Convert TSV to TXT in Python

In this article, we are going to see how to convert TSV files to text files in Python. 


  • Open TSV file using open() function
  • Open txt file in which we are going to write TSV file data
  • Then use csv.reader() it will return a reader object which will iterate over lines in the given TSV file. (set delimiter=”\t”)
  • Write data in the opened txt file line by line
  • Close opened files


csv.reader(file_name, delimiter="\t")


  • file_name is the input file
  • delimiter is the tab separator

Example 1:

File Used:


# importing library
import csv
# Open tsv and txt files(open txt file in write mode)
tsv_file = open("Student.tsv")
txt_file = open("StudentOutput.txt", "w")
# Read tsv file and use delimiter as \t. csv.reader
# function returns a iterator
# which is stored in read_csv
read_tsv = csv.reader(tsv_file, delimiter="\t")
# write data in txt file line by line
for row in read_tsv:
    joined_string = "\t".join(row)
# close files


Example 2: 

File Used:


# importing library
import csv
# Open tsv and txt files(open txt file in write mode)
tsv_file = open("Downloads/Student-1.tsv")
txt_file = open("Downloads/student2.txt", "w")
# Read tsv file and use delimiter as \t. csv.reader
# function returns a iterator
# which is stored in read_csv
read_tsv = csv.reader(tsv_file, delimiter="\t")
# write data in txt file line by line
for row in read_tsv:
    joined_string = "\t".join(row)
# close files


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