as the sea.

Are there any islands in the Caspian Sea?

The Caspian Sea are numerous islands, with Chechen, Tyuleny, Morskoy, Kulaly, Zhiloy, and Ogurchin being the largest.

List the names of countries surrounding the Caspian Sea?

Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran, and Azerbaijan are the five countries that surround the Caspian Sea. Out of these five nations, Kazakhstan has the longest Caspian shoreline.

Which country touches the border of both the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf?

Iran is a large country located in the Middle East, and its north is bordered by the Caspian Sea, and its south by the Persian Gulf. Hence, Iran is the country that touches the border of both the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf.

Why is the Caspian Sea considered the largest lake in the world?

The Caspian Sea is the world’s largest inland water body, and it has characteristics of both seas and lakes. It has a surface area of 371,000 square kilometres, and because of its size, it is considered the world’s largest lake. It is not a freshwater lake.

What are the other names of the Caspian Sea?

Apart from its famous name, ‘the Caspian Sea’, it has several other names as well. The other names of the Caspian Sea are the Khazar Sea, Mazandaran Sea, Khvalyn Sea, etc.

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