Count of triplets in a given Array having GCD K

Given an integer array arr[] and an integer K, the task is to count all triplets whose GCD is equal to K.

Input: arr[] = {1, 4, 8, 14, 20}, K = 2 
Triplets (4, 14, 20), (8, 14, 20) and (4, 8, 14) have GCD equal to 2.
Input: arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, K = 7 


Follow the steps below to solve the problem: 

  1. Maintain an array cnt[i] which denotes the numbers of triplet in array with GCD = i.
  2. Now, to find cnt[i], first of all count all the multiples of i in the array which is stored in another array mul[i].
  3. Now select any three values from mul[i]. Number of ways of selecting three values is mul [i] C 3, store this value in cnt[i].
  4. But it also includes the triplets with GCD a multiple of i.So we Again iterate over all the multiples of i and subtract cnt[j] from cnt[i] where j is a multiple of i.
  5. Finally return cnt[K].

Below is the implementation of the above approach: 


// C++ program to count the
// number of triplets in the
// array with GCD equal to K
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int MAXN = 1e6 + 1;
// frequency array
int freq[MAXN] = { 0 };
// mul[i] stores the count
// of multiples of i
int mul[MAXN] = { 0 };
// cnt[i] stores the count
// of triplets with gcd = i
int cnt[MAXN] = { 0 };
// Return nC3
int nC3(int n)
    if (n < 3)
        return 0;
    return (n * (n - 1) * (n - 2)) / 6;
// Function to count and return
// the number of triplets in the
// array with GCD equal to K
void count_triplet(vector<int> arr,
                   int N, int K)
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        // Store frequency of
        // array elements
    for (int i = 1; i <= 1000000; i++) {
        for (int j = i; j <= 1000000;
             j += i) {
            // Store the multiples of
            // i present in the array
            mul[i] += freq[j];
        // Count triplets with gcd
        // equal to any multiple of i
        cnt[i] = nC3(mul[i]);
    // Remove all triplets which have gcd
    // equal to a multiple of i
    for (int i = 1000000; i >= 1; i--) {
        for (int j = 2 * i; j <= 1000000;
             j += i) {
            cnt[i] -= cnt[j];
    cout << "Number of triplets "
         << "with GCD " << K;
    cout << " are " << cnt[K];
// Driver Program
int main()
    vector<int> arr = { 1, 7, 12, 6,
                        15, 9 };
    int N = 6, K = 3;
    count_triplet(arr, N, K);
    return 0;


// Java program to count the
// number of triplets in the
// array with GCD equal to K
class GFG{
static int MAXN = 1000001;
// Frequency array
static int freq[] = new int[MAXN];
// mul[i] stores the count
// of multiples of i
static int mul[] = new int[MAXN];
// cnt[i] stores the count
// of triplets with gcd = i
static int cnt[] = new int[MAXN];
// Return nC3
static int nC3(int n)
    if (n < 3)
        return 0;
    return (n * (n - 1) * (n - 2)) / 6;
// Function to count and return
// the number of triplets in the
// array with GCD equal to K
static void count_triplet(int[] arr,
                          int N, int K)
    int i, j;
    for(i = 0; i < N; i++)
       // Store frequency of
       // array elements
    for(i = 1; i <= 1000000; i++)
       for(j = i; j <= 1000000; j += i)
          // Store the multiples of
          // i present in the array
          mul[i] += freq[j];
       // Count triplets with gcd
       // equal to any multiple of i
       cnt[i] = nC3(mul[i]);
    // Remove all triplets which have gcd
    // equal to a multiple of i
    for(i = 1000000; i >= 1; i--)
       for(j = 2 * i; j <= 1000000; j += i)
          cnt[i] -= cnt[j];
    System.out.print("Number of triplets " +
                     "with GCD " + K);
    System.out.print(" are " + cnt[K]);
// Driver code
public static void main (String []args)
    int []arr = { 1, 7, 12, 6, 15, 9 };
    int N = 6, K = 3;
    count_triplet(arr, N, K);
// This code is contributed by chitranayal


# Python3 program to count the number of
# triplets in the array with GCD equal to K
MAXN = int(1e6 + 1)
# Frequency array
freq = [0] * MAXN
# mul[i] stores the count
# of multiples of i
mul = [0] * MAXN
# cnt[i] stores the count
# of triplets with gcd = i
cnt = [0] * MAXN
# Return nC3
def nC3(n):
    if(n < 3):
        return 0
    return (n * (n - 1) * (n - 2)) / 6
# Function to count and return
# the number of triplets in the
# array with GCD equal to K
def count_triplet(arr, N, K):
    for i in range(N):
        # Store frequency of
        # array elements
        freq[arr[i]] += 1
    for i in range(1, 1000000 + 1):
        for j in range(i, 1000000 + 1, i):
            # Store the multiples of
            # i present in the array
            mul[i] += freq[j]
        # Count triplets with gcd
        # equal to any multiple of i
        cnt[i] = nC3(mul[i])
    # Remove all triplets which have gcd
    # equal to a multiple of i
    for i in range(1000000, 0, -1):
        for j in range(2 * i, 1000000 + 1, i):
            cnt[i] -= cnt[j]
    print("Number of triplets with GCD"
          " {0} are {1}".format(K, int(cnt[K])))
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    arr = [ 1, 7, 12, 6, 15, 9 ]
    N = 6
    K = 3
    count_triplet(arr, N, K)
# This code is contributed by Shivam Singh


// C# program to count the
// number of triplets in the
// array with GCD equal to K
using System;
class GFG{
static int MAXN = 1000001;
// Frequency array
static int []freq = new int[MAXN];
// mul[i] stores the count
// of multiples of i
static int []mul = new int[MAXN];
// cnt[i] stores the count
// of triplets with gcd = i
static int []cnt = new int[MAXN];
// Return nC3
static int nC3(int n)
    if (n < 3)
        return 0;
    return (n * (n - 1) * (n - 2)) / 6;
// Function to count and return
// the number of triplets in the
// array with GCD equal to K
static void count_triplet(int[] arr,
                          int N, int K)
    int i, j;
    for(i = 0; i < N; i++)
       // Store frequency of
       // array elements
    for(i = 1; i <= 1000000; i++)
       for(j = i; j <= 1000000; j += i)
          // Store the multiples of
          // i present in the array
          mul[i] += freq[j];
       // Count triplets with gcd
       // equal to any multiple of i
       cnt[i] = nC3(mul[i]);
    // Remove all triplets which have gcd
    // equal to a multiple of i
    for(i = 1000000; i >= 1; i--)
       for(j = 2 * i; j <= 1000000; j += i)
          cnt[i] -= cnt[j];
    Console.Write("Number of triplets " +
                        "with GCD " + K);
    Console.Write(" are " + cnt[K]);
// Driver code
public static void Main (string []args)
    int []arr = { 1, 7, 12, 6, 15, 9 };
    int N = 6, K = 3;
    count_triplet(arr, N, K);
// This code is contributed by Ritik Bansal


// Javascript program to count the
// number of triplets in the
// array with GCD equal to K
var MAXN = 1000001;
// frequency array
var freq = Array(MAXN).fill(0);
// mul[i] stores the count
// of multiples of i
var mul = Array(MAXN).fill(0);
// cnt[i] stores the count
// of triplets with gcd = i
var cnt = Array(MAXN).fill(0);
// Return nC3
function nC3(n)
    if (n < 3)
        return 0;
    return (n * (n - 1) * (n - 2)) / 6;
// Function to count and return
// the number of triplets in the
// array with GCD equal to K
function count_triplet(arr, N, K)
    for (var i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        // Store frequency of
        // array elements
    for (var i = 1; i <= 1000000; i++) {
        for (var j = i; j <= 1000000;
             j += i) {
            // Store the multiples of
            // i present in the array
            mul[i] += freq[j];
        // Count triplets with gcd
        // equal to any multiple of i
        cnt[i] = nC3(mul[i]);
    // Remove all triplets which have gcd
    // equal to a multiple of i
    for (var i = 1000000; i >= 1; i--) {
        for (var j = 2 * i; j <= 1000000;
             j += i) {
            cnt[i] -= cnt[j];
    document.write( "Number of triplets "
         + "with GCD " + K);
    document.write( " are " + cnt[K]);
// Driver Program
var arr = [ 1, 7, 12, 6,
                    15, 9 ];
var N = 6, K = 3;
count_triplet(arr, N, K);


Number of triplets with GCD 3 are 4


Time Complexity: O (N * log N) 
Auxiliary Space: O(N)

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